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"Ho Won Kang"


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"Ho Won Kang"

Case Reports

A Case of Adult Wilms' Tumor
Ho Won Kang, Ki Pung Sung, Jong Ki Kim, Young Yo Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1997;20(3):327-330.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1997.20.3.327

Wilms' tumor is the most frquent malignant abdominal tumor in children but is rare in adults. Adult Wiulms' tumor is less than 1% of all wilms' tumor, and has poor prognosis than childhood Wilms' tumor. Wilms' tumor in children classically demonstrate the curative potential of combined modality cancer therapy. However, guide line for management in adult Wilms' tumor is less clear.

We reported a case of adult Wilms' tumor developed in 18 year-old male patient which was presented with right flank pain after slip-down for 1day.

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A Case of Complete Remission after Chemotherapy and Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection in Stage B2 Nonseminoma
Hoon Seog Jun, Ho Won Kang, Do Lin Jung, Seok Heun Jang, Bong Suk Shim, Sun Nam Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1997;20(2):205-208.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1997.20.2.205

Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor is histologically composed of embryonal cell carcinoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma, and yolk sac elements, alone or in various combinations. Its management is still controversial according to its stage. A failure or relapsed tumor after primary chemotherapy get poor prognosis, We experienced a successful case of complete remission fter chemotherapy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection(RPLND) in stage B2 nonseminoma.

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Original Article
Analysis on 82 Cases of Urethral Mass
Ho Won Kang, Seok Heun Jang, Hak Ryong Choi, Bong Suck Shim, Sung Won Kwon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):233-237.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.233

Urethral masses are not common in urogenital disease. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze urethral masses.


We reviewed 82 cases of urethral mass which were confirmed pathologically at Urology Department of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1985 to December 1994.


1) Age distribution was between 10 and 82 years(mean age 48.7 years), showing the highest incidence in 31 to 60 years(53/82, 64.6%) and female to male ratio was 5.8:1.

2) Major symptoms were foreign body sensation of urethra(42/82, 51.2%), vaginal spotting (20/82,24.4%), dysuria(12/82, 14.6%), residual urine sensation and urinary frequency.

3) Among them, 40 cases were urethral caruncle(40/82,48.8%), 13 were urethral diver-ticulum(13/82, 15.9%), 10 were urethral condyloma(10/82, 12.2%), and 8 were urethral leiomyoma(8/82, 9.8%).

4) Among urethral caruncles, 24 cases were telangiectatic type(24/40, 60%), 8 were papillomatous type(8/40, 20%) and 8 were granulomatous type(8/40, 20%).

5) Surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration was performed in all cases and radiation therapy was added in case of leiomyosarcoma.


These results suggest that urethral masses are more common in female than male, most of them are benign condition, urethral caruncle is a major disease, and surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration is a good treatment.

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