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Original Article

An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rat Bladder

The Ewha Medical Journal 1991;14(4):417-427. Published online: July 24, 2015

Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.

Copyright © 1991. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • The response of the rat bladder to single dose of Cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II)(Cis-DDP). radiation(6-10 Gy). or combination of radiation and Cis-DDP was assessed from the histopathologic changes. For the combined treatment, a single dose of Cis-DDP(2.5mg/kg) was given 30 min before or immediately after radiation. Cis-DDP alone, show inflammatory cells infiltrations in the submucosa, soft tissue and muscle layer of the bladder. A single fraction of 6 Gy of X-ray irradiation produced congestion and edema in the submucosa and its degree was increased by increasing radiation dose. The vacuolization in the mucosa and degeneration and edema in the muscle layer was developed after 8 Gy X-ray irradiation. In combination of Cis-DDP and radiation, the edema and congestion of the mucosa and degeneration and edema of muscle layer were developed in 6 Gy X-ray irradiation group and its degree was more than radiation alone group. There was no significant difference in the change of the bladder according to the timing of Cis-DDP administration before or after the radiation. In combined group of Cis-DDP and radiation, enhancement ratio was 1.33 in normal bladder as the endpoint was the degeneration of the muscle layer.

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      An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rat Bladder
      Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1991;14(4):417-427.   Published online July 24, 2015
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      An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rat Bladder
      Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1991;14(4):417-427.   Published online July 24, 2015
      An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rat Bladder
      An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rat Bladder