In Korea, paragonimiasis is one of the most important endemic parasitic diseases with significant clinical relvance. Since 1917 when Kobayashi has reported a high infection rate(88.0%) of
Author studied with seventeen patients of acute viral hepatitis and seventeen normal volunteer by abdominal ultrasonography who were before and after fat meal after twelve hrs fasting. The results were as follows: 1) The gallbladder wall was significantly thicker than that of control group(2.38±0,54mm) in acute hepatitis group (4.0±1.98mm) (P<0.005) but in convalescent stage of acute viral hepatitis, the thickness of GB wall were decreased significantly to 2.62±0.05mm(P<0.025). There was no significant difference of the inner diameter of the GB between acute viral hepatitis group and convalescent stage of acute viral hepatitis group. 2) There was no significant difference of the inner diameter of the GB between acute viral hepatitis group (5.7±3.42cm2) than that those of normal control group (7.96±2.66cm2) (P<0.05). There was no significant difference of the inner cross sectional area of the GB between convalescent stage of acute viral hepatitis group and normal control group nor acute viral hepatitis group (P>0.1). 4) There was no correlation between the thickness of GB wall and the cross sectional area of the GB. 5) There was no significant difference of predicted outer cross sectional area of the GB among the 3 group(P>0.1). 6) The contraction of GB revealed 1.5hr after fat meal except 1 case. 7) There was no significant differences of contracted area of GB after fat meal among the 3 group (P>0.1) 8) There was no significantly increased the thickness of GB wall after fat meal in normal control group (3.49±0.8mm) (P>0.005), There was significantly increased in acute viral hepatitis group (5.49±1.77mm) (P>0.25) and convalescent stage of acute viral hepatitis (4.0±0.84mm) (P<0.005) in that of 12 hr fasting.
Phosphate binders that contain aluminum are usually prescribed to treat hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure, but an accumulation of aluminum can lead to osteomalacia, encephalopathy and anemia. To evaluate the effect of CaCo3 on serum calcium and phosphorus as a alternative phosphate binder, we studied 13 patients on regular hemodialysis treatment. In basal period, some patients were administered Al(OH)3 and CaCO3, others only the former or the latter and others nothing. Al(OH)3 was stopped in all patients and CaCO3 was started or increased in all patients. A better control of sCa, sPi and sCa-Pi product was observed during only Ca supplementation, despite Al(OH)3 discontinuation. Some patients developed a mild hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia, especially in those who had a normal predialytic sPi. Therfore considering the dialysate Ca concentration according to individual need and the adjustment of amount of CaC3 to avoid these risks can be recommanded with the dual objective of keeping a positive Ca balance and correcting hyperphosphatemia.
A Clinical study on 94 cases of primary liver cancer who were confirmed at Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1984 to December 1986 was carried out. The result obtained are as follows: 1) The ratio of male to female is 3.9 : 1, and highest incidence rate is 42.6% in 6th decade. 2) The chief complaints are RUQ abdominal pain, epigastric discomfort, dyspepsia, weight loss in the decreasing order. Physical examination shows hepatomegaly, ascites and jaundice. 3) Clonorchis sinensis infestation reveals 8.5% of cases. 4) Liver function tests shows serum globulin elevation in 96.8%, AST(aspartate aminotransferase, SGOT) elevation in 91.5%, alkaline phoaphatese elevation in 86.2%, in order of frequency. 5) Alpha-fetoprotein is positive (>400ng/ml) in 72.3% of cases. 6) Serum HBsAg is positive in 75.0% of cases. 7) Alpha-fetoprotein is apt to be positive in the HBsAg positive cases. 8) Space occupying lesions are demonatrated by liver scanning in 93.6% of cases: 73.9% in the right lobe, 11.4% in the left lobe and 14.7% in the both lobes. 9) Twelve (70.6%) of cases are assoiated with cirrhosis of liver. Of cases 75.0% is macronodular.
The mechanism of postoperative adhesion formation and prevention of adhesions are not clear, but the extent of adhesions of intestinal surfaces may be reduced with the various methods, such as minimal intestinal injury, prevention of coagulation of exudate, separation of prolonged contact of intestinal surfaces, removal of the fibrin and inhibition of fibroblast proliferation. Dextran has been used to prevent intestinal adhesions by means of floating bath and siliconizing effect in various experiments. In the gross findings, andhesions are classified into degrees as follows: Grade 0 : No adhesions Grade 1 : A single thin, easily separated Grade 2 : Two thin, easily separated Grade 3 : Numerous, thick, sharp lysed Grade 4 : Numerous, extensive, dense adhesions, resection needed In the pathologic findings, fibrinocollagen deposition, granulation, capillary proliferation, lymphocyte infiltration, edema and congestion are graded as mild(+), moderate and severe.(+++). The degree of adhesion were measured in 60 whit rats dividing into four equal groups at postoperative 1st week, 2nd week and 3rd week. Four groups were control group and intraperitoneal application groups with heparin, solumedrol and dextran respectively. The following results were obtained. 1) No significant differences in the degrees of adhesions were demonstrated among the four groups at postoperative 1st, 2nd and 3rd week. 2) The degrees of adhesion were significantly decreased in dextran group more than that of other groups at postoperative 1st, 2nd and 3rd week. 3) The changes of pathologic findings were more severe in postoperative 3rd week than that of 1st and 2nd week. 4) The gross and pathologic findings were correlated at same week each group. 5) The pathologic changes were decreased in dextran group more than that of other groups. In conclusion, the application of dextran was very useful for prevention of postoperative adhesions, and it should be opened for further study in large experimental group.
A clinical observation has been made on 500 cases of posttern pregnancy out of 6231 cases delivered at the dept of obstetrica and gynecology, collage of medicine, Ewha womens university for the past 3 years fom Jan. 1, 1983 to Dec. 31, 1985. A pregnancy was considered as postterm when exceeds 42 weeks calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. The result are as follows: 1) The incidence of postterm pregnancy was 8.02%. Among these 500 cases. 412 cases (6.61%) had 42 gestational weeks. 2) Total delivery in ralation to age distribution showed 3724 cases in 25~29 aged group and 1099 cases in 20~24 aged group while the incidence of postdate pregnancy showed 10.0% in 20!24 aged group and 8.62% in 25~29% aged group respectively. 3) The spontaneous onset of labor in posttem pregnancy was noted in 210 cases (42.0%). 4) Total duration of labor over 24 hours showed 1.12% and 0.63% in primipara and multipara and duration of second stage in labor over 2 hours showed 4.09% and 4.43% in primipara and multipara respectively. 5) The incidence of cesarean section was 30.92% in control group and 36.8% in posttem delivery group. 6) The number of newborn infants weighing 3000~3499 gm were 2447 cases (39.27%) in the control group and 207 cases (41.4%0, more higher in the postdate delivery group. 7) The incidence of the meconium stained amniotic fluid was 21.4% and low Apgar score was more common in meconium stained group. 8) The maternal complications were more common in meconium stained group. 9) The perinated death were 35.94 and 34.0 in control and postterm pregnancy repeatively. The incidence of the perinatal mortality by gestational weeks showed 8 cases for 42 weeks.
164 cases of cardiovascular surgery were performed at Ewha Womans University Hospital from March 1982 to October 1987. There were 119 cases of open heart surgery and 45 cases non open heart surgery. There were 112 congenital cardiac anomalies and 50 acquired heart diseases. Congenital cardiac anomalies were 35 PDA, 29 VSD, 21 TOF, 13 ASD, 3 ECD, 2 MR and 9 other rare anomalies. Acquired heart diseases were 24 mitral valvular diseases, 7 aortic valvular diseases, 14 multiple valvular diseases and 5 other rare diseases. We had 21 operative mortalities and 18 complications.
The object of this investigation was to study the effects of methylprednisolone (M.P.) on the pathological change in the acute focal ischemic cerebral edema in cats. Forty cats were divided 4 groups : The first group was sham control group (4 cats). The second group was induced acute experimental ischemia for 1 hour by occlusion of left middle cerebral artery (M.C.A) applying the Heifetz clip through the transorbital approach under the operating microscope (12 cats). The third and the fourth groups were induced acute experimental ischemia fro 3 hours and 5 hours respectively by the same method (respectively each 12 cats). Each group except sham control group was also divided 3 subgroups : The first, untreated group (4 cats) was recirculated for 2 hours after the acute ischemia. The third, treatment group (4 cats) was recirculated for 2 hours and injected M.P (15mg/kg) at 30 minutes after occlusion initially and then injected at 90 minute interval, respectively. The experimental results are as follows : In cats undergoing 1 or 3 hours of occlusion, treatment with methylprednisolone and recirculation show suppressive effects for subsequent edema and ischemia, but after 5 hours of occlusion, those have little positive or no effect. The effect of treatment with methylprednisolone and recirculation is dependent upon the degree of the ischemic insult and duration of ischemia. The present experimental results suggest that early medical treatment and recirculation within at least 4 hours protect the cerebral tissue from the injurious effect of ischemia. It would be considered that M.P. is used practically in the treatment of acute thromboembolism prevention the irreversible ischemic cerebral edema.
The author reviewed 12 cases of giant cell tumors which sere treated between January 1980 to May 1986. The results of various methods of treatment applied were compared & literatures surveyed. The following results were obtained. 1) The highest incidence occurred in twenties and there was no difference in sex distribution. 2) The most frequent site was the intertrochanteric area of the femur & 4 cases (33%) occurred around the knee joint. 3) As the primary treatment, curettage & bone graft was performed in 5 cases, curettage & cementation in 2 cases, resection in 2 cases, local excision in 1 cases & radiotherapy in 1 case. 4) 3 cases recurred and their primary treatment was curettage & bone graft. 5) As the secondary treatment, curettage & bone graft was performed in 1 case & curettage & cementation in 2 cases.
We present herein a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising from leukoplakia developed in 1 51-year-old male. He has had a walnut sized whitish plaque with a central ulceration for one year. Histopathologic findings grade II of squamous cell carcinoma. Ten months after irradiation, he died.