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Volume 11(4); December 1988

Original Articles

Autoradiographic Study on the Distribution of Serotonin-2 Receptors in the Rat Brain
Hee Lai Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):207-214.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.207

The distribution of serotonin-2 receptors in the rat brain was studied by light microscopic autoradiography, using [3H]ketanserin as a ligand. The serotonin-2 receptor densities were quantified by an actual count of labeled silver grains from the tissue preparations. A heterogeneous distribution of serotonin-2 receptor densities was found in the rat brain. High concentrations of serotonin-2 receptors were localized over the superior colliculus, neostriatum, amygdaloid complex and mammillary body. Intermediate concentrations were found over the dentate gyrus and visual cortex(area 17). Low densities were found over the substantia nigra and olfactory tubercie. The observations made in this study indicate that the anatomical distribution of serotonin-2 receptor is in accord with the distribution of serotoninergic innervation and the densities of serotonin-2 preceptor are differences in brain area of rat.

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A Study of Localization of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Endometrium of Mouse Uterus During Estrous Cycle
Sung Rye Kim, Moon Kyoo Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):215-223.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.215

This study has been done in order to verify the localization of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activity, in connection with the mechanism of seceretion and absorption of luminal fluid in the mouse uterus during estrous cycle. The localization of ALP has been carried out by using a modified Ernst(1972)12) method. The results of these experiments were as followings: The reaction product by ALP activity was localized in general at the luminal and glandular epithelia, and the wall of blood vessels of endometrium. At diestrus stage, luminal surface and basal lamina of the epithelia showed a moderate reaction products by ALP activity. However, the intensity of ALP activity was not even according to the region. As the cyclic stage transited from proesturs to estrus the reaction product at the basal lamina region and on the luminal surface, which showed a lot of well developed microvilli, appeared gradually heavier to be come maximum at estrus stage. It is implying that the most active transport of luminal fluid occurs at these region during estrus stage. At metaestus stage, the reactive product at the same sites as estrus stage appeared light with some symptomes of degeneration. Some of secretory cells on the luminal epithelium had mitochondria with dense granules in their matrix. Therefore, from the above result it is strongly suggested that the chages in the localization and intensity of ALP activity on the luminal and glandular epithelia, and blood vessels might be closely correlated with the secretion and absorption of the luminal fluid in the uterus during estrous cycle.

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Turning Behavior and Substantia Nigra Structure After Unilateral Lesion and of the Rat Neostriatum
Young Sook Pae
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):225-235.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.225

After unilateral lesion of the rat neostriatum, we have been studied the relation between the behavioral chages of the rat and structural chages of the substantia nigra. We could find that a great number of axon terminals with pleomorphic vesicles in the ipsilateral substantia nigra were degenerated after one site lesion of neostriatum. while the structure of contralateral site was entirely intact. Also, we have been investigated that the contralateral asymmetry of posture and turning bebavior of the rat with lesion in the neostriatum. By the above results, it can be concluded that the axon terminal with pleomorphic vesicles in the substantia nigra ending of strio-nigral fibers and the degeneration of these ending is a cause to bring the contralateral postural asymmetry and/or circle behavior.

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The effects of carcinogens, 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene(3'-MeDAB) and aflatoxin B1 on ultrastructural changes of biliary epithelial cells in the rats experimentally infected with Clonorchis sinensis were investigated using male rats of the Sprague-Dowley strain. The animals were divided into 5 groups : group I, given 50 Clonorchis metacercariae alone ; group II-a, treated with 0.03% 3'-MeDAB alone for 12 weeks; group II-b, treated with 1.0ppm aflatoxin B1 alone for 12weeks : group III-a, given 50 metacercariae at the beginning of the 12 weeks treatment with 3'-MeDAB and group III-b, treated with 50 metacercariae plus 1.0ppm aflatoxin B1. Since the 4th week of experiment, ultrastructures of epithelial cells were observed, using transmission electron microscope. In group I, some elaborate interwoven folds of lateral cytoplasm forming labyrinths of interconnected intercellular space, variety in nuclear shape and marked proliferation and swelling of rough endoplasmic reticulum were characteristic. In groups II-a and II-b, remarkable enlargement of nuclear size, increase of chromatin granules along the inner membrane of nucleus and nucleolar margination were prominent. On the other hand, group III-a or group III-b revealed mostly combined findings of those shown in Clonorchis-infected rats and carcinogen-treated ones. Furthermore, the presence of liver fluke and carcinogen led to neoplastic change. In general, treatment with 1.0ppm aflatoxin B1 alone(group II-b) or 1.0ppm aflatoxin B1 plus Clonorchis metacercariae(group III-b) resulted in much earlier onset of alterations than that with 0.03% 3'-MeDAB alone(group II-a) or plus metacercariae(group III-a) throughout the observation. Despite differences in time of onset of alterations, they appeared to be essentially of the same order in cases of groups II-a and II-b, or groups III-a and III-b, respectively. In conclusion, it was clearly evidenced that Clonorchis infection plays an important role as a promotor in cholangiocarcinogenesis in the rats treated with 3'-MeDAB or aflatoxin B1.

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The Histopathologic and Immunohistologic Study on the Non-specific Benign Lymphadenopathy
Woon Sup Han
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):249-256.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.249

This study was undertaken in an attempt to identify histopathologic and immunohistologic findings of non-specific benign lymphnode hyperplasia. The materials used in this suty consist of 169 cases of benign lymphnode hyperplasia in the lymphnode specimen dissected due to mass during the period of 6 years and 10 months in the department of pathology. The following results were obtained. 1) The ratio male to female was 1:1.2. The frequency was most common between 20 to 29 years old age with the percents of 24. 2) The most common type of benign lymphnode hyperplasia was diffuse hyperplasia(54 cases, 32%). The follicular hyperplasia was noted in 40 cases(24%), sinus histiocytosis in 36 cases(21%) and mixed pattern in 39 cases(23%). 3) The degree of diffuse hyperplasia, sinus histocytosis and mixed pattern was mild to moderate, while the severe degree was common in follicular hyperplasia. 4) The histopathologic findings associated with benign hyperplasia were necrosis, abscess and granulomas. 5) The immunohistologic stainings showed more frequent positive cells for IgG and IgA than positive cells for IgM. The frequency of positive cells for IgG and IgA was mild to moderate in follicular hyperplasia, diffuse hyperplasia and mixed pattern of lymphnode hyperplasia. IgM positive cells was mild in degree of frequency in diffuse hyperplasia, sinus histocytosis and mixed patterns.

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A Study on Health Care and Daily Life of Aged Peaples in an Rural Area
Cha Hyung Wie
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):257-264.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.257

In order to find out the status of Health Care and Daily life of Aged Peaples in rural area, a study carried out, through analyzing the datas of health screening examination for 304 persons and questionaired survey for 242 persons out of 586 old persons in rural community, Su-Dong Myun, Yang-Ju Kun, Kyung-Gi Do, Korea during the September of the year of 1987 and the October of the year of 1988. The following results were obtained: 1) Out of 242 respondents in 1988 survey, 67.4% of them was complained of suffering sickness and out of 304 old persons nealth examined in 1987, 68.1% of them also nad suffered from more than one kind of illness, in the other words two-thirds of old persons in study rural area are complaing their health problem to-day. 2) Th disease order of old persons, found through health examination was degenerative joint disease(30.8%), chroinic gastritis(13.5%), diabetes mellitus(7.2%), hypertension(6.3%), anemia(5.8%) and chronic bronchitis(4.8%) respectively. 3) The rate order of receiving treatment or care by first choice in sick old persons was drug stores(73.1%), medical facilities(16.1%) and just waiting unitil getting well without any medical care(9.1%). 4) The rate of favorite foods for old persons were 50.4% in greens and 38.8% in meats in total, and 53.6% in meats among males and 70.0% in greens among females. 5) The food order of the favorite taste for old persons was suitable taste(23.1%), hot taste(15.3%), sweet taste(14.5%), hot and salty taste(10.8%) and hot and sweet taste(9.9%) respectively. 6) The habitually smokling rate was 76.8% in male and 50.0% in female and the drinking rate was 74.1% in male and 38.5% in female. 7) Out of 242 respondents, 77.3% of them are living with son and grandson together within same family, 17.3% of them are living with wife or husband and 5.4% are living alone. 8) In the religion of respondents, the rate order of belirever was buddist(38.9%), christian(13.2%), and catholic(2.1%). 9) The satisfactory rate for daily life circumstance was 59.1% out of 242 olol personus. 10) Out of 242 responodents, 83.1% of them are still working in the farms and houses around every day. 11) The place order of rest for daily pleasure was own house(54.5%) and No-In-Jung or old aged people hall(31.3%) in male, and own house(73.9%) and friend's house(20.8%) in female.

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A Study on Lipid Level and It's Effect on Insulin Treatment in Patients with Nonobese Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus(NNIDDM)
Nan Ho Kyung, Yoon Ja Kim, Tae Hi Min, Ji Su Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):265-270.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.265

It is well kown that an increased incidence of atherosclerosis in diabetic patients, and hyperlipemia might contribute to its development. Although diabetic populations are increasing in Korea, there are few reports showing abnonmalities of serum lipid metabolism in these patients. Various lipid values in serum were measured in 22 NIDDM and impaired with those of 20 normal control group to assess abnormalities of lipid metabolism. Follwoing results are obtained ; 1) Total lipid concentration was significantly higher in diabetics than in normal control(P<0.01). After control of hyperglycemia, total lipid concentration was significantly decreased(P<0.05). 2) Triglyceride concentration was significantly higher diabetics than in normal control(p<0.01). After control of hyperglycemia, its concentraion was significantly decreased(P<0.05). 3) Total cholesterol concentration was higher in diabetics than normal control, but there were no statistical significances. After control of hyperglycemia, there were on difference among each group.

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A Clinical Study of Aphasia: Types and Prognosis
Kyoung Gyu Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):271-275.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.271

Aphasia is a language disorder due to damage of the language center in the dominant hemisphere. I studied 42 patients whose main neurologic symptom was aphasia. In 42 aphasia patients, motor aphasia appeared in 13 pts(30.9%), sensory aphasia in 11 pts(26.1%), conduction aphasia in 5 pts(11.9%), anomic aphasia in 4 pts(9.5%), global aphasia in 4 pts(9.5%), transcortical motor aphasia in 3 pts(7.4%), transcortical sensory aphasia in 2 pts(4.7%). The most common associated pathologic condition was hypertension(85.7%) and the others were hypertriglyceridemia(42.9%), cardiac arrythmia(38.1%), transient ischemic attack(14.5%), seizure(9.5%) and hypotension(7.4%). The most common combined neurologic symptom was motor hemiparesis(26.22%), and the others were dysphagia, sensory hemianesthesia, ocular motor diturbance, agraphia, alexia, acaculia, finger agnosia and apraxia. The anomic aphasia and transcortical aphasia had best prognosis and the global aphasia had worst prognosis.

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Pediatric Colonoscopy
Eung Bum Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):277-282.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.277

A review was made of 98 fiberoptic colonoscopies performed between January 1984 and August 1987 on aged 9 month to 14 years. Deep sedation was used in all procedures under demerol(1mg/kg), thorazine(0.625mg/kg), seconal enema(10mg/kg) and valium(0.3mg/kg). Indications were anorectal bleeding in 31 cases, diagnostic evaluation of abdominal pain in 37 cases, recurrent intussusception in 10 cases and chronic diarrhea, colon polyps, anemia, colon mass and loss of defication sense in 20 cases. The cecum was reached in 96% of diagnostic examinations. Bleeding sufficinet to find lesions was seen in 12/31 cases with anorectal bleeding and abdominal pain in 12/37. One minor complication and no major complication occurred. Colonoscopy is usually the most sensitive and accurate diagnostic tool for the evaluation of colonic disease, but barium enema and colonoscopy are complementary tests and barium enema should usually precede colonoscopy with certain exceptions.

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It is the purpose of the this experimental study to investigate the protective effect of pretreatment of mannitol and methylprednisolone(MP) on the changes of the high-energy metabolites(nucleotides ; derivatives of adenosine, guanosine, uracil and cystosine) and adenylate energy charge in the brain tissue of the cats. The experimental animals were divied into three groups. Group I was the sham control groups that the postorbital approach was performed but no occlusion of MCA. Group II was the recirculation group that of 2-hour recirculation after the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery(MCA) via the postorbital approach. Group III was that of pretreatment of the combination of mannitol(29mg/kg) and MP(3mg/kg) at 30 minutes before occlusion of the MCA and then every one and a half hours during the 5-hours occlusion and 2-hours recirculation. The experimental results are as follows. 1) Adenosine derivatives : In group III ATP was significantly increased to 622.9%, ADP significantly increased to 154.81%, AMP reduced 68.05% and total adenosine nucleotides increased to 103.63% of the values of group III. 2) Adenylate energy charge(E.C.) : In group III E.C. was recovered to 82.66% and increased to 206.66% of the values of group II. 3) Guanosine derivatives : In group III GTP was significantly increased to 554.03%, GDP increased to 96.61% and GMP reduced to 62.71% of the group II. 4) Uracil derivatives : In group III UTP and UDP was significantly increased to 470.37%, and 300.64% respectively and UMP was reduced to 91.7% of values of group II. 5) Cystosine derivatives : In group III CTP was increased to 133.33%, CDP reduced to 90.0% and CMP increased to 119.03% of values of group II. These above results suggested that pretreatment of mannitol and MP have a protective effect on the acute focal cerebral ischemia when given prior to the onset of the ischemia by the stabilization of the energy regulation and maintenance of a higher level of adenylate E.C.

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The Effect of Naloxone on Pathological Changes in the Experimental Spinal Cord Injury
Sung Hak Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):299-309.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.299

The object of this investigation was to study the effects of Naloxone on histopathological changes in cats subjected thoracic cord contusion. Twenty cats were divided 4 groups : The first group was sham control(3 Cats). The second group was the impact group that was induced by T9 cord injury without treatment(6 Cats). The third group was the saline group that was induced by T9 cord injury and treatment with Saline(6 Cats). The fourth group was the Naloxone group that was induced by T9 cord injury and treatment with Naloxone(6 Cats). The histopathological evaluation of the injured spinal cords in Naloxone-treated Cats had less tissue damage than would be observed in time-matched standards. The histopathology in Saline-treated group had slightly better than typical of what we would expect in impact group.

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An Experimental Study on the Effects of X-rays and Microwave Hyperthermia on the Liver of Rats
Eun Chul Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):311-322.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.311

Hyperthermia can enhance the radiation effect as a synergistic effect in combination of X-ray irradiation and hyperthermia. Hyperthermia sensitizes radioresistant S-Phase cells in cell cycle and inhibits cellular recovery from sublethal damage. Author fabricated 100 watt, 2450 MHz microwave applicator for hyperthermia, planned the methods and conditions of heating, and measured the temperature by using Agar phantom as a preliminary test. For biological examination, 90 rats were divided into 4 groups as hyperthermia, X-ray irradiation(6, 8 and 10 Gy), X-ray irradiation with hyperthermia, and normal control groups. Histologic examination of the liver was done. The results were as followings: 1) In hyperthermia group, there was mild degeneration of hepatocyte and mild degree of edema in portal tracts. 2) Mild degeneration of hepatocyte was appeared in the liver after 15 days of 6 Gy X-ray irradiation, and mild necrosis of hepatocyte with disarray after 60 days of 8 Gy irradiation. the findings were more severe in the group of 10 Gy irradiation. 3) In the group combined modality of irradiation plus hyperthermia, mild degneration of hepatcoyte was appeared after 15 days of 6 Gy irradiation, and mild necrosis of hepatocyte with disarray after 60 days of 8 Gy irradition. 4) The thermal enhancement ratio (TER) of the liver, which was calculated at the end point of disarray and necrosis of hepatocyte, was 1.0 in the group of combined modality.

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Study on Effects of Heavy Metals in Schizophrenics (In, Pd, Cd, and Zn)
Young Sook Lee, Kun Hoo Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):323-336.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.323

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of lead, cadmium and zinc in schizophrenics and the correlation of lead, cadmium and zinc and MMPI clincal scales. Contents of lead, cadmium and zinc in hair and MMPI was tested in 80 male chronic schizophrenics and 64 normal controls in 20~29 years. The series of analysis for lead and cadmiun in hair sampled from the subjects were conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometer(IL. 551) with CTF atomizer(IL. 655) and the analysis for zinc were conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometer(IL. 551). Mean hair lead and cadmium values were significantly higher in schizophrneics than normal controls(P<0.01, P<0.01), but mean hair zinc value were not different significantly between two groups. Mean hair lead, cadmium and zinc value were not different significantly between Seoul and other residents. Lead content was significantly correlated with hypochondriasis scale(Hs : r=0.167, P<0.05) and paranoia scale(Pa : r=0.168, P<0.05). Cadmium content was significantly carrelated with hypochondriasis scale(Hs : r=0.278, P<0.01), depression scale(D : r=0.235, P<0.01) paranoia scale(Pa : r=0.177, P<0.05) and schizophrenia scale(Sc : r=0.189, P<0.05). Zinc conotent was significantly correlated with depression scale(D : r=0.209, P<0.05) and psychopathic deviate scale(Pd : r=0.214, P<0.01). The mean value of lead content in hair of group who was higher than 70 in hair group who was higher than 70 in T-score was significantly higher than below 70 in Pd scale(P<0.05). The mean vale of cadmium content in hair of group who was higher than 70 in T-score was significantly higher than the below 70 in Hs scale(P<0.01) and Pa scale(P<0.01).

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A Clinical Study on Neuropsychiatric Patients Admitted Via the Emergency Room
Haing Won Woo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):337-343.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.337

Hospital records of neuropsychiatric patients admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital via the emergency room from January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1986 were reviewed, and the following results were obtained. 1) Patients admitted via the emergency room comprised 6.65% of total neuropsychiatric admission The rate of emergency admission were 3.98% at 1982, 3.48% at 1983, 8.5% at 1984, 7.9% at 1985, 9.4% at 1986 which seems increasing tendency. 2) The male : female sex ratio of the patients was 1 : 1.03. 43% of the emergency room admission patients were in their twenties and 20% of the patients were thirties, 63% of them were in their twenties or thirties. 3) 82% of them were in the middle class of socioeconomic level, 46% of the patients had college education level and 51% of them were married status. 4) Presenting problems, in the order of frequency, were delusion and hallucination, somaticsymptom, anxiety and phobia, exciting and assultive behavior, convulsion, suicide attempt, behavior disorder, sleeping disturbance, consciousness disorder and homicide tendency. 5) In most cases the duration of hospitalization was 2 weeks or less for neurosis and over 2 weeks in schizophernic disorders. 6) 21.5% of the emergency room patients were diagnosed as schizophrenic disorder which was the most frequent diagnosis in all patients. 7) 23% of the emergency room patients were discharged against medical advice.

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A Study on the Influencing Factors to the Sexual Conflict of Marital Relation
Kyu Wol Yun, Kun Hoo Rhee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):345-355.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.345

Author has been researched the factors which influence the latent sexual conflict of marital relation by way of social field survey through questionnair method from June 20th, 1984 to Aug. 10th, 1984. The results are as followings : In case of latent sexual conflict of marital relation, the most influential factors are age, sivling order, survival of parents, preference of parents, experience of sexual education at the age of puberty, experience of masturbation at the age of puberty, style of marriage, period of acquaintance before marriage premarital sexual experience, and occupation. The most important factors among the said factors are the experience and the attitude before the age of puberty.

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Case Reports
A Case if Wilson's Disease
Ho Kyung Kang, Sung Sook Park, Soon Ok Kim, Woo Hyung Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):357-361.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.357

Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive abnormality in the hepatic excretion of copper that results in toxic accumulation of the metal in liver, brain, and the other organs. Wilson's disease associated with brain lesion was found in 25-year-old woman who had dysarthria, wing-beating tremor, and Kayser-Fleisher ring. Laboratory data revealed hypoceruloplasminemia, hypercuprinuria, hypocupronemia and increased copper deposition in the liver biopsy specimen. The brain CT showed mild cortical atropy and bilateral low attenuation in lentiform nucleus.

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A Case of Lipogranulomatosis Subcutanea
Hae Young Choi, Ki Bum Myung, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(4):363-366.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.4.363

We present a case of lipogranulomatosis subcutanea occuring on the legs of 15-year-old female. She was seen with twelve erythematous rice to pea sized tender papules on legs. Twelve months ago, several erythematous papules appeared and disappearance and recurrence of a few lesions has repeated. Histopathologic finding of macrophage stage was shown. Treatment with isoniazid was done and recurrence does not occur until now.

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