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"Sam Sop Choi"


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"Sam Sop Choi"

Original Articles

Current Status of Supportive Resource of Medical College Education in Korea
Sam Sop Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(1):21-35.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.1.21

The current status of medical college faculty man-power and teaching facilities was analized through a survey on the curriculum(1986-1987) of a total 28 medical colleges in Korea. The strategies for development of the supportive resource of medical college education was also discussed specially on revisements of the law and regulation related with medical college establishment.

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A Study on the Prevalence and Care of Pulmonary Tuberculosis of Woman University Students
Sam Sop Choi, Jong Suk Kim, Kee Yong Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1986;9(1):55-61.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1986.9.1.55

In order to know the prevalence and care of pulmonary tuberculosis of woman students, a study was done by analyzing student tuberculosis care records registered in Ewha Womans University Health Center during the year of 1982-1984. The results were as follows;1) The annual prevalence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis was 8.6 per 1,000 students in 1982, 6.3 in 1983 and 5.6 in 1984. 2) According to the grade the annual prevalence rate of freshmen was 15.2 per 1,000 in 1982, 14.2 in 1983 and 11.6 in 1984, sophomer was 5.2, 1.6 and 4.4, junior was 4.6, 6.2 and 3.3, and senior was 5.6, 1.8 and 2.7, respectively. 3) During the year, of 1982-1984, the case distribution of tuberculosis by registered source was 44.5% by the entrance physical examination, 47.5% by the annual physical examination, 5.2% by the university health center medical service clinic, 1.0% from the university hospital notification and 1.9% by other sources. 4) The proportion of minimal and moderate advanced pulmonary tuberculosis in the registered student was 90.0% and 10.0% in 1982, 95.9% and 4.1% in 1983, and 89.8% and 10.2% in 1984, respectively. 5) The proportion of those using drugs was 73.2% in MZ group(Ethambutol+INH) and 16.8% in R group(Rifampin+Ethambutol+INH) during the year of 1982-1984. 6) The average medicated durations of the minimal pulmonary tuberculosis group were 11.5±4.5(month) in 1983 and 10.7±2.4(month) in 1984. And those of the moderate advanced pulmonary tuberculosis group were 18.0±9.2(month) in 1983 and 16.0±4.2(month) in 1984. 7) During the year of 1982-1984, the average medicated durations of the group by registered source were 11.7±5.8(month) in the group registered by enterace physical examination and 9.9±3.4(month) in the group by annual physical examination.

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Review Article

Health Education for Prevention of Blindness in Health Delivery System
Sam Sop Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1985;8(1):3-10.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1985.8.1.3

This paper is aimed to present the strategies to develop health education programmers for promotion of eye health and prevention of blindness within the framework of primary health care in health delivery system. And it is recommended as follows. 1) The role and utilization of health personel for eye health and prevention of blindness shold be fomulated specifying the staff categories and numbers needed in each level of health delivery system. 2) To develop and implement health education programme, more accurate data on blindness should be collected through population based epidemiological surveys for identification of high risk group and priority area. 3) Appropriate training should be given to multipurpose health worker and community health practioner(CHP) based on the known pattern of eye common diseases for them to be able to screen and report on eye diseases and visual loss using a standardized kit for screen at peripheral community level. 4) Appropriate training couse in primary prevention of blindness and health education for doctors, nurses and various auxilary health personnel sould be developed and implemented as the part of primary health care programmes. 5) Adequate health education materials for prevention of blindness should be developed and distributed to schools, industries and community organizations. And it is necessary to conduct mass media campaigns for the public.

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Original Articles
A Study on Current Status of Teaching Manpower and Curriculum of Medical Colleges in Korea
Sam Sop Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1981;4(2):47-58.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1981.4.2.47

The current status of teaching manpower and curriculum of a total of 19 medical colleges in Korea was analized with the data obtained through a survey on the curriculum of the year of 1979-80. And the strategies for faculty development and curriculum development was also discussed specially on revisement of the law and regulations related to college establishment, and on effectiveness of attending professor system in medical education.

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A Study on Curriculum and Educational Organization of 14 Premedical Coueses in Korea
Sam Sop Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(3):185-192.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.3.185

A comparative study on 14 premedical course curricula and educational organizations of 13 universities and one medical college in Korea was carried out to analyze the data the related to disciplines, subjects and credit hours scheduled in the bulletins 1976-1978 which will be applicable for curriculum development of premedical course related with medical education.

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A Study on Attitude and, Practice of Village Health Workers Supervised by Health Subcenter in Rural Area, Su-dong Myun
Ja Hyung Wie, Sam Sop Choi, Youn Choul Koo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):141-148.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.141

A study on attitude and practice of village health workers organized and supervised by Su-dong health subcenter was carried out with the analizing data collected through interview with 18 village health workers and village health worker's daily activity records during five months from October 1970 to Feburay 1987.

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A study on current status of doctors graduated from Ewha Womans University, Medical College during the year of 1951-1976 and who are living in country was carried out with analizing the data of annual medical doctor registration record authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Affair in May 1976. And the results are obtained as followings: 1) Out of 1,014 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College during the year of 1951-1976, 404 doctors (40.0%) who are living in Korea had reproted the annual medical doctor registration in the year of 1976. 2) Out of 404 doctors 90.6% of them applied to internships and 1.7% to basic medical science training and the rest 7.7% to medical practice directly after graduation Ewha Medical College. 3) It was found that the rate of internships applied is increasing according to the graduation year; such as 82.2% in 1951-1961. 90.0% in 1962-1971 and 96.0% in 1972-1976. 4) Three hundred and sixty six doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken intern and resident training at 46 educational hospitals in country during the year of 1951-1976 and 27 hospitals of them are located in Seoul City area. 5) 82.7% of 366 interns and 84.6% of 292 residents among doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken the training at the hospitals located in Seoul City area. 6) Among 366 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 53.5% of them had taken the course of internships and residency at same educational hospitals and the rest 46.5% of them had moved to other hospitals for residency after internships. 7) Among 167 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College and finished residency, 130 doctors (78.0%) passed the board examination. 8) The major specialities of 130 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College and passed the board examination were obstetrics and gynecology (30.5%), pediatrics (17.0%), ophthalmology (14.0%), E.N.T(8.0%), and internal medicine(7.5%). 9) Out of 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College 5.2% of them had recieved doctor degree in medicine and 13.6% only master degree in medicine. 10) Among 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 86.4% of them was working in Seoul City area, 12.6% in the other city area and 1.0% in township area for medical teaching and/or service. 11) Among 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 30.4% of them was operating own clinics, 23.5% was working in public or private medical facilities including medical college, 6.7% took rest temporarily from practice, and 39.4%was under training as intern or resident at education hospitals in country.

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A study on current status of inturnships and residency applied in country by woman doctors graduated from Medical College of Ewha Woman's University, during the year of 1967~1976, in order to collect the data of the distribution of training hospitals and distribution of inturnships and residency applied after graduation medical college, was carried out from July to August 1977 with analizing the data collected from the annual registration record of medical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Affair in May 1976.

And the following results are obtained:

1) Out of total 501 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College during the year of 1967~1976, 228 doctors(44.7%) who are living in country had registered the annual registration of medical doctor in the year of 1976.

2) 96.5% of 228 woman doctors were applied to inturnships after graduation Ewha Medical College and also 96.5% of them (220 doctors) were applied to residency.

3) It was found increasing in the rate of inturnships and residency applying according to the year of graduation respectively.

4) Woman doctor graduated from Ewha Medical College during last 10 years had taken inturnships and residency from 37educational hospitals in country and 23 hospitals of them are located in Seoul City area.

5) It was found increasing hospitals in number, where inturnships and/or residency applied by woman doctors according to the year of graduation respectively.

6) 82.2% of 220 inturns and 86.1% of 150 residents among woman doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken the training in the hospitals located in Seoul City area.

7) 61.0% of woman doctors had taken the course of inturnships and residency at same hospital and the rest 39.0% of them had moved to other hospitals for residency after inturnships.

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