The primary objective in the treatment of early rectal cancer is to achieve optimal oncological control while minimizing the long-term impact of therapeutic interventions on patients' quality of life. The current standard of care for most stage I and II rectal cancers involves radical surgery, specifically total mesorectal excision. Although total mesorectal excision is generally curative for early rectal cancers, it can significantly affect patients' quality of life by potentially necessitating a permanent colostomy and causing bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction. Given the morbidity associated with radical surgery, alternative approaches to managing early rectal cancer, such as local excision through transanal excision, transanal endoscopic microsurgery, and transanal minimally invasive surgery, have been investigated. If these surgical approaches are applied cautiously to carefully selected cases of early rectal cancer, it is anticipated that these local procedures will achieve comparable oncological outcomes to the established standard of radical surgery, potentially offering superior results regarding morbidity, mortality, and overall quality of life.
Urethral masses are not common in urogenital disease. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze urethral masses.
We reviewed 82 cases of urethral mass which were confirmed pathologically at Urology Department of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1985 to December 1994.
1) Age distribution was between 10 and 82 years(mean age 48.7 years), showing the highest incidence in 31 to 60 years(53/82, 64.6%) and female to male ratio was 5.8:1.
2) Major symptoms were foreign body sensation of urethra(42/82, 51.2%), vaginal spotting (20/82,24.4%), dysuria(12/82, 14.6%), residual urine sensation and urinary frequency.
3) Among them, 40 cases were urethral caruncle(40/82,48.8%), 13 were urethral diver-ticulum(13/82, 15.9%), 10 were urethral condyloma(10/82, 12.2%), and 8 were urethral leiomyoma(8/82, 9.8%).
4) Among urethral caruncles, 24 cases were telangiectatic type(24/40, 60%), 8 were papillomatous type(8/40, 20%) and 8 were granulomatous type(8/40, 20%).
5) Surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration was performed in all cases and radiation therapy was added in case of leiomyosarcoma.
These results suggest that urethral masses are more common in female than male, most of them are benign condition, urethral caruncle is a major disease, and surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration is a good treatment.
The authors describe a case of the brain abscess in the left temporal lobe which was accurately diagnosed by computerized tomography brain scan and complete surgical excision of abscess capsule was accomplis with great success. SUMMARY The case presented by authors was otogenic in origin and diagnosed accurately by the computerized tomographic scan, and total excision of the abscess capsule was performed by two stage operation.