In ostroarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, β-glucuronidase activity was measured in body fluid to diagnose this special disease entities.
The β-glucuronidase activity was studied in the urine, serum and joint fluid. The level of this specimens were estimated by statistical sections.
1) The β-glucuronidase activity in urine, serum and joint fluid of osteoarthritis patients were 0.09U/l urine, 0.14U/l serum, 0.06U/l joint fluid. The highest level of activity was in the serum.
2) The β-glucuronidase activity on rheumatoid arthritis was 0.19U/l urine, 0.17U/l serum, 0.07U/l joint fluid. The highest increased level of activity was in the urine.
3) In the joint fluid and serum, there is the no mean of stistical analysis. But in the urine, there is marked meaning of statistical analysis(Male : p=0.0041, Female : p=0.0001).
β-glucuronidase activity was influenced by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Especially in the urine, β-glucuronidase activity was outstanding statistical meaning. According to disease entities, The level of activity was different from each specimen.
The author studied the β-glucuronidase activity in the urine of 46 males and 19 females with trematodes such as Clonorchis sinensis, Stellantchasmus falcatus, metagonimus yokogawai, paragonimus westermani, Heterophyes heterophyes.
Specific activity of β-glucuronidase was analyzed statistically by sex, age, intensity of infection and mixed infection.
The results obtained in this studies were summarized as follows.
In the 41-50 years of age groups of males, β-glucuronidase activity in the urine was elevated the highest with 1.56U/ml, 1.21U/ml of females and 1.49U/ml of male in the 30-40 years of age groups, but activity of β-glucuronidase in the urine according to age and sex was not statistical significance.
It was gradually increased β-glucuronidase activity in urine of males and females according to number of mixed infection of trematodes species(p<0.01). β-glucuronidase activity in urine of males and females according to intensity of trematodes infection appeared 0.92U/ml in the simple infection, 1.14U/ml in the medium infection and 1.54U/ml in the heavy infection, respectively(p<0.01).
On the basis of results, it was suggested that β-glucuronidase activity in the human urine was significantly increased in the intensity of infection and mixed infection groups than that of normal groups.