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"Ji Yong Kang"


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"Ji Yong Kang"

Original Articles
Development of Self-Questionires of Health Education on Adult Disease in Korea
Ji Yong Kang, Ran Ho Kyung, Young Moon Chae, Soon Nam Lee, Chung Sun Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1991;14(1):51-59.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1991.14.1.51

Since the national insurance system has implemented in 1977. the aspect of supply and demand in terms of treatment has been solved to a certain degree. but the health of the people has not been satisfied. Furthermore. considering the efficiency of cost-effective analyais. the development in the health promotion of medical field has gradually come to be called for.

As a part of the research, we have established the the major adult disease of our country. such as hypertension, diabetes, gastric cancer and cervical cancer, elicited the items of knowledge. attitude and practice(KAP) aimed at the prevention and early diagnosis of the above disease, prepared self-questionires. and made the persons concerned evaluate the KAP for their health.

We think that the utilization of the KAP questionires is effective for the promotion of health by the self-efficacy consciousness. and that the KAP itself is greatly significant as an excellent materials for public health education.

The sustained research and study which is to be followed is to go over the validity, reliability, efficacy. which would, make a great contribution to public health in the community.

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A Study on Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Housewives for the Utilization of the Health Sub-center in an Rural Area in Korea
Ji Yong Kang, Ja Hyung Wie, Jeong Sun Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):137-145.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.137

In order to grasp the knowledge , attitude, and the degree of practice the utilization of public health and medical care on the part of the residents of Su Dong Myon which is the demonstration project of Ewha Womans University and to perceive the response of the above dwellers about the village health worker, and the students' education for community medicine, we have conducted interviews by means of questionaries fro four days, Feb. 13 to 16 in 1985. And the outcome is as follows; 1) The degree of the recognition about the treatment of patients was 83.9%, which was the highest of the various functions of the health sub-center, and the second highest degree of recognition was 49.8%, which was the immunization of infants and children. And the degree of recognition about the other functions was very low. 2) The answers as to what place they will choose when they want to make use of public health and medical care were as follows: Those who go to the health sub-center when children fall sick, when adults fall sick, when immunization is performed when a family planning is to be consulted, and when pregnancy is to be consulted were 72.5%, 65.2%, 94.5%, 84.6%, and 74.4% respectively. 3) As for the reasons of the people who replied that they will go to the health sub-center when they are sick. It is convenient because it is near in distance was 52.2% which was the highest, and We can go to a hospital after we are treated in the health sub-center first of all was 20.7% which was the second highest. On the other hand, as for the reason of the people who replied that they would not choose the health sub-center, It is not near them was 34.3% which was the highest, It does not seem to be dependable was 24.3%, and Its medical facilities are not good was 15.7%. 4) The 86 patients who have recently follows sick within a month have visited first in order to be examined or to be treated were the health sub-center and drugstores, which were 32.6% and 32.6% respectively and these are the highest rates. However, those who visited the hospitals and clinics in the cities including Seoul were 10.5% and 8.1%. 5) The dwellers who favored the payment of the dues of the community development public health were 175 households(64.1%) and 53 households disapproved it (19.4%). The reason for this disapproval was that they are in a difficult situation economically.(33.9%) which was the highest rate and that We have to pay the money even when our family members are not sick.(24.5%) which was the second highest. The residents who have received help from the village health worker showed an affirmative response(totally 87.3%) by saying that It was a great help. (51.1%) and that It helped them a little.(36.2%). 6) The dwellers' response about students' visit to families for the purpose of the education of community medicine shown comparatively high(78.5%) as seen in We help them actively because we know that what they are doing is necessary. And there was even a response(2.4%) in which they said that We are bothered by them, so we will be happy if they don't come to visit us. The residents who responded that It will be good for us to be informed of the outcome of the inquiry conducted by the students through the visit to families. was 59.3%. And the negative responses such as I am not interested in it. or I don't have to be informed of it. were 28.2% and 12.0% respectively.

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A Study on Community Nutrition in an Rural Area
Ji Yong Kang
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1983;6(4):245-253.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1983.6.4.245

A study on the status of nutrition in a Korea rural community, Su-dong Myun, Nam Yang-ju Gun, Kyung-Gi Do, was carried out from September to November, 1983 through community nutrition survey by medical students(practice of preventive medicine).

The purpose of this survey has been to examine into community nutrition information in order to enforce maternal child health and entire community nutrition. The estimation of the status of nutrition especially, used a application of convenient method, the following results were obtained;

1) In general characteristics 81.7% respondents were house-wife. The age of respondents was 41-50 rated the highest with 23.3%, the educational level was that elementary school level rated the highest with 33.3%.

2) In income the average monthly income was that below 100,000won rated the highest with 45.0%.

3) Two generation of family structure rated 48.3% with the highest 26.7%.

4) 38.3% of all found in insufficient time to prepare for a meal, 51.7% interested about food nutrition, 55.0% concerned about food and nutrition.

5) Self-supply of main food and side-dish food were 71.7%, 30.0% respectively.

6) In the place of purchase, village store were 17.4% in main food, and 4.8% in side-dish food.

7) In a means of transportation, 71.6% conveyed by bus or the other vehicles in main food, and 92.8% in side-dish food.

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A Study on Anemia in Urban and Rural Area in Korea
Ji Yong Kang, Ja Hyung Wei, Youn Choul Koo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):191-200.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.191

From August to September of 1982, the study was conducted a survey of 152 urban infants and children (who visited the well baby and out patient clinic of th Department of Pediatrics of the Han Kang Sung Shim Hospital located at Young Deung Po Koo, Seoul) and of 62 rural infants and children (who are the children and infants living at Soo Dong Myun, Yang Choo Country, which is a comprehensive rural medical care demonstration area of Ewha Womans University). The purpose of this survey has been to know the relationship between ane-mia and social demographic background, maternal child health status, and the intake of nutrition. The results were as follows : 1) The frequency of anemia in urban area was shown as 25.7% and that of rural area as 11.7%, which means that the frequency of anemia is higher in urban area than in rural area. 2) In terms of the frequency of anemia according to age, the infants and children aged 12-18 months in ruban area showed a highest rate of 31.6%, and those aged 0-12 months in rural area a highest rate of 20.0%. In terms of sex, female infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than male counterparts in urban area. And male infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than female counterparts in rural area. 3) In terms of mothers, 29 year old mother were set as standard age and those under 29 years in urban area showed an frequency rate of 28.7%, and those under 29 years in rural area showed an frequency rate of 13.2%. This means that there was more frequency rate in the mothers under 29 years than in those above 29 years. 4) In terms of economic situation, 290,000 won per month was set as standard amound made per month. And those earning less than 290,000 won in urban areas showed an frequency rate of 35.7%, and those earning less than 290,000 won in rural area 33.3%, which means that there was more frequency of anemia among those making less than 290,000 won than those making more than 290,000 won. And this was significant in terms of statistics. 5) The more the number of siblings was, the higher the frequency of anemia was. The frequency in case of two brothers was shown as 27.6% in ruban area, and as 15.2% in rural area respectively. 6) Such things as number of parity and birth interval were not so much significant in ruban area. However, the higher the number of parity was in rural area, the higher the frequency of anemia was. And in case birth interval was long, the frequency of anemia was rather high. 7) In terms of the relationship between pregnancy and anemia symptom during pregnancy of index child those pregnant women with anemia symptom in urban area showed an frequency rate of 27.8%, and those in rural area 19.2% respecitvely. This reveals that the frequency rate of anemia symptom of pregnant women was higher in ruban area than in rural area. 8) In case infant and children took an initial(first) step within the age under one year, those in urban area showed an frequency rate of anemia of 31.7%, which is higher than in those who took an initial step when they were above one year old. And none of the rural infant and children under the age less than one year showed any frequency rate of anemia. 9) In terms of nurition, the infant and children raised by breast feeding showed an frequency rate of anemia of 36.9% and 12.8% in urban area and rural area and rural area respectively. This means that the infant and children who were weaned after six months showed more frequency rate of anemia than those who were weaned within six months. 10) In case food intake was irregular, the frequency rate of anemia were disclosed as 30.0% and 18.0% un ruban area and rural area respecitvely, which means that irregular food intake has brought about more frequency rate of anemia than regular food intake. And in case iron contained food was rarely taken, the frequency rates of anemia were 25.0% and 3.6% in urban area and rural area respectively. This shows that rarely taking of iron conained food has led to more frequency rate of anemia than frequently taking of iron contained food.

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