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"Seung Hyeun Lee"


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"Seung Hyeun Lee"

Case Reports
Corticosteroid Therapy for Refractory Uremic Pleurisy
Eun Ji Park, Min A Park, Myung Jae Park, So Young Park, Seung Hyeun Lee
Ewha Med J 2016;39(4):125-128.   Published online October 27, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2016.39.4.125

Uremic pleuritis is a fibrinous pleuritis of unknown pathogenesis in patients with chronic kidney disease. Although it responds to regular dialysis or repeated thoracentesis, cases that are refractory to those therapies have been reported. We report a case of uremic pleuritis which showed marked improvement following corticosteroid therapy. The effusion was exudate, and negative in cytology and microbiology. Pleural biopsy revealed chronic inflammation with fibrosis. The pleural effusion did not respond to chest tube drainage and continuance of hemodialysis. With a diagnosis of refractory uremic pleuritis, we started methylprednisolone. The pleural effusion responded to the treatment and resolved without complication.


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  • Dyspnoea Assessment In Adults With End‐Stage Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review
    Maria Chilvers, Kylie Johnston, Katia Ferrar, Marie T. Williams
    Journal of Renal Care.2020; 46(3): 137.     CrossRef
  • Refractory exudative pleural effusion in patients with chronic kidney disease not receiving dialysis: A case report
    Hye Mi Seo, Miyeon Kim, Hyunwoo Kim
    Clinical Case Reports.2019; 7(4): 675.     CrossRef
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Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Histologically Mimicking Mucormycosis
Jun Gyu Song, Sae Han Kang, Byung Wook Jung, Hyeon Sik Oh, Min Ja Kim, Seung Hyeun Lee
Ewha Med J 2016;39(2):65-68.   Published online April 29, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2016.39.2.65

Differential diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis from other pulmonary fungal infections including mucormycosis is important because the treatment is pathogen-dependent. Clinically, invasive aspergillosis is often discriminated from other mold infections on the basis of typical histopathologic features in the biopsy specimen. However, biopsy alone is not always complete because different fungal species can display similar histopathologic features. Surrogate markers or molecular-based assays can be useful when the results of conventional diagnostic modalities are conflicting. Here, we present a case of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis histologically mimicking mucormycosis, which was confirmed by fungal polymerase chain reaction.


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  • A Case of Lung Abscesses Secondary to Mucormycosis in a Diabetic Female Patient
    Rabia Seher Alvi, Kamran Khan Sumalani, Nausheen Saifullah, Sadhna Priya, Saifullah, Rabia Javed
    Pakistan BioMedical Journal.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Pulmonary mucormycosis in post-pulmonary tuberculosis as an emerging risk factor: A rare case report
    Khanduja Divya, Pandhi Naveen
    Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Research.2021; 5(1): 059.     CrossRef
  • Pulmonary mucormycosis in immunocompetent hosts diagnosed by bronchioalveolar lavage
    Sunil Kumar, Divya Joshi
    BMJ Case Reports.2021; 14(4): e240180.     CrossRef
    Chetan Prajapati, Jagruti Ahir, Ghanshyam Borisagar, Madhavi Dhameliya
  • Pulmonary Mucormycosis: A Case Report of a Rare Infection with Potential Diagnostic Problems
    Salwa O. Mekki, Amal A. Hassan, Afnan Falemban, Nashwa Alkotani, Salem M. Alsharif, Ahmed Haron, Basim Felemban, Mohammad S. Iqbal, Aisha Tabassum
    Case Reports in Pathology.2020; 2020: 1.     CrossRef
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Metastatic Pulmonary Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma with Fulminant Clinical Course
Yong Won Park, Seon Bin Yoon, Mi Ju Cheon, Young Min Koh, Hyeon Sik Oh, Se Joong Kim, Seung Hyeun Lee
Ewha Med J 2015;38(2):85-89.   Published online July 29, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2015.38.2.85

Pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is a rare form of lung cancer that originates from submucosal glands of tracheobronchial tree. Unlike low-grade tumor with benign nature, high-grade case is even rarer and has aggressive clinical features with no definite treatment option. Here, we report a case of high-grade pulmonary MEC with fulminant clinical course. A 74-year-old man presented with cough, sputum and mental change. Chest imaging showed massive mediastinal lymphadenopathy with obstructive pneumonia, and multiple metastases in lung and adrenal gland. Bronchoscopy showed polypoid masses obstructing right main bronchus and bronchus intermedius. Histopathology revealed a mixture of glandular structure lined with mucussecreting cells and nests of squamoid cells with nuclear atypia and pleomorphism, which is compatible with high-grade MEC. We intensively treated the patient with combination antibiotics and ventilator care. However, the patient did not respond to the treatment and rapidly deteriorated, and finally expired a month after diagnosis.

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