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"S.K. Kang"


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"S.K. Kang"

Original Article
A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Housewives Toward Vaccination for Children in Rural Area
S.K. Kang, Y.C. Koo, S.S. Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1979;2(2):97-104.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1979.2.2.97

In order to know knowledge, attitude, and practice of rural housewives for vaccination; D.P.T., B.C.G., and Polio-Vaccine, a study was carried out from 1st of August to 15th of September, 1978 with questionaire for home visiting survey in the area of Eewang-Myun, Sihung Gun, Kzunggi Province. And the results were as follows: 1. Out of 250 housewives, 10.4% of them made correct answer that D.P.T, vaccine is effect for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus prevention, and the correct answer rate was 13.6% in the group of experienced and 0.0% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 2. Out of 250 housewives, 33.6% made correct answer that B.C.G. vaccine is effect for tuberculosis prevention. And the correct answer rate was 39.8% in the group of experienced and 20.3% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 3. Out of 250 housewives, 27.6% made correct answer that the number of base vaccination for poliomyelitis prevention is 3 times. And the correct answer rate was 27.6% in the group of experienced and 13.4% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 4. The vaccination rate of 250 children aged under 6 years was 76.8% in D.PT., 68.4% in B.C.G., and 73.2% in Poliovaccine. 5. Out of 250 housewives, 41.6% of them used private clinics or hospitals for vaccination, 26.4% used health subcenter only, and 24.8% used both of private clinic and health subcenter.

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