Percutaneous biopsy is the most frequent interventional radiologic procedure. Itsincreased use is related to new imaging technique facilitating needle placement, greater safety offine needle and advances in cytology. Over a period of recent 3 years, 174 cases who underwent percutaneous needle aspiration and biopsy were analyzed.
174 biopsies under fluoroscopic or ultrasonic guidance were performed. Various anatormic sites were targeted, chest 82, liver 55, neck 10, pancreas 10, intraabdominal 6, retrperitoneal 4, thyroid 2, kidney 1, breast 1.
Obtained cytologic specimen and tissue were diagnostic in 170 of the 174 biopsies(97.7%). 4 biopsies yielded inadequate or were composed of necrotic debris. The overall accuracy for both suspected malignant and infectious diseases were 98%. The diagnosis weremalignancy in 127 biopsies and benign disease in 47 biopsies. No complications other thanpneumothorax(7 cases ; 4.1%) and a transient hemoptysis(3 cases: 17%) was observed in 10cases(5.8%).
The author obtained extremely high diagnostic accuracy of malignant andbeign or inflammatory lesions using percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy without seriouscomplirations. It is a valuabel diagnostic methd in the lesion of the body at any location.
Feeding gastrostomy is a popular alternative in patients with swallowing difficulty. Many of theses patients are high anesthetic risk. Nonoperative percutaneous gastrostomy is a simple and safe precedure, and appear promising as alternatives for enteric alimentation.
The auther performed 26 cases of percutaneous gastrostomy from June 1987 to April 1991 at Ewha Womans University Hospital.
The underlying diseases of the patients were esophageal cancer(14 cases). CNS disease(10 cases) and lung cancer(2 case).
Seldinger method was used in all cases.
The general condition improved in all patients, and there were no serious complications. Gastrostomy tubes were patent in all patients during their survival period, and easily changeable to a larger bore tubes.
Although cholelithiasis is a common biliary disease, it is little known about its prevalence in asymptomatic population samples.
Real-time ultrasonography was done with 2639 subjects for healthy screening at Ewha Womans University Hospital.
The results were as follows:
1) Among 2639 subjects, the asymptomatic cholelithiasis were found in 88 cases(3.3%).
2) The age ranged from 25 to 87 years. The highest incidence was found in 7th(36.3%) and 6th(29.5%) decades. The prevalence of the male was 3.8%, and female 2.8%. The sex ratio was 1:0.76.
3) Among the 88 cases with gallstones, most of them are single in number(51.1%), and small in size(less than 1.0cm. 55.7%).