Although the role of surgical management of metastatic disease from primary carcinoma of the coln and recutm is still controversial, resection of hepatic metastasis improves survival rate of patients with primary colorectal carcinoma treated locally. The lung is the most common site of extra-abdominal metastasis following resection of a prymary colorectal tumor and not amenable to curative therapy.
It is possible to resect the pulmonary metastasis in selected patients following resection of colorectal cancers, but the 5-year survival rates are ranged from 9% to 57%. Authors report a case of resection of pulmonary metastasis occured 3 years after resection of primary colon carcinoma.
Preoperative Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Associated with Postoperative Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Cancer Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses Daniel Steffens, Hilmy Ismail, Linda Denehy, Paula R. Beckenkamp, Michael Solomon, Cherry Koh, Jenna Bartyn, Neil Pillinger Annals of Surgical Oncology.2021; 28(12): 7120. CrossRef