Male Sprangue-Dawley rats which had been administered either ascorbic acid or DL-α-tocopherol for 4 weeks were injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of(9-14C)-2-acetylaminofluorens(AAF) 3.5hr before sacrifice. The activation and binding of a bepatocarcinogen. AAF to the nucleic acids and proteins rat liver nuclei were examined. After the precipitated DNA was enzymatically hydrolyzed and the adduct fraction was purified by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography, the individuals adduts were separated by HPLC. the liver microsomal and nuclear monooxygenase activities in AAF administered rats were increased, whereas those in ascobric acid and DL-α-tocopherol fed rats were decreased. It is suggested that microsomal and nuclear monooxygenase were essential for activated AAF to bind nucleic acid under the intracellular conditions. The inhibitory ability of ascobic acid and DL-α-tocopherol on the binding of AAF to liver nuclear DNA was most probably due to the marked inhibition of the formation of the proximate carcinogen. The protective effect of ascorbic acid and DL-α-tocopherol against the hepatocarcinogenic action of AAF may be mediated by decreased monooxygenase activities and by alteration in the binding of the esterified AAF to liver nucleic acids.
This article reviewed the thoretical unerpinnings of the DSM III classification system, with particular emphasis on psychogeriatic practice. Advantages of a descriptive approach, use of operational criteria, and the utility of a multiaxialsystem in developing comprehensive treatment program were examined. A retrospective study, 5 years after the implementation of DSM III, was conducted on all consecutive admissions to the neuropsychiatry department of Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine, and the results were as follows. The thirty cases of the senile mental disorders showed the following characteristic pictures. 1) Majority of the cases(53.4%) were distributed in the decade of their sixties and male. 2) In the diagnostic distribution, 53.4% of the cases were categorized as organic mental disorder and 30.0% as major affective disorder. 3) The ratio of male patient and female patient was 4.3:1 in organic mental disorder and 2:1 in major affective disorder. 4) In the age distribution, 50.0% of the cases were categorized as organic mental disorder and 55.6% as major affective disorder. Both of the cases were aged between 60 and 64. 5) Their educational level revealed that 40.0% of the patients were primary school graduates. 6) As to the occupational distrubution, the jobless occupied the larger percentages, but patients who have job their age distribution was 60-64. 7) As to their religious affiliation the most population was 30.0% of protestant. 8) In the distribution of physical disorders, hypertension occupied the highest rate of 26.7%. 9) As to the marital status, 73.3% of the cases were living with their spouses. 10) There were no relation between premorbid social psychological stress and premorbid adaptation.
Fifteen infants with congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis who underwent pyloromyotomy at Dept. of Surgery, Ewha Womans Univ. Hospital for 5 years from Sept. 1981 to Aug. 1986, have been reviewed. The results were as follows. 1) Infants with congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis were 1.6% of the total pediatric surgical patients. 2) Eleven cases male and 4 cases were female. A ratio of male to fermale was 2.8:1. 3) The age distribution was 11 cases(73.3%) between 4 and 6 weeks. 4) The distribution of birth rank in siblings was 7 cases of first-born infants and 8 cases of second-born infants. 5) The distribution of type of feeding was 7 cases of breast-fed infants and 6 cases of cow milk-fed infants. 6) The seasonal distribution was 6 cases in Winter, 5 cases in Spring, and each 2 cases in Summer and Autumn. 7) The number of cases associated with the other congenital anomalies was 3 cases. 8) Non bile-stained projectile vomiting was the most prominant symptom and onset time was mostly between 3 and 5 weeks. 9) The pathognomonic olive shaped mass was palpable in 11 cases and the size of mass was average 2.4x1. 4cm. 10) The results of Ramstedt pyloromyotomy or Koop's modification was excellent without operative faults.
Assessment to temporal relationship between levels of prolactin, LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone in 12 ovulatory cycle was made. The serum prolactin concentrations were measured in daily blood samples by a double antibody radioimmunoassay methods. Thero was a tendency of increase in serum prolactin level during the late follicular phase, however no significant difference was found between the follicular and luteal phase(15.73±0.88ng/ml vs 12.93±0.37ng/ml). No correlation was found between levels of prolactin and, those of LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone. The mean serum prolactin level during the normal ovulatory cycle was 14.3±0.47ng/ml(S.E). The data showed that the highest mean prolactin concentration was found on the day of +8 and +14 with second peak of estradiol and variation of episodic fluctuation or erratic spikes in the normal ovulatory menstrual cycle. These findings seems suggested of an inapparent physiologic role of prolaction in the regulation of ovulatory menstrual cycle.
Premature rupture of the membrane represents the greatest risks of prematurity, maternal and fetal infection and perinatal mortality. Spontaneous labor develops in most cases within 24 hours after premature rupture of the membrane, but maternal infectious morbidity occurs if rupture of the membranes persists for up to 48 hours. The management to premature rupture of the membrane has created as much controversy as has any other problem in obstetrics. A retrospective study of 166 cases of premature rupture of the membrane admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital during the 2 year interval 1984 to 1985 was performed to gain clinical data. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of premature rupture of the membranes was 3.6%. 2) The incidence of premature rupture of the membranes in premature delivered fetuses(308 cases) was 23.1%. 3) The premature rupture of the membranes was highest between 25-29 years of age. 4) The primigravida and multigravida of premature rupture of the membranes were 70.5% and 29.5% respectively. 5) There were anemia(24.4%), C.P.D.(13.3%) and preeclampsia(12.8%) in maternal complications. 6) The overall incidence of breech presention in premature rupture of the membranes was 5.5%. 7) The cesarean section rate was 41.6% and its indications were C.P.D., abnormal presentation and fetal distress in order. 8) The neonatal birth weight between 2500-2999 gm was 25.6%. 9) The longer the latent period of premature rupture of the membranes is, one minite apgar score under 6 is increased. 10) Causes of perinatal morality of premature rupture of the membrane were R.D.S(11.8%) with prematurity and no correlation with latent period of PRM. 11) The incidence of amnionitis was 5.4% and the longer the latent period is, the higher the maternal morbidity is. 12) There was no significant difference in the incidence of maternal and neonatal morbidity and perinatal mortality in antibiotic treated and untreated groups of the mothers complicated with premature rupture of the membranes.
Early detection of bone and joint infection is very important in establishing early therapeutic intervention and prevention of complications. Bone scan with Tc 99m-MDP was done in 35 cases for the confirmation of infections on bone and joints at Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1985 to July 1986 and analysed both clinically and roentgenographically, and following results were obtained. 1) In 15 cases of bone scan for early diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis, positive was 13 cases, and the sensitivity in acute osteomyelitis with bone scan was 86.7%. 2) In 6 cases of bone scan for chronic osteomyelitis, all were positive in bone scan and in X-ray. 3) In 13 cases of suspected infection of joints, 9 were positive in bone scan. In 7 cases of tuberculous arthritis, positive bone scan was 4 cases(55.6%), and in 5 cases of pyogenic arthritis, positive bone scan was 4 cases(80%). From above data, bone scan is very important in establishing early diagnosis and appropriate treatment in the cases of bone and joint infections especially in acute and chronic osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis.
Component loosening is the main important problem in cemented total hip replacement arthroplasty(THRA). And cementless THRA is recommended in recent years to provide the biological fixation of the components. During past 3 years from July 1982 to June 1985, 23 cases of cementless THRA were carried out at Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Ewha Womans University hospital and following results were obtained. 1) There was no difference in sex distribution. Age distribution was variable from 22 years old to 78(average 57.2), and 20 cases(87%) was above 40 years old. 2) The primary diseases were 8 cases of avascular necrosis of the femoral head; 8 of femoral neck fracture; 4 of osteoarthritis: 2 of old tuberculosis and 1 of fused hip due to healed tuberculosis. 3) Types of implants were 9 cases of Harris/Galante, 6 of A.M.L. type, 5 of Ceramic Prosthesis and 3 of P.M. type. 4) Intraoperative complication was 1 case of femoral shaft penetration. Postoperative complications were 2 cases of superficial infection and 2 cases of dislocations. 5) The functional results were increased from 45 to 85.5 points by Harris scores and from 5.9 to 9.8 points by D'Aubigne scores.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of methylprednisolone(M.P.) on the alterations of ATP, sum of adenosine nucleotides and adenylate energy charge(E.C.) in the cats with acute focal ischemic cercbral edema. Thirty six cats were divided 3 experimental group ; The first group was induced acute experimental ischemia for 1 hour by occlusion of left middle cerebral artery(M.C.A.) applying the Heifetz clip through the transorbital approach under the operating microscope. The second and third groups were induced acute experimental ischemia for 3 hours and 5 hours respectively by the same method. Each group was also divided 3 subgroups ; The first, untreated group(4 cats) was left without any treatment after the acute ischemia. The second, recirculation group(4 cats) was recirculated for 2 hours after the acute ischemia. The third, treatment group(4 cats) was recirculated for 2 hours and injected M.P.(15mg/kg) at 30 minutes after occlusion initially and then injected at 90 minute interval, respectively. The experimental results are as follows. In 1-hour untreated group. ATP was reduced to 34.0%, sum of adenosine nucleotides reduced to 72.2% and adenylate E.C. reduced to 60.0% of the control value. In the recirculation group, ATP was reduced to 42.0%, sum of adenosine nucleotides reduced to 82.4% and adenylate E.C. reduced to 74.3%, In the treatment group, ATP was increased to 143.9%, sum of adenosine nucleotides increased to 153.9% and adenylate E.C. decreased to 92.9%. In 3-hour untreated group, ATP was decreased to 24.9%, sum of adenosine nucleotides to 22.9% and adenylate E.C. reduced to 58.6% of the control value. In the recirculation group, ATP reduced to 32.9%, sum of adenosine nucleotides reduced to 28.6% and adenylate E.C. reduced to 71.4%. In the treatment group, ATP reduced to 99.5%, sum of adenosine nucleotides increased to 103.5% and adenylate E.C. decreased to 84.3%. In 5-hour untreated group, ATP decreased to 5.3%, sum of adenosine nucleotides reduced to 9.0% and adenylate E.C. reduced to 58.6% of the control value. In the recirculation group, ATP decreased to 4.4%, sum of adenosine nucleotides decreased to 5.8% and adenylate E.C. decreased to 57.1%. In the treatment group, ATP was reduced to 11.2%, sum of adenosine nucleotides reduced to and adenylate E.C. reduced to 70.0%. As the results shown above, the therapeutic beneficial effects of M.P. were observed in cats of 1-or 3-hour occlusion of M.C.A with 2-hour recirculation.
This report is based on a statistical analysis of the 693 cases that had ophthalmological management among 40,242 patients who visited the emergency room of the EWHA woman's hospital from January 1981, to December 1985. The results were as follows: 1) The proportion of eye patients in emergency room was 1.75%(693 patients) of the total of 40, 242 patients. 2) Among the ocular patients, male patients were comprised 69.55%(428 patients), whereas female patients, 30.45%(211 patients). 3) In comparison with age group, ages between 21 and 30 were the largest group, consisting about 1/3 of the total patients.(38.83%)4) With respect to affected side, there was no significant difference between the right eye and the left eye in both sexes. 5) With regard to the seasonal distribution, the most patients were found in Autumn comprising 193 patients(27.85%), and Summer, Spring and Winter followed in order. Concerning monthly difference, the largest number of patients(85 patients, 12.27%) were occured in August and February, the least(37 patients, 5.34%). 6) Regarding daily difference, the most patients visited on Sundays(182 patients, 26.12%), while the least patients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7) Of all ocular patients, the traumatic patients were 548 cases(79.08%), and non traumatic patients were 145 cases(20.92%). Among traumatic patients, 67 patients(9.67%) had eye ball perforations and 481 patients(69.41%), non-perforation injury. 8) In Eye ball perforation, 45patients of corneal laceration were most common, In non-perforated eye ball injuries, 145 patients had corneal foreign body which showed the largest number. Of non traumatic injuries, Epidemic and acute conjunctivitis occured in 120 patients was the largest group. 9) In view of the causes of the eye injuries, the most common cause was striking on the eye by the fist or kicking or heading incidents and then by glass pide or wood stick.