Thyrotropin releasing hormore(TRH) administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v) in microgram quantities to anesthetized rabbits, produces marked stimulation of colonic motility, transit and fluid accumulation. These effects depend on an intact vagal system. Atropine blocks hypermotility but not the increased intestinal transit and fluid accumulation. The latter effects are antagonized by antiserotonin compounds. In this study, we found that pretreatment of rabbits with naloxone(2.5 mg/kg) or naltrexone(1.0 mg/kg) attenuated or blocked the TRH-induced colonic transit and increase in luminal fluid, but not the hypermotility. In this respect the narcotic antagonist effects resemble those produce by the antiserotonine compounds or opiate agonists.
One hundred and thirteen sera from pregnant women and thirty sera from non pregnant women which were obtainable at several hospitals, Seoul Korea, during the period from June to November, 1983 were studied with complement fixation test in order to understand epidemiologic pattern of cytomegalovirus antibodies and herpes simplex virus antibodies in pregnant women. The results showed cytomegalovirus antibodies were 98.87% and herpes simplex virus antibodies were 97.25% in pregnant women. The complement fixation antibody titers of cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus in pregnant women were abserved to have significant correlation.
This study was undertaken in order to define the beneficial action of methylprednisolone sodium succinate on the lactate metabolism in injuried spinal cord. The spinal cord was exposed by dorsal laminectomy from L2 to L5 under the operating microscope. A 400gm - cm injury was produced at the L2 vertebral level of the cord. The lactate content peaked at 2 ours of the injury, and remained significantly elevated for 8 hours compared to uninjuried normal cord. The changes of tissue lactate in the spinal cord following injury are consistent with marked reduction in blood flow in the injuried spinal cord tissue following blunt contusion trauma. The elevation in lactate observed at 1 hour, 2 hour and 4 hour after the injury were prevented by intravenous administration of single 30 mg/kg dose of menthylprednisolone at 30 minutes after the injury. The results suggest that the beneficial effect of the intravenous administration of a 30 mg/kg dose of methylprednisolone may improve blood flow to the injuried tissue of spinal cord.
Skin flap have been developed recently for wide employment in plastic and reconstructive surgery due to advances in microsurgery. After microvascular free flap transfer, the vascular occlusion did not affect flap survival after neovascularization appears to perfuse the flap. But if the flap exclu-de the recipient bed and perimeter, the flap survival depended solely on the axial vessel. This model would enable a clinical assessment of the viability of tissue and the patency of microvascular anastomosis long after the anastomosis is performed. Reexploration would not be necessary. We designed the island flap included the recipient bed and perimeter and the tube flap excluded it in rats. We investigated that the time of neovascularization after the free flap transfer, the assessment of microvascular patency and the importance of the arterial inflow or venous drainage for flap survival. In results, neovascularization appeared to perfuse the flap 4 days after free flap transfer in the island flap. A venous capillary bed developed quickly in the flap bed whereas the arterial capillary bed, sufficient to adequately perfuse the flap, developed much slowly. Therefore, we suggest the possibility that the arterial in-flow in the flap is more important for the flap survival.
The pathological lesion in spinal injury is usually more severe in the central gray matter and spreads centrifugally to surrounding white matter. Opiate antagonists, naloxone, by blocking the pathophysiologic effect of endorphins, should increase both mean arterial pressure and spinal cord blood flow and limit neurologic injury. Naloxone produce increase of lateral column blood flow and ameliorate the central gray matter ischemia. We have investigated to thoracic cord confusion. The spinal cord of naloxone-treated cats has less tissue damage than would be observed in time-matched standards.
Abnormal germ cells in the lumens of the seminiferous tubules are present in the testis of the cryptorchism. Three cases among the eight cases of testicular biopsies in the cryptorchism showed abnormal germ cells. However, the patterns of carcinoma in situ(CIS) were not found. The characteristics of the abnormal germ cells are enlarged nuclei with prominent mucleoli and pale cytoplasm in the light microscope examinations. The ultrastructural features of these abnormal cells were different from the normal germ cells. The abnormal germ cells could be recognized with the light and electron microscopic examinations.
Vial serologic markers for hepatitis B virus infection are known as HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc and anti-HBe, and also recently IgM class antibodies are measurable for both hepatitis A and B. Five serologic markers for hepatitis B virus infection were measured routinely in patients with acute and chronic liver diseases and IgM class antibodies were evaluated in patients with acute viral hepatitis. The results were as follows: 1) Men are more frequently affected than women in chronic liver diseases and as the disease progressed to chronic diseases, the mean ages of patients increased. 2) Positivities of HBsAg were 79.7% in acute viral hepatitis, 88.9% in chronic hepatitis, 47.2% in cirrhosis and 72.0% in primary liver cancer respectively. 3) In forty cases of acute viral hepatitis, IgM anti-HBe was positive in two HBsAg negative cases and negative in three HBsAg positive cases. 4) Anti-HBc was positive in majority of various liver diseases and appeared usually with HBsAg or anti-HBs,but sigly positive in minority of patients. 5) Positivities of HBeAg in HBsAg positive liver diseases were 68.1% in acute viral hepatitis, 75.0% in chronic hepatitis, 41.2% in cirrhosis and 61.1% in primary liver cancer respectively.
The formation of gall stone is considered to be occurred by vsrious factors. There major factors have been considered to be of etiologic importance : 1) a physiochemical disorders of bile, 2) stasis of bile, 3) infection or inflammation of the biliary system. Especially, bilirubin stone is found frequently in Korea and the formation of the bilirubin stones is much corelated to the infection or inflammation. This study is a review and analysis of 68 cases of the bile culture in the biliary tract disease that were admitted and treated at Ewha Womans University Hospital from June 1980 to June 1983. The results are as follows : 1) The age group of the highest incidence was 60 decades(29.4%) and 40 decades(25%) in next. 2) There was 22 male 46 female and male to female ratio was 1:2. 3) In 57 cases of calculus biliary tract disease, the location of stone were 29 cases(42.6%)in gall bladder, 11 cases(16.2%) in common bile duct and 11 cases(16.2%)in gall bladder and common bile duct. No stone was 11 cases(16.2%). 4) In 68 cases fo the biliary tract disease, 47 cases(69.1%) were positive culture and in 57 stone cases of biliary tract disease, 44 cases(77.2%) were positive culture. 5) In relation to postop. Dx. and bile culture, the positive culture in G.B. bile was 58.3% and positive culture in CBD bile was 100% in acute cholecystitis with stone cases, where as, the positive G.B. bile culture was 50% and the positive CBD bile was 59.3% in chronic cholecystitis with stone cases.
The continuous fetal heart rate monitoring for assesment of fetal condition during labor is contribute to decrease fetal mortality and morbidity and early detection of fetal distress. Variable deceleration is most common fetal heart rate pattern. The cause of variable deceleration are umbilical cord compression. It is classified with mind, moderate and severe by the degree of decrease heart rate and duration of bradycardia. An experience 42 variable deceleration pattern among 108 high risk pregnancy and the following results obtained. 1) The incidence of variable deceleration were 37% among 108 high risk pregnancy. 2) The incidence of fetal distress(Apgar score below) 6 in 1 minutes were 36% of mind variable deceleration, 50% of moderate, and severe variable deceleration. 3) The mean scalp PH were 7.3in mild 7.25 in moderate variable deceleration. 4) The incidence of nuchal umbilical cord were 40% and the meconium stained amniotic fluid were 45%.
Sudden hearing loss is an accepted abbreviation for the more complete term, idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Numerous definitions of this entity have been offered. It is distinguished from other forms of sensorineural hearing loss by the rapidity of its onset, which may be within a moment or over a few days. The treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss is treatment of symptom, not a disease, for which no specific causes are definitely known. A clinico-statistical survey was performed on 39 cases of idiopathic sensorine-ural hearing loss at the department of Otolayngology, Ewha Womans University during the past 6 years from January 1978 to August 1984. The results were as follows: 1) The occupation of the patients are employee of a company (38.5%), commerce(17.9%), house wife(15.4%), no occupation(15.4%), police man(7.7%) and soldier(5.1%). 2) Among configuration of the initial pure tone audiometry, profound high tone loss was found in 35.8%, severe hearing loss in 25.6%, moderate severe hearing loss in 20.5%, moderate hearing loss in 12.8%, mild hearing loss in 5.1%. 3) On the combined symptoms with sudden hearing loss, there was tinnitus in 46.2%, vertigo in 20.5%, tinnitus with vertigo in 17.9%, headache in 15.4%. 4) On the combined other diseases with sudden hearing loss, there was hype-rtension in 28.6%, diabetes mellits in 19.0%, allergy in 19.0%, Influenza in 14.4%, arteriosclerosis in 9.5%, psychogenic deafness in 9.5%. 5) On the possible etiologic factors, 15.4% of them were hypertension, viral disease in 12.8%, diabetes mellitus in 10.3%, allergy in 10.3% and unknown origin in 15.4%. 6) Early treatment with low salt diet and bed rest had favorable results. 7) Our treatment method of In-patient were as follows : a) The patient was hospitalized for at least 3 days. b) Nicotinic acid in a flushing dose(50-300mg) given before meals and at bed time until hearing stabilized for at least 3 weeks. c) 10% Dextran, 500cc every 12 hours for 3 days. d) Prednisolon, 10mg 3 times daily for 10 days then given in reduced amount to zero over 10 days. e) Benadryl, 50mg 4 times daily orally or by injection until the hearing stabili-zed for at least 3 weeks. Treatment method of Out-patient : a) Absolute bed rest for 1 week and avoid every stimuli. b) Nicotinic acid therapy, prednisolon therapy and benadyl therapy were given as in-patient method. c) Ascorbic acid, ATP, thiamine hydrochloride were given. d) Low salt diet.
Urolithiasis is the most important disease and one of the most common diseases in the fields of Urology, and recently the incidence of urolithiasis has increasing tendency with the improvement of living condition in Korea. Though the cause of urolitiasis has not clearly yet, it has been beleived that diet with food containing rich calcium, phosphate, oxalate and uric acid components plays a great role in the stone formation. Prevously the author had clarified the relationship between urolithiasis and diversified and westernized food life with milk and diary products in Koresn people. Accurate analysis of urinary calculi is fundamental for study of the etiology of stone formation and essential for treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. In this article, by the biochemical method the author had analyzed 100 urinary calculi randomly selected among calculi which were obtained from the patients with urolithiasis during the past 8 years and 7 months from April, 1976 to October, 1984, and made a study of 593 patients with urolithiasis who were admitted to our department of Urology in the same period with retrospective statistical analysis by computer. The following results were obtained. 1) The result of biochemical analysis of 100 urinary calculi revealed multiple composition in all cases and the most part of calculi(73%) were composed with calcium, magnesium, phosphate, oxalate, xantine, and uric acid. Calcium component containing calculi were 97% and only organic component containing calculi were 1%
Experimental handling and colonic temperature measurement have been shown to cause stress and induce a long lasting rise in colonic temperature in the rat. Injection is also a type of stress to induce hyperthermia in the rats. In the present study, no difference was found between injection group and simple handling group.
Diseases or traumas involving the spine occasionally cause severe vertebral body collapse to result in either spinal instability or neural deficit, or both. In methods of treatment, conventional decompressive laminectomy results in neural improvement, but it can cause local instability of spine and lead progressive neural deficit. Vertebral stabilization by using bone cement(methylmethacrylate) provides immediate stabilization and avoids bulky external-fixation devices and external supports. We report two cases of thoracic spinal stabilization by using bone cement.
The nonfunctioning islet cell tumors of pancreas are not associated with obvious sign and symptoms of hormone overproduction. Symptoms, most commonly pain and jaundice, are due to the mass effect of the tumor and invasion of the surrounding structures, and unlike functioning tumors, the location of the tumor has a direct bearing on the patient's symptoms. We have experienced a case of benign nonfunctioning islet cell tumor of the pancreas in 47-year-old female. She was admitted to our hospital due to palpable large mass of her abdomen. She had no obvious sign and symptoms of hormone overproduction. The exploratory laparatomy was done under the impression of retroperitoneal tumor with the information of radiologic finding and abdominal C-T scan. The pathologic diagnosis was benign nonfunctioning islet cell tumor of the pancreas.
The infiltrative carcinoma of stomach is reported to difficult to diagnosis by gastroscopic examination only, because of a few change of mucosa. So the tumor is diagnosed with the aid of gastroscopic multiple biopsy findings. We experienced a case of infiltrative carcinoma of stomach, which was similar to hypertrophic gastritis. The tumor was confirmed by the biopsy and operation finding. The general concept of infiltrative carcinoma of stomach with the brief review of literature is discussed here.