A 25-year-old female visited the clinic with abdominal pain and poor oral intake.
She was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and had a history of using
infliximab for 4 years. She had no previous operative history. Magnetic
resonance enterography demonstrated the progression of a penetrating
complication that involved the distal ileum and complex entero-enteric fistula
between the terminal ileum and sigmoid colon. Surgery was conducted using the da
Vinci SP surgical system. In the operative field, severe adhesion was observed
between the terminal ileum, adjacent ileum, cecum, and the sigmoid colon. After
adhesiolysis of the small bowel and right colon was performed, the fistula tract
between the sigmoid colon and terminal ileum was identified and resected. Then,
simultaneous ileocecectomy and anterior resection was performed. The operation
was completed without any intraoperative complications and patient’s
recovery was uneventful. She was discharged postoperatively, after 8 days.