As the general population ages increase leading to an increase in the demand for therapeutic ERCP interventions. The aims of this study are to assess the outcomes, safety and complications associated with ERCP performed in elderly patients.
ERCP was performed in 287 patients aged 70years or over from Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2005. All the patients were evaluated and retrospectively reviewed. The main indications, complications, success rate, mortality and risk factors of procedure were analysed.
287 patients(162 females and 122 males, mean age 78 years, range 70-94years) underwent diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP. Mortality rate was 0.03% and success rate was 91.7%. Minor complications including procedure-related complications such as pancreatitis(2.8%), minor bleeding(1.4%), and aggravated cholangitis(2.1%), mild hypoxia(SaO2 < 90%, 15.1%), premature ventral contraction(1.0%), and tachycardia(50.7%) were transient. Major events were presented as severe hypoxia(SaO2 < 85%) in three pts(1.0%), and atrial fibrillation in one patients (0.03%).
This study showed that diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP is safe in elderly patients. Minor complications are usually transient and mortality is similar to previous reported rate.