In the neostriatum of mammals the neurons and synapses discriminated into several types at the base of their morphological characteristics. A number of neurons are interneuron but some of neurons project efferent fibers to the pallidum, substantia nigra or thalamus. While the neostriatum receive the afferent fibers from cerebral cortex, thalamus, substantia nigra and nucleus raphe dorsalis. The present experiment was performed to identify the corticostriatal synapses in the rat neostriatum after cortical ablation. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) From the rat 2 day after cortical ablation, in the neostriatum some of axon terminals with small round vesicles appeared that synaptic vesicles are variety in size and crowded toward the synaptic thickening. 2) From the rat 3 and 5 day after cortical ablation some of asymmetric synapses with small round vesicles were an increased electron density of the whole axon terminal and the vesicles and the mitochondria formed all ill-defined mass. From these results it may be assumed that the axon terminals of corticostriatal fiber in the rat neostriatum make up the asymmetric axospinous synapses with small round vesicles.
This study provides a description of the normal morphology of the synapses of the locus coeruleus in the squirrel monkey,
The present study was performed to evaluate the histochemical properties of epithelial mucins in diseased gallbladders.
18 gallbladder specimens were selected in which metaplastic goblet cells had been observed. Of the specimens 9 were gallstone and 9 cholecystitis.
For microscopic examination, tissues were sectioned at a thickness 5µm, and were stained with following histochemical techniques: Alcian blue at pH 1.0 or 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff's reaction (PAS).
Observed results were as follows:
1) In ordinary gallbladder the epithelial cells showed a predominance of sulphated mucosubstance.
2) In many case of cholelithiasis a typical goblet-typed epithelial cells were found in the top of folds. In large goblet cell area the relative proportion of sulphated acid mucin decreased and correspondingly non-sulphated acid mucin increased.
3) In the case of cholecystitis the intracellular mucin of high columnar epithelium predominated in the deep area of folds.
4) The neutral mucin predominated in the surface epithelium of gallbladder under pathological condition.