Carbon monoxide impairs oxygen transport to tissue when combined with hemoglobin in blood, leading to hypoxic damage of the organs, especially in central nervous system.
Methylxanthine such as Caffeine and Theophylline have been used for apena of pretern baby and hypoxic ischemic encephalopaty.
The purpose of this study was to see the effects of Caffeine and Aminophylline on activity disturbance of hypoxic damage induced by carbon monoxide poisoning.
The results poisoning :
1) The effects of carbon monoxide intoxication on activity response : Compare to the activity of control group of 588, 589, 501, 525, 378 at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min. CO poisoning group showed 92, 39, 42, 36, 27 and 25, respectively.
2) The effects of caffeine on CO poisoning induced activity disturbance : With Caffeine administration, the activity at 10 min was 87, similar to control group. but increases to 210, 255, 233, 278 at 20, 30, 40 and 50 min, respectively.
3) The effects of Aminophylline on CO poisoning induced activity disturvance. With Aminophylline administaration the activity was significantly increased to 77, 208, 169, 142, 187, 162 at 10 to 50 min., respectively, compare to CO poisoning group.