The pacemaker syndrome is a complex of clinical signs and symptoms related to the adverse hemodynamic and electrophysiologic consequence of ventricular pacing in the absence of other cause.
The following illustrates a case of pacemaker syndrome proven by cardiac catheterization. A 64-year-old female patient who had been previously managed with single chamber pacemaker(VVI mode) due to sick sinus syndrome, suffered from chest discomfort, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness.
We thought that she suffered from pacemaker syndrome and changed single chamber pacing to dual chamber pacing. At that time we performed cardiac catheterization perioperatively.
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, amin pulmonary arterial pressure, right atrial pressure and right ventricular pressure were normalized after the change and she didn't feel any symptoms.
A 37-year-old female patient admitted due to dyspnea on exertion and peripheral edema. For one and a half years, the patient had been taking various drugs and supplements to reduce weight, including amphetamine-like drugs. The patient had no major cardiovascular risk factors except three pack-years of smoking. A chest computed tomography showed a 1.7 cm diameter, capsulated space-occupying lesion in the left ventricle (LV) and 2-dimensional echocardiography showed LV systolic dysfunction (Left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], 30%) with a mobile cystic mass (1.1×1.8 cm) that was attached to the LV apex, which was increased in size and number the next day, even with low dose low-molecular-weight heparin. With an increased dose of anticoagulation medication and heart failure management with diuretics and angiotensin receptor II blocker, LV dysfunction was recovered and the LV thrombus disappeared.