For the study of relationship between gastric polyps and gastric carcinoma, the tissue carcinoembryonic antigen, so called tumor marker, was investigated by immunoperoxidase method with paraffin embedded block in the gastric epithelial polyps and adenocarcinoma. The representative lesions of the hyperplastic polyps(6 cases), adenomatous polyps(5 cases), and adenocarcinoma(6 cases) consisting of pyloreocardiac cell type, intestinal cell type and mucous cell type, were selected. The following results were obtained. 1) The reactions of tissue CEA in the adenocarcinoma were more strong than those of gastric hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps. 2) The CEA of adenomatous polyps was demonstrated within the cytoplasm of glands and along the glandular luminal border, while the hyperplastic polyps showed CEA only along the luminal border of the gland in weak positive reaction. 3) The adenocarcinoma showed the CEA in the stroma around the cancer cells and within the glandular lumens of the cancer tissue as well as the cytoplasm of the cancer cells and glandular luminal border. 4) Among the adenocarcinomas of the stomach, the pyloro-cardiac cell and mucous cell types demonstrated more strong positive reaction for CEA than that of intestinal cell type.
The most striking and obvious difference between the bony skeleton and all of the other forms of connective tissue is that it is the only member of this class to contain inorganic mineral deposits within its extracellular matrix space at almost all stages of its normal development. In actuality, bone mineral is an integral part of bone tissue having individual physical and chemical properties that directly affect those of the tissue as whole So a precise knowledge of the quantitative relationships between the constituents of bone is essential to understand such important matters as the chemistry of calcification, bone as reservoir, the nature of metabolic bone disorders, and the mode of action of parathyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin, vitamins, sex and adrenal steroids. Therefore, author performed the quantitative analysis of the inorganic calcium and phosphorus in the cortical bone of sternum from the twenty korean people and the following result are obtained;1) In the cortex of sternum the total contents of inorganic calcium phosphate are 44.4% in male and 44.15% in female. 2) Calcium deposited in the cortex of sternum is 27.15%(SD±2.01) in male and 27.11%(SD±1.67) in female and also, phosphorus being 17.25%(SD±1.27) in male and being 17.05%(SD±1.53) in female 3) Molar calcium to phosphorus ratio is 1.57:1 and 1.59:1 in male and female, respectively.
The rationale for the use of vascularized nerve graft is based on the premise that a vascularized graft may provide more demyelination within the graft and subsequently more rapid regrowth of axons down its length followed by remyelination. Free non-vascularized nerve grafts have produced acceptable results if the donor nerves used are relatively thin, whereas thick nerves often develop central necrosis. An experimental technique has been devised to raise a composite neuro-venous graft and by reversing the vein component provide an arterialized composite nerve graft can be safely transferred to different parts of the body. Results have suggested that provided there is a good through in the artery and the vascular bed of the graft is small, venous drainage may not be required provided the artery remains patent. Initial results from light and electron microscopy indicate that in the majority of cases the axons reinnervated the grafts up to twice the distance of the non-vascularized nerve. Experimentally, it is concludred that the vascularized nerve is associated with more rapid axonal regeneration and remyelination than the nonvasularized cable graft.
Author attempted of find out whether there were any characteristic findings in the sibling schizophrenics family(family in which more than two members of sibling were schizophrenia) including clinical features, interpersonal relationship and some of sociodemographyic aspects. Data for the sample were obtained 17 schizophrenics from 8 sibling schizophrenics families who were admilted to neuropsychiatric department EWHA Womens University Hospital from March 1st 1973 to February 28th 1983. Results obtained were summerized as follows; The members of sibling were larger in the schizophrenics families than that of normal and the first born childrens and last born childrens were affectes more frequently than subseguent ones. Sibling schizophrenics were tended to be heigh educates, no employed and low middle socioeconomic class. In the familial history, sibling schizophrenic's father proband had more frequently affectes than mother proband. Usually mother's characters were found to be over protective and active but father's were indifferent and passive. Their father and mother had mother dominent and hostile relationship. Interpersonal relationship between sibling schizophrenics had relative affective(41.2%) in the majority. Comparative analysis of the above finding showed no differences from the family in which only one child was afflicted schizophrenia.
The auther had conducted trabeculectomy ab externo on the 20 eyes in various types of glaucoma. The results have been successful for the 15 eyes(75% of the cases), but the result of 5 eyes were unsuccessful after the operation. One of the 5 failed cases, is considered due to the failure of control in ocular pressure which was the complicated glaucoma caused by trauma. The remaining 4 cases failed were in the group of hypotension. It is considered highly successful in various types of glaucoma(open angle glaucoma, closed angle glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, aphakic glaucoma and congenital glaucoma). It is concluded that trabeculectomy is a safe operation for glaucoma without any complication. This is very advantageous operation which can apply modified methods in surgical technique.
Focal cerebral ischemia initiates a series of event from the regional development of ischemic edema, loss of neural function and culminating in eventual infarction. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of recirculation in acute focal cerebral ischemia. Sixty adult mongrel cats of either sex underwent production of focal ischemia by transorbital occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery with a Heifetz clip. The duration of ischemia was 1, 3 and 5 hours. In 5 animals in each group, the ischemic brain was reperfused for 1, 4 and 7 hours by removing the clip from the artery. It was observed that provided the restoration of cerebral blood flow in cats can be accomplished within 1 hour in cats or at least within 3 hours of the insult, the reversal of the neurological deficits and prevention of irreversible cerebral infarction can be expected. Therefore the prevention of cerebral infarction must first be directed toward improving blood flow during the insult as rapidly as possible to-minimize the time that cerebral blood flow is below threshold for the formation edema.
Twelve cases of delayed traumatic intracerebral hematoma(DTICH) were found retrospectively among 826 patients with closed head injuries admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Ewhe Womans University in a 2-year period. All cases had severe head injuries sustained with the head in motion. The interval from cranial injury to diagnosis of DTICH by computerized tomography(CT) varied from 15 hours to 11 days. The diagnosis was made on repeat CT scans obtained because of the development of focal findings, lack of improvement and/or general neurological deterioration. One patient had initially negative CT scans. Six patients demonstrated only extracerebral hematoma on initial CT scans. Two patients showed acute intracerebral hematoma on the initial scan followed by new hematomas on repeat study. Ten patients were treated surgically, and eight had fair & good results. The cases presented are discussed in the light of pertinent literature.
The expectorant effect of Ambroxol was observed in 13 cases of respiratory diseases (5 cases with bronchial asthma, 2 cases with acute bronchitis, 2 cases with lung ca, 2 cases with pneumonia, 1 case with chronic bronchitis and 1 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis) between Nov. '83 and Mar. '84. The folliwing results were obtained; 1) Clinical improvement of % of cases after treatment with Ambroxol was 78% of cough, 62% of frequency of sputum expectoration, 59% of amount of sputum vloume, 80% of expectoration and 75% of color of sputum. 2) Clinical improvement of pulmonary function test was as follows;(1) Improvement of less than 10% of FVC was 9 cases(69.2%) improvement between 10% and 20% of FVC was 3 cases(23.1%), and improvement of more than 20% of FVC was 1 case(7.7%). (2) Improvement of less than 10% of FEV1/FVC was 11 cases(84.6%), improvement between 10% and 20% of FEV1/FVC was 2 cases(15.4%)3) No remarkable side effects was observed.
The ketaocidosis is one of the acute complication in patients with diabeds mellitus and its mortality rate is much decreased after low dose insulin infusion therapy. Clinically, diabetic ketoacidosis showed metabolic abnormalities such as metabolic acidosis, fluid-electrolyte imbalance and hypophosphatemia. Many studies are now available about its mechanism or treatment for the better prognosis. This study included 20 cases of diabetic ketoacidosis who had been admitted to the Department of Internal Medichine at Ewha Womans University Hospital, from March 1982 to May 1984. We observed the correlation between serum phosphate and other metabolic abnormalities. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Diabetic ketoacidosis was more common in female than male. The ratio of male to female was 1:1.85. The age incidence was the highest in 6th decade(35%). The first diagnosis was 3 cases(15%). 2) The commonest precipitating cause was infection(8 cases, 40%). 3) The requiring fluid amount was 6.0+3.01 to correct fluid-electrolyte imbalance. The mean value of serum osmolarity was 309.0+23.7 mOsm/L, serum sodium 130±17.9-mEq/L serum potassium 3.0+1.3mg/dl, urea nitrogen 30.4+20.0mg/dl, bicarnate 10.85+8.5mEq/dl and blood ketone from ++ to +++. 4) The mean value of blood glucose was 575.6+242.8mg/dl. The rate of decrease of glucose was 82.7+47.2mg/dl/hr after insulin therapy. The time of decreased blood sugar level below 250mg/dl was 5.72+2.5hr and the priming dose of insulin was 11.4+6.8u. The infusion rate of insulin was 4.9+1.56u/hr and total amount of insulin was 56.6+28.7u for correction of electrolyte imbalance. 5) The comparison of group A(↓serum phosphate 2.5mg/dl, 5 cases) with group B(↑serum phosphate 2.5mg/dl, 10 cases) : The mean value of serum phosphate was 1.5+0.4mg/dl in group A and 3.8+09mg/dl in group B. The mean value of glucose was significantly higher in group A(796.6+312mg/dl) than in group B(508+164.7mg/dl)(P<0.005) and the mean value of the serum pH was significantly lower in group A(7.058+0.124) than in group B(7.339+0.163)(P<0.01). However there was no significant correlation between two groups in serum osmolarity, sodium, potassium, insulin amount and correction time. 6) The common complications of ketoacidosis were infection(3 cases, 15%) and myocardial infarction(2 cases, 10%). The mortality rate was 5%(1 case) and its cause of death was sepsis with disseminated intravascular coagulation.
There are many methods for treatment of solitary bone cyst. But the recurrence rate was relatively high and beside, serious complications may be followed. Recently, simple topical of steroid into cyst was contrived and the result was know as same or even better than surgical management. A patient of solitary bone cyst who had been failed two times by surgical intervention was treated with topical steroid injection for several times. Two years following up, the result was good. No evidence of recurrency was seen and was shown good healing process