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Volume 12(4); December 1989

Original Articles


Induction of intestinal tumor by subcutaneous injection of 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine(DMH), 20 mg/kg/week, during 20 weeks was studied in rats fed by vitamin A(retinol) 50 µg, 500 µg/day.

Mucosal epithelial cell hyperplasia and mitosis in one crypt was not significantly inhibited by vitamin A administration(P>0.05). In electron microscopic findings, the cytoplasmic vacuoles were decreased in DMH+vitamin A-treated rats than DMH only. Dysplasia of the colonic mucosa in DMH+vitamin A-treated group were more slowly developed than DMH-treated rats. In DMH-treated rats the tumors were early detected after 14 weeks, but in DMH+vitamin A-treated groups were seen after 20 weeks.

All these findings suggest that vitamin A can effectively prevent cytotoxicity of carcinogen in early phase, but can not prevent carcinogenesis in late phase.

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Neutrophil Function and the Effect of Chemotherapy on Neurophil Function in Patients with Cancer
Soon Nam Lee, Lee Gap Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):253-263.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.253

It has been recognized for a long time that human malignant diseases are associated with immune deficiency states. Impaired phagocytic function, low levels of plasma opsonins, impaired bactericidal activity of granulocytes and macrophages, deficiency of myeloperoxydase, reduced migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and granulocytopenia have all been found in malignant condition primarily or secondarily.

Especially neutrophils are crucial to the body's defenses against infection. Defects in phagocytes can contribute to the local establishment and systemic spread of serious bacterial infection.

The authors studied neutrophil function in 40 control and 15 patients with acute myelogenous leukemia, 10 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 40 with stomach cancer, 10 with hepatoma, 10 with pancreas cancer and 25 with other organ tumor to prove the mechanism of increased risk and the severity of infection using a battery of simple and reproducible neutrophil function tests as adherence to nylon wool fiber, migration under agarose method and nitrobule tetrazolium reduction test.

The results obtained are as follows;

1) On adherence to nylon wool fiber, the adherence was significantly decreased in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia, but increased in patients with lymphoma. In patients with other solid tumors, there were no significant differences from those of controls. After chemotherapy with Cisplatin and 5-FU, the adherence was significantly decreased than that of prior to therapy.

2) On migration under agarose, the chemotactic differential was significantly decreased in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia but increased in patients with hepatoma and pancreas cancer. Presence of factors of those increment was suspected. After infusion of Cisplatin, chemotactic differential was decreased significantly but after infusion of 5-FU, it was decreased but there was no significance.

3) On NBT reduction test, NBT reduction was diminished in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia but increased in patients with hepatoma and pancreas cancer. It is assumed that some unidentified factors would be present to enhance chemotaxis and NBT reduction in patients with hepatoma and pancreas cancer. After infusion of Cisplatin, NBT reduction was significantly decreased, but after infusion of 5-FU it was decreased but not significantly.

In patients with acute myelogenous leukemia, neutrophil functions were much impaired but in patients with solid tumors, there were no neutrophil function defects.

After chemotheraphy with Cisplatin and 5-FU, neutrophil functions were much compromised and this would predispose to increased risk of infection.

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Since extracorporeal shock waves lithotripsy in urinary tract has been proved successful, it leads to extend the technology to the treatment of gallstones. Before preliminary clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for gall stone, I evaluated the effects of Extracorporeal SD-3 lithotripsy on the various abdominal organs of the dogs and its efficacy on experimentally induced cholelithiasis in the same species.

In spite of a limited number of observation, the high energy shock wave was not serious complication of abdominal organs, and experimentally induced gall stone in the dogs seems to be effectively fragmented and tolerated in the composition of cholesterol stone, but not effect in pigment stone.

In conclusion, the biliary lithotripsy with extracorporeal shock wave may be a useful treatmental method if applied in selected cases and it should be opened for further study in larger experimental group.

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Pediatric Appendicitis: Factors Affecting Postappendectomy Morbidity
Kum Ja Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):275-282.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.275

In the pediatric age group, appendicitis is the most common condition requiring abdominal surgery that continues to be characterized by a high morbidity rate despite a significant decrease in the mortality rate.

A study was performed to identify factors associated with postoperative complications in 130 children with acute appendicitis during 4 years period from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1988.

The results of this study indicate the following :

1) Simple appendicitis group was 80 cases(61.5%), complicated group was 50 cases(38.5%), and male to female ratio was 1.2 to 1.

2) Postappendectomy morbidity was 2.5% in simple appendicitis group and 44% in complicated appendicitis group.

3) Significant predictors of the complicated appendicitis were 1) age under 9 year-old, 2) duration of symptoms over 24 hours, 3) preoperative body temperature over 38℃, 4) leukocytosis over 15,000 WBC/mm3.

4) Duration of symptoms was the factor most closely associated with postappendectomy complications in the complicated appendicitis.

5) Preoperative antibiotics did not appreciably influence the incidence of complications in the complicated appendicitis. Results presented illustrate that postappendectomy morbidity is strongly influenced by the status itself of appendicitis.

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A Clinical Analysis of Ulcerative Colitis
Eung Bum Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):283-288.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.283

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by diffuse ulceration of colorectal mucosa and submucosa. It is relatively frequent in the western countries, but is relatively rare in Korea. However, the diagnostic rate shows a tendency to increase with various diagnostic method and attention to the diseases of the patients.

Author has experienced 31 cases of ulcerative colitis diagnosed with clinical symptoms, radiologic and endosopic examination from March, 1983 to August, 1989 at Ewha Womans University Hospital.

The results are as follows;

1) The peak incidence of age was 20~29(41.9%) and the ratio of male to female was 1:2.1

2) The chief complaints on admission were bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

3) The duration from the onset of the symptoms to the first visit was less than 1 month in 18 cases(58.1%).

4) The most common involved site of the disease was rectosigmoid colon.

5) The operations were performed in 6 cases and their indications were unresponsive to medical treatment(3cases), perforation(2 cases) and one primary peritonitis.

6) The operations were J shaped ileal pouch-anal anastomosis after total colectomy and subtotal colectomy (2 cases), total proctocolectomy with permanent ileostomy( 1 cases), left hemicolectomy with end to end anastomosis (1 case), right hemicolectomy with ileostomy(l case) and one exploratory eaparotomy.

7) There were 2 proctitis in complication and no mortality.

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For the aim of clarifying oocyte maturation process in mammalian oocyte, we have studied the patterns of the germinal vesicles breakdown according to the stage of nuclear changes after various periods of culture.

As the culture time was prolonged, the germinal vesicles breakdown were significantly increased and after nine hours of culture, 14% of the oocytes were in metaphase II. After 12 and 16 hours of culture, the germinal vesicles break down occurred 35% and 54% respectively.

The oocytes of metaphase II were significantly accumulated after 9 hours of culture.

Each steps of the meiotic division appeared to be asynchrony in maturation of oocytes in vitro.

We have found that in vitro mouse oocyte can be occurred spontaneous maturation without the gonadotropin stimulation.

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This report provides information on the phonational frequency range and alternation of registration of male university students. Phonational frequency range is defined as that range of vocal frequencies encompassing both the chest and head voice registers.

The purpose of this study is, by understanding of voice essence and observation of changeable condition by acquired factors.

The results of comparative analysis between professional voice users(students of singing school) as study group and non-professional voice users as control group are as follows.

1) The phonational frequency range of study group is 22~38 semitones and that of control group is 20~34 semitones. There is 2~4 semitones difference between study and control group.

2) According to the average phonational frequency range of each grade, there is no significant difference in the study group but there is increasement of 1 semitones per each grade in phonational frequency range.

3) The persons who have longer voice training duration have more high phonational frequency range than who have shorter voice training duration.

4) Both control and study groups show that higher grades have higher phonational frequency range.

5) The alternation of the registrations are higher in the study group than in the control group, but in the study group the alternation of the registration is obscure.

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The Concepts of Sexuality Presented Through Korean Proverbs
Young Sook Park, Kun Hoo Rhee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):311-317.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.311

This study analysed Korean concepts of sexuality presented through traditional proverbs in order to understand the past sexual concepts of Koreans. Out of 2,5000 proverbs, 456 of them are related to sexual concepts.

The analysed proverbs in conclusion can be summarized in three ways as follows.

First, sex has been classified as sex for reproduction among couples outside marriage so resulting in dualistic sexual concepts about sexual function.

Second, the pleasure seeking sexual activity resulted in conflict within the family so that this family conflict lead to the negative sexual concept as sex is dangerous and must be guarded.

Third, pleasure seeking sexual desire for male is regarded to be universal while for female is recognized as a peculiarity. Thus the biased concept of sexual desire has lead to more deep frustration among females.

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The treatment of herniated lumbar disc has been a challenging problem in spite of various methods of treatments such as conservative, chymopapain injection, percutaneous automated nucleotome method and surgical removeal of discs. Among the above listed treatment, Smith and Brown reported the clinical experience by way of intradiscal injection of chymopapain with beneficial result and clinical reports followed thereafter.

On the other hand, the serious neural adverse effects were reported by Smith laboratories since the clinical application of chymopapain such as transverse myelitis, paralysis, seizures and hemiplegia which is not fully clarified but may be due to chymopapain itself and improper technique. This study was carried out to clarify the effect of chymopapain on the spinal cord and peripheral nerves by way of application topically in rabbits.

The results were as follows :

1) There were no abnormal gross or histological findings when the chymopapain was spread around the sciatic nerve and spinal cord extradurally.

2) In the group of the chymopapain injected into the sciatic nerve sheath, there was immediate nerve paralysis and severe necrosis of the axon. But the schwann's sheath was intact and no hemorrhage was observed.

3) In the group of intradural chymopapain injection, there was massive hemorrhage, perivascular neutrophil infiltration and necrosis of the gray mater of spinal cord.

In conclusion with this experimental study, the chymopapain induced peripheral neuropathy followed by axonal necrosis when injected into peripheral nerve. The central neuropathy was developed with hemorrhage and necrosis of the gray mater of the cord when the chymopapain injected intradurally.

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Effects of Ketamine, Halothane and Enflurane on the Awareness Under N2O for Cesarean Section
Guie Yong Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):329-334.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.329

A major problem with general anesthesia for Cesarean section is the incidence of maternal awareness and unpleasant recall occasioned by the use small doses and low concentrations of anesthetics to minimize neonatal effect.

To reduce awareness, various measures have been attempted. The purpose of study is to assess the influence of ketamine, halothane and enflurane on the maternal awareness and neonatal depression under N2O for Cesarean section. This study group consisted of 48 patients undergoing Cesarean section under general anesthesia.

Anesthesia was induced by thiopental, succinylcholine chloride injected, and maintained until baby delivery with according to divided group.

Group 1: thiopental, 50% N20

Group 2: thiopental, 50% N2O and ketamine(0.25mg/kg)

Group 3: thiopental, 50% N2O and 0.5% halothane

Group 4: thiopental, 50% N20 and 0.6% enflurane

The results were as follows :

1. The incidence of awareness of 50% N2O group was 66.7%.

2. The incidence of awareness of ketamine, halothane and enflurane group was 8.3%.

3. When induction-delivery time is 8 minutes or less, there was no correlation between induction-delivery time and awareness.

4. There was no neonatal depression.

The use of ketamine, halothane and enflurane appears to be effective in preventing awareness when induction-delivery time is 8 minutes or less.

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Assessment of Comedogenicity of Cosmetics in Humans and Rabbits
Ki Bum Myung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):335-341.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.335

Cosmetics that are moderately to strongly comedogenic in the rabbit ear model test have been found to be capable of inducing comedones in human model.

In humans the test cosmetics were applied under occlusion for 4 weeks to the scapular region of young adults. The degree of follicular hyperkeratosis was assessed by a noninvasive skin surface biopsy technique, employing a fast-setting cyanoacrylate adhesive to remove the follicular content.

The rabbit model was more sensitive than the human. The test materials were applied once every day for 2 weeks onto the ventral surface of ear just external to ear canal. Excised tissue was thus immeresd in water at 60℃ for 2 minutes, yielding a sheet of epidermis with microcomedones attached.

The magnitude of follicular hyperkeratosis was assessed under the stereomicroscope. High correlation between assay results of comedogenicity in humans and rabbits was found. So, it was concluded that rabbit ear assay is a simple and rapid method to assess the comedogenicity of cosmetics and other contactants.

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Renal Fuction in Premature with Respiratory Distress Syndrome: The Effect of Perinatal Asphyxia
Seung Joo Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):343-348.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.343

We studied the postnatal development of the renal function and the incidence of the renal dysfunction in premature with reapiratory distress syndrome, admitted to NICU, E.W.U.H. from March, 1986 to August 1989.

The results were as follows.

1) Renal function in Group I, RDS premature without perinatal asphyxia, was not different from the control values.

2) Renal function in Group II, RDS premature with perinatal asphyxia was different from the control values. Serum creatinine concentration was 1.05mg% at postnatal age 3 day and decreased to 0.88mg% at P.A 7 day. But both values were significantly higher than control values(P<0.05)

Creatinine clearance, 10.8ml/min/1.73m at P.A. 3 day which was significantly lower than control, but increased to 17.4ml/min/1.73m at P.A. 7 day which was not different from control value. Urine Na excretion and FENa were 5.2lmEg/kg/d and 3.81% at P.A. 3 day and decreaed to 3.42mEg/kg/d and 1.86% at P.A. 7 day. But both values were significantly higher than control values.(P<0.05) The incidence of proteinuria, oliguria and azotemia were significantly higher than control.(P<0.05)

In conclusion, RDS per se did not compromise the renal function. But associated perinatal asphyxia delayed the postnatal development of the glomerular function and the tubular reabsorptive capacity which seemed to be transient.

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A Study on Blood Glucose, Calcium and Magnesium Levels in Newborns of Gestational Diabetic Mothers
Hae Won Lee, Kyung Hee Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):349-355.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.349

We measured blood glucose, calcium and magnesium level by postnatal age in 18 large infants of gestational diabetic mothers who delivered at Dept. of Obstetrics, Ewha Womans Univ. Hospital from jan. 1983 to june 1987, and compared with 21 control infants.

1) Incidence of infants of gestational diabetic mothers was 0.5%. Among them, incidence of large ingants was 33.9%.

2) The incidence of IGDM was highest between 25-29years of maternal age.

3) In the birthwerght distribution, 34.0% of the cases were above 4.0kg.

4) The blood glucose level of IGDM by postnatal age was significantly lower(50.9mg%) than control group at birth.

5) The incidence of hypoglycemia in IGDM was significantly higher(50%) than control group at birth.

6) The blood clcium level of IGDM was significantly lower than control group at 24hr(6.99mg%) and 48hr(7.27mg%).

7) The incidence of hypocalcemia in IGDM was significantly higher than control group at 24hr(50%) and 48hr(38.9%).

8) There was no hypomagnesemia in IGDM.

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Case Reports
A Case of Sudoriparous Angioma
Hyun Ok Kim, Jeong Hee Hahm, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):357-360.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.357

Sudoriparous angioma or eccrine angiomatous hamartoma is an unusual form of angioma with pain and hyperhidrosis over the lesion in clinically, and a hamartoma in which histologically, eccrine sweat apparatus and vascular elements is present in the same lesion. We present a case of typical sudoriparous angioma occuring on the left ankle area in a 17-year-old female patient.

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A Case of Connective Tissue Nevus
Joung Ok Lee, Ki Bum Myung, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1989;12(4):361-364.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1989.12.4.361

The connecitve tissue nevus represents a hamartoma of various components of dermal connective tissue elements, predominantly collagen, elastin or glycosaminoglycans. We present a case of connective tissue nevus on both hands, right elbow, right knee area. This case was a 9-year-old male who have had skin colored or yellowish plaques without subjective symptoms and there was no trauma histroy.

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