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Voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) is composed of at least four (α1, α2, β, and δ)subunits. Among them β subunit accelerates the kinetics of activation (channel opening) and nactivation (channel closure), and reguates the channel activity by phosphprylation through PKAand PKC that are activated by various signal transduction mechanisms. Until recently four isoforms of beta subunits (β1, β2, β3, β4) have been identified. Our recent data shows that VDCCβ3 gene is expressed only in e nervous system and around the perinatal stage at high level.Alternative splicing was o observed at both 5'- and 3'- ends. To elucidate alternative splicingand cts-acting element of gene regulation of the β3 subunit gene we isolated a 12.5kb-sizedgenomic clone encompassing β3 subunit gene from human genomic library using the whole β3subunit cDNA from NG108-l5 cell line as a probe. The genome was analyzed by Southem hybridization and sequencing. The β3 subunit gene consists at least of 12 exons, and deduced amino acid sequence from the exons showed 98% similarity with that of rat gene. The β3 subunitgene is not alternatively spliced at the middle of the gene, and has many possible phosphorylation sites,which may confer the regulatory role of the β3 subunit gene.
CAAT-binding transcription factor(CTF) proteins are implicated in the expression of multipleforms and are probably identical to nuclear facfor-1(NF-1). In herpes simplex virus thymidinekinase gene, CTF is required not only to induce basal transcription of this gene, but also tostimlulate the transcription of this gene by thyroid hormone. Gel mobility shift assays and biotin-avidin protein-DNA binding assays were performed to investigate if the synthesis of transcription factors which bind to CCAAT sequences of the TK promoter(CTF or CTF-like factors) is stimulated by T3 and to kdentify the CCAAT-binding proteins in GH4C1 cells havingendogenous thyroid hormone receptors. There are two different sized(31 and 33 kDa) CCAAT-binding proteins in GH4C1 cells having endogenous thyroid hormone receptors. The synthesisof these CTF-binding proteins were not affected by T3.
Corrent information from studies in animal models indicates that perinatal exposure to atcohol produces a variety of damaging consequences in the central nervous system. These mayresult from direct neurotoxic effects of ethanol on the CNS, a system known to be particularlysusceptible to environmental influences during development.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of ethanol on the neuronal viability and neurite outgrowth, one of the critical steps in neuronal differentiation, in primarycultured neuronal and glial cells of rat hippocampus.
Cell cultures were prepared on embryonic day 17 (E17) for treatment with a series ofethanol concentrations (10, 100, 500, and 1000mM). Effect of ethanol was investigated at 0, 18, and 24 hour fo11owing ethanol treatment. To study the changes in proliferation of glialcells, protein content was measured at 7 day in vitro.
The results are as fo11ows :
1) Ethanol did not altered neuronal survival or attachment to the substrate at any of the concentrations that were used.
2) 10 or 100mM ethanol was associated with significant increase in the total neurite length per cell.
3) 10 or 100mM ethanol markedly increased and 1000mM ethanol decreased protein contents on 7 day in vitro.
These findings suggested that ethanol mar have distinct effects on neurite outgrowth andalso indicated that high concentration of ethanol (500~1000mM) and long period of exposure(3~7days) were required to produce toxic effects on neurons and glial cells in this system.
Over the past 17 years, the number of medical research papers in the Ewha Medical Journalhas increased. And the use of statistics to evaluate experimental and clinical research data has increased. We observed statistical methods used in 730 articles from the Ewha Medical Journalfor a 17 year period(from 1978 to 1995). The most commonly used method was measurementof central tendency with t-test, χ2-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis(74.8%). The second most common method was χ2-test with t-test, ANOVA, pearson correlation(9.2%), fo11owed by epidemiological statistics(7.6%).
The observed errors of statistical method in 314 original aricles were 585 spells(repeat No./paper).
The most common error was that of no significant value and confidence interval(18.4%), followed by misuse of SE instead of SD(15.5%).
Misuses of applicating statistical method included the use of the t-test instead of ANOVA incomparing three groups(0.2%) and the use of the student t-test instead of paired t-test and vice versa.
Immunoglobulin A nephropathy(IgA nephropathy) Is one of the most prevalent glomerulonephritis in Korea, and nearly one third of them progress to end stage renal disease(ESR:D) over 20 to 30 years. The exact pathogenesis and therapeutic modality to inhibit theprogress of IgA nephropathy into BSRD are still uncertain in spite of lots of reports on beneficial effects of several therapeutic strategy. The present study was undertaken to know the incidence of IgA nephropathy, the mode of presentation, the characteristic pathologic findingsand the course of disease with the possible prognostic factor.
I reviewed the medical records including the pathologic reports of 37 cases of IgA nephropathy who performed renal biopsy between Jan. 1988 and Oct. 1995. The initialpresenting sypmtoms and laboratory finding, pathologic characteristic and follow-up data werealso investigated with the relationship between the initial laboratory or pathologic findings andthe deterioration of renal function.
The incidence of IgA nephropathy was 16.5%. IgA nephropathy was more prevalent in male in their 3rd decade. Gross hematuria (27%) and microscopic hematuria with significant proteinuria (24%) were the most common clinical symptoms/signs. The incidence ofneprotic syndrome among IgA nephropathy was 22%. The amount of proteinuria in total 37 subjects was 3.5±4.9g/day. Mesangial expansion (41%) and hypercellularity (41%) were themost common light microscopic finding. We couldn't find any statistically significant differencein initial blood pressure, serum creatinine and proteinuria according to the extent of mesangial IgA deposition. With the follow-up of mean duration of 22.4±0.8 months, serum creatinine increased significantly with the development of ESRD in 3 cases of subjects. These cases of ESRD all presented nephrotic syndrome initially, and did not respond to steroid therapy. The pathologic findings in 2 of them were global glomerular sclerosis and crescent formation.
IgA nephropathy is no longer the unusual and benign disease. Further prospective, controlled study is necessary to know which is the best therapeutic modality to inhibitor slow-down the progression of IgA nephropathy.
T-Iymphocytes regulate the erpression of a number of surface antigens such as CD4, CD8 and T cell receptor/CD3 complex, during their intrathymir development. The appearance of surface CD3 is heralded by cytoplasmic CD3 expression in T cell precursors. Thus early T cell progenitors may be distinguished by the presence of cytoplasmic CD3 in the absence of surface CD3. In this study, 1 described a technique for the simultaneous detection of intracytoplasmic CD3 and other surface antigens, CD4 and CD8 in the cells permrabilization by NP-40 fo11owing formaldehyde fixation. The technique results in no shift in the light scatter property andno changes in the expression of surface antigens, Tho present technique permitted the detection of cytoplasmic CD3ε and may prove useful in studying the expression of several cytoplasmic and surface antigens during early T cell development.
This study was aimed to assess the value of rapid urease test (CLO test) for thedetection of Helicobacter (H.) pylori in patiens with duodenal ulcer and compare its resultwith histological technique using H & E stain.
The CLO test and histological study were done using three pieces of antral biopsyspecimens in 46 patients with duodenal ulcer. The clinical histories such as smoking, bloodtype or the previous use of NSAIDs were obtained from the patients.
1) The CLO test was positive in 35 (76.1%) among 46 patients with duodenal ulcer, while H & E stain was positive in 91.3%.
2) When H & E stain positive case was diagnosed as H. pylori infection, the sensitivity of CLO test was 81.0%, the specificitry 75.0% and the predictability was 97.1%.
3) The grading of gastric inflammation showed that the higher the histologogical grade, the more likely CLO test would be positive.
4) There were no differences of recurring history of duodenal ulcer, smoking rate, NSAIDs history and blood type between 34 cases of both CLO and H & E positive cases and 3 cases ofboth negative cases except a mild increasing tendency of age, male predominance and scarringstage of duodenal ulcer in both negative cases.
The CLO test is a rapid and simple test, but it should require other complementary diagnostic tests to increase the sensitivity and specificity.
This study was performed to analyse the social character of Koreans which was percepted bycollege students, and to compare with the social charater presented by the previous researches.The evaluation method was the opened questionaire which was composed of the content,Which is the unique and major social charater of Koreans?. The subjects of this survey were500 college students sampled by random sampling method.
The results of this study were as follows :
1) These traits were Presented as the major social charater of koreans : first quick-tempered,second emotional and affectionate, third lack of accuracy, fourth sensitive toward other'sresponse, fifth familialistic and collectivistic, sixth show-off, seven self-centered, eighth resistant to change, ninth introverted, tenth authoritative trait.
2) The neucler traits among 10 social carater of Koreans was e emotinal and affectionate,familialistic and collectivistic tendency which was consistant with the previous research results.
3) It was found that compared the results of this study with the previous researches, the social chararter of emotinality and affectionateness was continued but the authoritative trait wasdecresed and the quirk-temperedness was intensified.
The present study was conducted to compare the MMPI profile of 29 Posttraumatic StressDisorder patients with 25 Organic Brain Affective or Personality Disoder patiene who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from March to August of 1995. MMPI-R(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), consisted of 556 items and of the revised standard form, was administered to the subjects. No significant difference was found between thetwo groups in age, sex, and education level.
Results of the present study were as follows :
1) Two subgroups were formed as a result of multivariate cluster analysis of T scores of allMMPI scales from the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder group. The first sub-group (N=22) showed moderate high socre on 3-1-2, 7-8 scales. The second sub-group (N=7) presented severehigh score on F validity scale and all clinical scale exept 5 scale so the t scores of 8-6-7,1-2-3-4scales were within 65-80.
2) Two subgroups were formed as a result of multivariate cluster analysis of T scores of allMMPI scales from the Organic Brain Affective or Personality Disorder group. The first subgroup (N=8) gave mild high score on K scale and on no clinical scales. The second sub-group(N=17) presented moderate high score on F scale and on 1,2,3,6,7,8 scales.
3) Exept for the defensive groups, it was found that F,6 scales and 3 scale were useful to differntiate the Posttraumatic Stress Disoders from the Organic Brain Affective or Personality Disorders.
4) The results suggest that MMPI is useful to differentiate the Posttraumatic Stress Disodersfrom the Organic Brain Affective or Personality Disorders.
In order to avdance understaning of the complex social process of individual drinking behavior, this cross-cultural study examined the effects of cultural and psychological factors on drinking behaviors among Koreans, Korean-Chinese and Chineas. Using the survey data collectedfrom lune, 1994 to April, 1995 both in Korea and Yanbian, China, we tested the hypothesisthat the social and cultural environment would lead differnt drinking behavior among Koreans,Korean-Chinese and Chinese in addition to the individual psychological factors. Subjects were 206 Koreans, 211 Korean-Chines and 204 Chines, total 621 subjects.
The results are :
1) The average amount of alcohol consumption and of blood level is highest in Koreans.
2) In terms of drinking motivation, the effect of blind drunkeness and group solidarity factors are higher for Koreans than others, whereas business purpose and controlling drinkingbehavior are higher among Korean-Chinese and Chinese.
3) There is no significant differences in the social motivation, while emotional motivation ishigher among Chinese for the individual motivation.
4) Age and emotional motivation are the main factors affecting the total amount of alcoholintake and the drinking frequency among Koreans. Group solidarity and blind drunkeness alsotend to lead the frequent drinking event for them. The factors of blind drunkeness and groupsolidarity also has causal effects on the frequencies of drinking for Korean-Chinese in Yanabian,while higher emotional motivaiotn as a psychological factors tends to lead a more frequentdrinking among Chinese.
5) These results show that there are differences in drinking behaviors due to the social and cultural differences among Korean-Chinese and Chinese especially in the frequencies of drinking rather than the total amount of alcohol intake.
Present knowledge of brain mechanism is mainly based on anatomical and physiological studies. Such studies are however insufficient to understand the information processing of thebrain. The present new focus on neural network studies is the most likely candidate to fill thisgap. We made a simulation of striaum by neural network model, which is capable of limitedgeneralization and completion and possesses characteristic property of brain such as termedgrceful degradation.
The mortality of surgical neonates at Ewha Womans University Hospital was analysed and classified during 1976 through 1993 in order to assess e change of mortality rate and provide an opportunity for developing strategies to take off our neonatal surgery.
The study period was devided three groups-'76 to'81 as period I,'82 to '87 as period II, and'88 to'93 as period III. Author evaluated retrospectively and compared the mortality rates and causes of death in three periods one another. The clinical classification system(CCS) and morality pattern were used to assess the severity of illness in each death.
Surgical neonates were 35 cases during period I, 61 cases in period II, and 115 cases in period III. And during the period III, there was threefold increase in comparision with period I. The number of death and mortality rate were 12 and 34.3% In period I,8 and 13.1%in period II, and 5 and 4.6% in period III. And the mortality rate in period III was significantly decreased. The most marked improvement of survival in neonatal surgery was in esophageal atresia and gastroschisis/omphalocele . And congenital diaphragmatic hernia was the most challenging problem in neonatal surgery with 40% of the overall mortality rate.
The CCS of death cases in period I were 5 Class II, 4 Class III, and 3 Class IV, and 1 nonpreventable, 2 permissible, and 9 preventable deaths. There were 2 Class II, 1 Class III, and 5 Class IV in period II. And in period III, there were 3 Class III, and 2 Class IV. Although'preventable death' hold the first place as mortality pattern, it dropped from 9 of 12 cases in period I to 3 of 5 cases in period III. The most common causes of death were respiratory failure and sepsis.
Although our hospital had very limited the trained intensive care unit physician and nurses and well-equipped NICUs, the treatment results were very significantly improving progressively. However we should keep up advance the survival of the neonates with multiple anomalies and severely malformed premature giving the adequate attention and active management.
There have been many recent advances in the clinical and basic sciences concerring the causeand cure of back pain and sciatica.
Pain drawings has improved our diagnostic acumen and clinical evaluation in same speed ofmodern diagnositic equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Adequate pain drawings obtained from 100 patients who was treated for a low back disorder from October 1993 to September 1994.
An initial dignostic impression was made at a glance over the pain drawing into five diagnostic group and the results were compared with the final diagnosis after treatment with magnetic resonance image(MRI).
One helpful strategy in diagnosing cause of back and leg pain syndrome is to assign patientsto one of five diagnostic groups. These are (1) benign etiologies (2) radicalopathy from herniated disk (3) radicalopathy seconday to spinal stenosis (4) serious underlying disorders and (5)behavioral disorders.
The initial impressions were 7 benign back pains, 55 disc herniation, 20 spinal stenosis, 15significant underlying disorder and 3 psycogenic back pain. The final diagnosis were 61 disc herniation, 17 spinal stenosis, 12 underlying disease, 7 degenertative disease, 3 psychogenic disorder.
Concerning the disc herniation, spinal stenosis, psychogenic disorder there were significant relationship between the initial impression and the final diagnosis. Pain drawings afford an important clue to disc herniation, psycogenic disorder in the assessment of back pain.
During open hearc surgery, cardioplegic solution iufusion is generally practiced to protectmyocardium. The main constituent of crystalloid cardioplegic solution to protect myocardiumis potassium. There are many studies of the effect of cardioplegic solution on myocardium, butstudies of the offect on coronary artery are few. To know the direct effect of the cardioplegicsolution on coronary artery, the isometric tension of rabbit coronary artery ring wag measuredduring perfusion of solutions. The results are as follows :
Crystalloid cardioplegic solutions, Y-solution and S-solution, induced contraction of oronary artery. High potassium Tyrode solution induced contraction of coronary artery. The isometric tension of coronary artery increased as the potassium concentration of the solution increases.Adenosine reduces potassium induced contraction of coronary artery in dose dependant manner, Nicardipin almost completely and persistantly abolished potassium induced contraction.Further study is needed to consider the feasibility of adding Adenosine in cardioplegic solutions.
The degenerative process of cervical spondylosis through acquired narrowing of the spinal canal or segmental hypermobility of the spinal column, either singularly or in combination, mayresult in injury to the spinal cord or supportive vasculature. The mutifactional character of cervical spondylotic myelopathy(CSM) indicates a probable onset and progression of this disease aswell as a diversity of clinical manifestations. Although it is recognized that a number of factors,mostly vascular, may contribute to the pathogenesis of CSM, surgical procedures performed forthis condition decompress the spinal cord on the premise that mechanical compression is a major, if not pirmary, causative factor.
For several decades, both anterior and posterior spinal decompressive procedures have beenperformed on CSM patients, who are generally being informed before the operation that theaim of surgery is to stabilize their neurologic condition and that actual improvement often cannot be expected.
Over the past 10 years, radical cervical cord decompression via corpectomy has been reportedas being more effective than conventional surgery for CSM.
The authors have undertaken a study of 12 patients who underwent anterior decompreuivecorpectomy procedures for CSM, which was defined as a myelopathy related to osteophyticovergrowth and ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) in the conical spinal canal causing impingement upon the spinal cord from Mar, 93 to Aug. 95 at Dong Dae MoonHospital, Department of Neurosurgery. The result was fo11owing : man was prevalent in allcases, prognosis was strongly correlated with age, preoperative neurological state and 7 cases(58%) resulted in excellent group.
The purpose of this study is to investigate e effects of preischemic hyperglycemia on e alterations of'adenosine triphosphate and lactate concentrations in e acutefocal ischernic brain of the cats.
Acute focal cerebral ischemia in cats was induced by occlusion of the left middlecerebral artery through the postorbital technique. The experimental animals were divided into 3 goups: sham control, occlusion and recirculation groups. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups: normoglycemic and hyperglycemic groups.
The experimental results are obtained as fo11ows;
1) In normoglycemic subgroups of occlusion and recirculation proups, amount of adenosinetriphosphate in ischmic brain decreased significantly to 3.0% and 13.0% of the sham control,respectively(p < 0.001).
In hyperglycemic subgroups of occlusion and recirculation groups, amount of adenosine trisphosphate decreased a little more an at in normoglycemic subgroups, even so there wasno statistic significancy(p > 0.1).
2) In normoglycemic subgroups of occlusion and recirculation groups, amount of lactate inischemic brain increased signigicantly to 175.7% and 187.9% of the sham control, respectively(p < 0.001).
In hyperglycemic subgroups of occlusion and recirculation groups, amount of lactate increased nore than that in normoglycemic subgroups with statistic significancy(0.001 < p < 0.01).
These results suggest that hyperglycemia before ischemia serves to elevate glucose transport into brain tissue and thereby, to promote profound tissue acidosis throughanaerobic glycolysis caused by a failure of adenosine triphosphate stnthesis during the ischemicperiod.
Of all the gynecologic cancers, ovarian malignancies represent the greatest clinical hallenge. Epithelial ovarian cancer are the most common ovarian malignancies and because they are usually asymptomatic until they have metastasized, patients present with advanced disease on morethan ⅔ of the cases.
The author have studied forth-five cases of epithelial ovarian cancers in sixty-one cases ofmalignant ovarian tumors from january 1985 through october, 31, 1995.
The result of this study were summarized as follows:
1) Among 245 cases of the ovarian tumors, malignant ovarian tumors were 61 cases (24.89%)and of which 45 cases (73.8%) were epithelial origins and of which 6 cases (9.8%) were metastatic origins.
2) The prevalent age group of the epithelial ovarian cancer was 4th decade and mean agewas 45.1±17.6 years.
3) The clinical manifestations were palpable abdominal mass, 19 cases (42.4%), lower abdominal discomfort or pain, 15 cases (33.3%), abdominal distension, 11 cases (24.4%), menstrual irregularities, 3 cases (6.7%), weight loss, 1 case (2.2%) and urinary frequancy, 1 case (2.2%).
4) Among 45 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer, mucinous cyst adenocarcinoma 21 cases (46.6%) were the most common and followed by serous cystadenoracinoma 17 cases (37.7%), endometrioid adeno carcinoma 3 cases (6.7%), malignant Brenner tumer 2 cases (4.4%), clear cellcarcinomas 1 case (2.2%), and undifferentiated carcinmas 1 case (2.2%).
5) Mean size of tumors was 14±6.78cm in diameter, bilaterality of the tumors was 22.2%.
6) The most surgical treatment were total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingoophorectomy, omentectomy and debulking tumors resection 24 cases (53.3%), but unilaterat salpingo-oophorectomy was the freqnent method of surgery 14 cases (31.1%) due to under diagnosis of the tumors and preservation of fertility in cases of no gross malignant lesions.
7) For clinical stages, stage 1 was 23 cases (51.1%), stage II was 4 cases (8.88%), stage III was 7 cases (15.5%) and stage IV was 9 cases (20%).
8) Cytology of the ascites or peritoneal washing revealed that class I and class II were 12cases (57.1%) and more than class IV were 9 cases (42.9%).
Laser iridectomy with combined application of the argon and the Nd-YAG laser was perfomed on 48 eyes with narrow angle glaucoma. Patients were followed for from minimum 3months to maximum 18 months and were evaluated the success rate of iridectomy patency, thepostoperative intraocular pressure(after 3 months), the number of application and the postoperative complications.
In this study, the results obtained are as follows:
1) Patency rates of iridectomy site were 87.5%.
2) Postoperative intraocular pressure was well controlled except 3 cases after 3 months later(19mmHg>), and the number of prophylactic contralateral healthy eye was 17.
3) Postoperative complications were transient eccentric pupil, corneal bum, mild iritis andhyphema,lOP spiking and localized anterior capsular opacity.
Additional laser iridectomy were needed in 4 cases and trabeculertomy were 2 cases.
The effect of topically applied 1% sodium hyaluronate on the healing of a standardized corneal alkali wound was evaluated. Central comeal alkali wound was produced in one eye of 60 albino rabbits by applying a 5.5mm round filta paper, soaked in IN NaOH, for 60 seconds. 1% sodium hyaluronate in the treatment group and PBS in the control group were initilled 4 times per day for 2 days, 1 week, and 3 weeks. Epithelial healing was assessed morphometrically from 1 week specimens. Stromal healing was evaluated by measuring the ratio of PMN and keratocyte in the areas of the cental and marginal corneas. A positive healing influence was observed in the epithelium. The stromal PMN infilteration was suppressed, especially, in the central area, in the 1% sodium hyaluronate treated groups when compared with the control group.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical result of Marshall-Mar-chetti-Krantz operation, one of the treatment methods for stress urinary ncontinence.
Authors have analyzed the 66 cases out of 83 stress urinary incontinence patientsin whom Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz operation and 1 year follow-up was performed at UrologyDepartment of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1990 to December 1993.
The results were as follows:
1) The patients' age distribution was from 33 to 53 years old (mean age 44.9 years). The average number of deliveries was 3.1 and 29 patients were multipara with more than 4 deliveries.
2) As compared with urinary incontinence grade, Grade I was seen in 22 cases (43.9%),Grade II in 40 rases (42.4%) and Grade III in 4 cases (6.1%). Overall Grade II was most frequent.
3) PUV angle between posterior urethra and bladder base seen by chain cystourethrographywas 154.0°(134-179°) in average and urethral inclination was 23.9°(14-50°)in average.
4) The operation took between 36 to 72 minutes with mean 45.2 minutes. Urethral catheter was placed after the operation for mean 5.0 days (4-8 days) ana hospitalization days weremean 8.3 days (7-15 days).
5) 6 cases (9%) of urinary retention was the only postoperative complication and all of themwere resolved 3-7 days after intermittent catheterization.
6) In the fi11ow-up after 6 months, recurrence was seen on the third month after the operationin 2 cases and on the 12th month in 3 cases which resulted in 92.4% of operation success rate.
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz method can safely be performed in patients withstress urinary incontinence and further comparative study with otter operation method be needed.
Percutaneous biopsy is the most frequent interventional radiologic procedure. Itsincreased use is related to new imaging technique facilitating needle placement, greater safety offine needle and advances in cytology. Over a period of recent 3 years, 174 cases who underwent percutaneous needle aspiration and biopsy were analyzed.
174 biopsies under fluoroscopic or ultrasonic guidance were performed. Various anatormic sites were targeted, chest 82, liver 55, neck 10, pancreas 10, intraabdominal 6, retrperitoneal 4, thyroid 2, kidney 1, breast 1.
Obtained cytologic specimen and tissue were diagnostic in 170 of the 174 biopsies(97.7%). 4 biopsies yielded inadequate or were composed of necrotic debris. The overall accuracy for both suspected malignant and infectious diseases were 98%. The diagnosis weremalignancy in 127 biopsies and benign disease in 47 biopsies. No complications other thanpneumothorax(7 cases ; 4.1%) and a transient hemoptysis(3 cases: 17%) was observed in 10cases(5.8%).
The author obtained extremely high diagnostic accuracy of malignant andbeign or inflammatory lesions using percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy without seriouscomplirations. It is a valuabel diagnostic methd in the lesion of the body at any location.
The clinical value of three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography(MRA)was retrospectively evaluated in 23 patients with arteriovenous malformations(AVM) in 8 and aneurysms in 15 cases. MR angiogram were compared with conventional angiogram(CA) in all cases. The topography of the AVM nidus and feeding artery were equally well appreciated on the MRA as on the conventional angiogram except one of nidus that was obscured by methemoglobin stated hematoma. Howevere, in four of 8 AVM, the draining veins were incompletely shown on MRA because of slow flow effect or out of field of view. In cases of aneuryms, all were equally depicted on MRA as on the conventional angiogram. But, the neck of aneurysm was more better shown on MRA than CA. MR angiography reliably depict intracranial vascular lesions, especially aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation.
This experimental study was performed for evaluate the effects of cis-di-amminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-DDP) on the radiation injury of rat bowel by histopathologic changes.
Rats were exposed to entire abdomen by a single doses of X-ray(6-10 Gy) without or witn cis-DDP(2.5mg/kg). Rats were divided into 3 groups such as radiation alone, cis-DDP alone and combined group. In combined group, cis-DDP was given 30minutes before or immediately after irradiation.
Cis-DDP induced the inflammatory cell infiltrations with focal necrosis of the mucosa in the small bowel and no abnormal change in the large bowel. In radiation alone group, mucosal necrosis, subrnucosal fibrosis and muscular necrosis were prominent changes in small bowel and submucosal fibrosis in the large bowel. The submucosal fibrosis in the small bowel was appealed in 10 Gy of radiation alone group and 8 Gy of cis-DDP infusion after radiation and 6 Gy of cis-DDP infusion before radiation of combined group. In the large bowel, submucosal fibrosis was noted in 8 Gy of radiation alone group and 8 Gy of cis-DDP infusion after radiation and 6 Gy of cis-DDP infusion before radiation of combined group. In the small bowel, the enhancement ratio was 1.67 in a group of cis-DDP infusion before radiation and 125 in a group of cis-DDP infusion after radiation as the end point was the submucosal fibrosis,In the large bowel, the enhancement ratio was 1.33 in a group of cis-DDP infusion before radiation and 1.0 in a cup of cis-DDP infusion after radiation as e end point was e submucosal fibrosis.
This study suggested that cis-DDP enhance the radiation effect in the small and large bowel especially when cis-DDP was infused before radiation.
To report e experience of performing embolization procedure of aneurysms with mechanical detachable coils(MDC).
Two patients underwent embolization of eneurysms with mechanical detachable coils. One patient who had an aneurysm in the left posterior inferior cereberllar artery(PICA) underwent the embolization procedure with one spiral coil(4mm×80mm) and another patient who had an aneurysm in the left posterior(P-comm.) communicating artery aneurysm underwent the embolization procedure with four spiral coils(three 5mm×8mm and one 3mm×80mm).
Immediately after coil placement in the PICA the flow of contrast in the PICA reduced significantly. It may resulted from compression of the origin of PICA by the coil-packed aneurysm. The posttreatment course was not uneventful In case of P-comm. aneursym, the last coil(3mm×80mm) which embolized in the aneurysm, escaped from the aneurysm into the left internal carotid artery. Thej retrieval of the coil in the internal carotid artery with 3F microretrieval cathter was sucesfully performed.
This preliminary experience suggests that the embolization procedure with mechanical detachable coils is a usful modality of treatment of cerebral aneurysm in case ofinoperable cases.
In recent years, fungi have Played an increasingly important role as pathogens innosocomial infection, and the incidence of nosocomial fungemia appears to be increased as aresult of clinical and therapeutic factors. We investigated the incidence of fungemia and relationbetween the predisposing factors and fungal species to be helpful in the prevention and early diagnosis of nosocomial fungemia.
We reviewed 45 cases of fungemia in Ewha Womans University DongdaemoonHospital from Jan. 1991 to Oct. 1995 to examine the predisposing factors, underlying illness,concomitant bacteremia, morality and outcome by the fungal species.
During recent five years, fungemia was increased in incidence.
These results suggest that the incidence of fungemia are increased as a result ofvarious predisposing factors and removal of the predisposing factors will be helpful in the prevention of nosocomial fungemia.
Rifampin-induced thrombocytopenia has been recognized as an immunological reaction associated with intermittent high dose therapy, or after administration of rifampin fo11owing aninterruption of therapy, and rarely seen with daily low dose therapy.
The patient was a 64 year-old male who was given rifampin 600mg daily for treatment of recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis. He had been received antituberculous treatment includingriftmpin 4 years ago. Spontaneous gum bleeding, petechiae on whole body, hemoptysis wasnoted two weeks after initiating the treatment. His platelet count was 5000/mm^3. Antituberculous medication was discontinued, but the platelet count was not recovered. He diedof severe hypoxemia due to pulmonary hemorrhage.
With the essential use of rifampin for the treatment of tuberculosis infections, clinicianshould recognize the possible complication of this drug causing such serious immunologic reactions as thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, and acute renal failure with daily or intermittenttheupy.
Aortic dissection is caused by a circumferential or transverse tear of the intima by a discrepancy between the strength of the aortic wall and the intraluminal pressure.
Arterial hypertension seems clearly to be a factor in the genesis of aortic dissection.
An elevated blood pressure or evidence of its existence can be found in 70-80 percent of patients. Other factors predisposing to aortic dissection are congenital disorder of connective tissue, vasculitis, etc. But trauma or physical strain is unusual cause of classic dissection.
Diagnosis is confirmed by computed tomography, aortography or echocardiography.
A 62-year-old man without a history of hypertension, emphysema or congestive heart failure visited our hospital because of hoarseness which developed suddenly during the physical strain. A contrast material-enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan was performed at an other hospital due to hoarseness, mild fever and general weakness. Then he visited to our ENT department and performed laryngeal CT due to hoarseness. The CT shows somewhat mass-like soft tissue, so he was transferred to our internal medical department.
The chest CT scan and simple chest PA was done and we found a dissecting aneurysm.
This case developed by Physical strain and diagnosed by hoarseness is unusual and rare.