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"Sung Sool Kim"


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"Sung Sool Kim"

Original Article
Comparative Study of Flow Cytometry and Image Cytometry of Hepatocellular Carcinomas in Human and Experimental Animal Tissue
Sung Sool Kim, Hae Soo Koo, Woon Shub Han, Ok Kyung Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1994;17(1):3-12.   Published online March 30, 1994
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1994.17.1.3

The rapidly expanding field of flow cytometry consists of the simultaneous measurementof several parameters while a suspension of celts flows through a beam of light past stationary detectors.

Flow cytometric DNA analysis can even be performed on nuclear suspensions recoveredfrom thick sections of routine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks with results remarkably similar to those obtained using fresh tissues.

Because the main limitation of flow cytometry is that cells need to be in a single-cell suspension in order to be analysed, image cytometric device was recentry developed.

At present study, we did comparison between flow cytometric and image cytometric methodsin measurement of DNA ploidy pattern of same specimen from human and experimentalanimal tissue and obtained a good correlation between 2 methods.

It is concluded that DNA image cytometry appears to be supplementary to FCM for thestudy of DNA ploidy abnormalities and that the combined results of these methods havea major influence on the clinical outcome.

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