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Volume 4(4); December 1981

Original Articles


One hundred and fifty-sex sera from general population which were obtainable at Virology Lab, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, U.K . during the period from january to june, 1979 were studied with Complement fixation test and indirect Immunofluorescence test in order to understand epidemiologic pattern of Herpes simplex virus antibodies. An increasing tendency of Herpes simplex virus antibodies with age was observed by both methods in very similar pattern.

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Clinical Survey of Hypertensive Patients During Anesthesia
Choon Hi Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(4):167-174.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.4.167

Among 8142 patients who underwent anesthesia at Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1976 to December 1980 statistical analysis for the hypertensive cases was carried out with the following results. 1) Generally speaking, number of hypertensive patients who underwent surgery was increasing. 2) Percentages of hypertensive patients between man and woman didn't differ significantly. Hypertensive cases were most abundant in 4th decade. 3) Hypertensive cases were most abundant in general surgery. 4) Before the operation, most of the patients were in ASA Class I-II physical status, and majority of cases were elective operation. 5) The majority of pre premedications were meperidine and atropine sulfate. 6) As the anesthetic method, general anesthesia was the most abundant. 7) Thiopental sodium was the most frequent inductive agent. 8) Balanced anesthesia using diazepam and meperidine as main anesthetic agent was the most frequent. 9) Abnormal findings of EKG monitoring shows the most frequent left ventricular hypertrophy. 10) In 8.5% in hypertensive pts, cardiovascular disease was suspected by chest X-ray finding. 11) Borderline and mild hypertsions were abundant. 12) In general anesthesia, blood pressure increased after induction of anesthesia, and returned to normal after operation. 13) In spinal anesthesia, Blood pressure didn't change appreciably after induction of anesthesia, and decreased slightly after operation, 14) In the complication after anesthesia, hypotension was frequently observed.

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Clinical Study on Intestinal Tuberculosis
Wan Hang Lee, Ok Young Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(4):175-180.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.4.175

The report is on the clinical analysis of 57 patients of intestinal tuberculosis who were treated at Ewha Womens University hospital for last 6 years from Jan. 1075 to Dec. 1980. The results are summerized as fllows; 1. The male to female ratio 1:1.85(m, 20 f, 37) and the peak incidence was between twenties and forties dcades(68.4%). 2. The frequent incidence of interval from onset of sympton to visit hospital was within 3 months as 82.5% 3. The frequent subjective symptoms were abdominal pain, abdominal distension, abdominal mass and diarrhea. 4. There were 23 cases (40,4%) of tuberculous disease in his pastmedical history. 5. The positive physical findings were abodominal tenderness(49%), ascites(28.1%), abdominal mass(26.3%), fever(24.6%), abdominal rigidity (14.0%) and generalized edema(12.3%) in the order of frequency. 6. The chest P·A revealed negative in 56.1% of all patients. 7. The C.B.C findings showed anemia in 47.4%, elevated E.S.R in 86% and normal range of W.B.C count with elevated number of polymorphocyte. 8. The postoperative complications were wound infection, intestinal obstruction and fecal fistula, etc. 9. The everall motality ratr was 5.3%.

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Clinical Observation on Hydrocele
Joung Wan Ko, Sung Won Kwon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(4):181-184.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.4.181

A hydrocele is a common disease and it can be caused by etiological factors such as congenital anomaly, inflammation, trauma or parasitic infection. The great majority of hydroceles are idiopathic variety. Hydrocele of the tunica vagunalis is common in the new born and most of these fluid collection subside spontaneously during the first week of life. A hydrocele may develop secondary to local injury, tuberculous epididymitis or testicular neoplasm. Chronic hydroceles are common in tropical and subtropical areas where the incidence of filariasis is high. A clinical observation was made on 50 cases with hydrocele who had been admitted to department of urology, during the period from Apr. 1, 1976 to Mar. 31, 1981. The results were as fllows; 1. The incidence of hydrocele was 4.9% to total number of in-patient, 7.2% to total number of mail in-patient and 29.2% to total number of scrotal disease. 2. The most common population was 0-10 years of age giving a rate of 68%. 3. There were 28 cases in the right(56%), 19 cases in the left(38%) and 3 cases bilateral(6%). 4. There were 22cases of primary(44%), 15 cases congenital(30%), and 13 cases of secondry hydrocele(26%).

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Case Reports
Fracture and Dislocation of the Cervical Spine - Report of 4 Cases -
Ki Hong Choi, Choong Nam Kang, Jin Man Wang, Se Hwan Oh
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(4):185-190.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.4.185

The sequelae of unstable fracture of the cervical spine were tragic. The first objective of treatment is protection of the spinalcord during reduction and stabulization. Since 1933, skeletal traction which was introduced by Crutchfield and modified by Vinke, Barton and others, has been used for reduction of fracture-dislocation of the cervical spine. 4 cases of fracture and dislocation of the cervical spine were treated at this department. 2 cases of them, one was quadriplegic and the other revealed nerve root irritation sign, were performed posterior spine fusion and recovered. The third who had fracture-dislocation between C5 and C6 with ankylosing spondylitis was died in the early course. The 4th who hadfracture-dislocation between C5 and C6 with transsection of the spinal cord was also died at home 7 weeks after trauma.

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A Case of Post-traumatic Leptomeningeal Cyst in Infant
Jae O Kim, Dong Been Park, Kyu Man Shin, Sun Ho Chee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(4):191-195.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.4.191

The authors report a case of leptomeningeal cyst in the right parietal region, which was developed after trauma, in 3 months old male baby.

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