The tibial condylar fractures involving the articular surface can produce disability of knee joint bacause of its incongrousity and accompanied soft tissue injuries such as ligaments & menisci.
Accurate anatomical reduction and rigid internal fixation followed by early motion is known to get a best result and minimize the complications.
The author analyzed the 57 cases of the tibial condylar fractures treated at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ewha Womans Medical College and following results were obtained.
1) The highest incidence was in 4th decade(28%) and the most frequent cause was traffic accident (74%).
2) The most common fracture site was lateral condyle(77%).
3) The most common type of fracture was total condylar depression(25%). and next common type was split compression(13%) by hohl & Luck classification.
4) According to Porter's criteria, the satisfactory result was obtained in 31 cases(77%) out of 40 by the operated treatment and above all satisfactory result was 47 cases(83%) out of 57.
5) The most important factor in the end result was the accurate anatomical reduction, rigid fixation and the early joint motion.