The total cholesterol contents of meats, harms, and sausages, which are often eaten at our daily lives, were determined. And the cholesterol content in the differently prepared chicken was determined.
Eleven percent of 128 soil samples examined in Seoul area for Toxocara canis eggs were positive. In experimental observation, 34 larvae were collected from 10 mice which have been infected with total 110 infective stage eggs obtained from soil samples and cultured in the laboratory room. Another group of mice was infected with larvae from mice and examined for reinfectivity test, and some larvae were detected in the liver tissue on the 2nd day after infection. By hisotological examination, an eosinophilic abscess was observed in the center of a typical granuloma in the liver on the 21st day after infection. It suggests that the larvae transmitted from another paratenic host is more pathogenic
A clinical observation was made on 221 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, who were admitted to Ewha Womans University hospital from January, 1973 to December 1977. Following results were obtained. 1) The ratio of the number of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding to the total number of patients admitted to the department of internal medicine during the same period was 3.97% as a whole and the yearly ratio has increased since 1975. 2) of 221 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer was presented in 46.6%, gastric cancer in 29.0%, esophageal varices in 11.3%, gastritis in 10.0% and unknown origin in 3.2%. 3) The ratio between male and female was 2.2:1 in the total group and peak age incidence was in the sixth decade. 4) Hematemesis only was noted in 20.4% and melena only in 50.2% while hematemesis and melena were seen in 29.4%. 5) Among 221 cases, 45.7% was belonged to massive bleeding group by Hamilton's criteria. 6) The frequency of bleeding was observed that first bleeding accounted for 73.8%, second bleeding for 18.6% and bleeding more than three times for 7.7%. 7) Eighty percents of patinets were improved with conservative treatment, whereas 19.9% of patients required surgical treatment, 82.5% of the operated cases were improved. 8) The mortality rate during the hospitalization was in 5.4% and the causes were mainly due to uncontrollable bleeding, hepatic failure and renal shutdown related to sustained shock in this order.
The authors were conducted the studies based on the analysis of the clinical and laboratory features of 145 cases of acute pancreatitis, admitted to the department of internal medicine, Ewha Womans University Hoispital, during the period from January, 1970 to December, 1976. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The incidence of acute pancreatitis was higher in woman than man and its peak level was 20 years and in next, 30 years both male and female. 2) The main symptoms were severe epigastric pain(97.9%) and in next, nausea and vomiting, radiating abdominal pain, fever, indigestion, diarrhea & constipation. The physical examination most frequently showed abdominal tenderness(92.4%) and in next, abdominal distension, muscle rigidity, jaundice & hepatomegaly. 3) The elevation of serum amylase above 300 somogyi unit was 71.7%, that of serum lipase was 45.6%, that of serum bilirubin was 42.4%. CAm/Ccr ratio was increased by more than 1.5~2 times of normal group in acute pancreatitis. 4) In radiologic studies, localized gas distension on small bowel in 93 cases of plain abdomen was 56.0%. Widened C-loop was 24.1% and spasticity of duodenal bulb was 13.8% in 29cases of upper G-1 series and non-visualization of gall bladder was 25.0% in 20 cases of oral GB series. 5) The possible etioloigic factors were overeating, undetermined, alcohol drinking & biliary tract disease in frequent orders. And associated diseases were biliary tract disorder, peptic ulcer & gastritis, pulmonary tuberculosis and paralytic ileus. 6) In 8 cases among 145 cases, surgical operation was performed, as a result of biopsy, hemorrhagic pancreatitis was 4 cases, pancreatic pseudocyst was 2 cases, fat necrosis was 1 case and pancreatic abscess was 1 case. 7) On the therapeutic results, recovery & improvement was 95.1%. No improvement & death were 4.9% each other and relapse was 2.8%.
Zander, in 1940, was the first to perform a cranioplasty with methylmetacrylate, and around the same time Kleinschmidt, in experiments on rabbits, demonstrated its nonirritative character. Brain edema often forced us not to replace the skull bone flap. Under such circumstances, mostly 3 to 4 months later, we had undertaken delayed cranioplasty. Authors reviewed 62 cases of head injuries with skull defect repaired by cranioplasty using methylmetacrylate resin. The results were as follows; 1. The majority of head injuries caused in the vehicle accident. 2. The most common sites of the skull defect were in the temporal and frontal bone. 3. The interval between primary decompressive craniectomy and delayed cranioplasty was from 3 to 4 months in the majority of cases. 4. Defects may fill in spontaneously to leave no visible evidence of it's presence. 5. The syndrome of the trephined was not relieved by cranioplasty. 6. The course of the post-traumatic epilepsy was not altered by cranioplasty. 7. Headache may be refered to the site of a cranial plate. 8. Cosmetic results were excellent. 9. Postoperative complications were observed in 4 cases(6.5%)
The purpose of this paper is to report the outcome in 100 patients operated on at the Ewha Womans University Hospital for severe head injuries as defined by the Glasgow Coma Scale. The diagnostic categories of all patients were epidural hematoma(30%), subdural hematoma(19%), intracerebral hematoma(4%), cerebral contusion(18%), subdural hygroma(7%), and epidural and subdural hematoma(22%). The overall outcome following severe head injuries was as follows: 68% made a good recovery or were moderately disabled, 10% were severely disabled or left vegetative, and 22% died. The outcome from severe head injuries seemed to become worse with advancing age or pupillary change. The value of the Coma Scale is evidenced from the fact that all of the patients who did poorly or died had 4 or less points and all of the patients who scored 5 points or better did well.
In view of the absence of any systematic study of the psychiatric disorders among the children (16 years and younger) in this country, the author reviewed 325 child psychiatric patients seen at the department of neuropsychiatry, Ewha Womans University Hospital during 10 years(from 1968~1977). In this paper the study group of 325 child psychiatric patients were studied with special emphasis on diagnostic distribution, age sex distribution, family back ground, sibiling order and course and purpose of visiting hospital. The results are as follows: 1) 325(8.7%) new child patients visited to neuropsychiatric department among the total 3,736 new patients from 1968 to 1977. 2) The number of the new child patients had increased year after year. 3) Most frequent diagnosis was neurosis followed by epilepsy, schizophrenia and special symptoms in that order. 4) 163 cases (50.1%) were male and 162 cases were female. Most prevalent age distribution was 12~16 year group(53.8%) 5) 16 patients (4.9%) had the history of paternal loss. 6) In sibling order, most prevalent was middle sibilings(18.6%). followed by last(17%), and first(16.6%). 7) Most patients were referes via O.P.D. 8) Purposes of visiting hospital were symptom treatment(55.1%), and psychiatric evaluation(44.9%).
Despite the wide use of local anesthetics in surgery, relatively little has been proven about the effects of these agents on skin flaps. The following investigation was undertaken to study the influence of local anesthetic agents, which and without epineprine, on the survival of skin flaps in the rabbits. Infiltration with xylocaine or procaine alone had no influence on the viability of either nondelayed or delayed flaps. However, the addition of 1:100,000 epinephrine, which was not detrimental to survival length in nondelayed flaps, significantly reduced the surviving length in delayed skin flaps.
In addition to being an important functional organ, the female breast must be considered in the perspective of present-day social consciousness as a structure of considerable significance. Modern reconstructive techniques have made possible the restitution of adequate contour following surgery for benign lesions, reduction and augumentation mammaplasty. Dermo-fat graft is popularly applied for restoring body contour and esthetic purpose. This 21-year-old female patient had history of surgical resection due to large hemangioma on left axillary region at 3-year-old age, followed left breast atrophy to scar contraction. It was augumented by dermo-fat graft from both buttock with over correction. Author reported an experience and reviewed literatures.
3 cases of chronic Myelocytic Leukemia in children were seen during 5 year period 1973~1978. They were 6 year old male, 10 year old male and 12 year old female. On physical examination, pallor and splenomegaly were noted with nontender, hard and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, axilla and inguinal region. They presented with a leukocytosis 100,000 per cumm~150,000 per cumm. The Philadelphia chromosomes were not detected. They in the chronic phase of chronic myelocytic leukemia responded well to busulfan. Maintenance of the hematologic remission has been possible with small daily doses of busufan.