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Original Article

Evaluation of Effect of Aging on Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in Normal Subjects

The Ewha Medical Journal 1994;17(1):25-34. Published online: March 30, 1994

Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.

Copyright © 1994. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • To determine the effect of aging on left ventricular filling mitral valve flow was evaluatedwith conventional pulsed Doppler echocardiography in 100 normal subjects, aged 20 to 76 years, who had no evidence of cardiovascular disease. The subjects were classified into the5 groups, according to the age, with 20 subjects in each groups : 20-29 years(group I), 30-39 years(group II), 40-49 years(group III), 50-59 years(group IV) and 60-76 years(group V).
    The results were as follows :
    1) The LVEDD(Left Ventricular End Diastolic Diameter) and left ventricular mass indexwere significantly increased with aging(r=0.50, r=0.60) and the ejection fraction showed nosignificant differences among these groups.
    2) With aging, the peak early velocity(Peak E) was decreased(r=-0.36) and the peak atrialvelocity(Peak A) was increased(r=0.43). The E/A ratio and atrial diastolic velocity were decreased significantly with aging and showed a negative correlation with aging(r=-0.70).
    3) The deceleration time of early diastolic flow was increased with aging(r=0.29) but without significance.
    4) The isovolumetric relaxation time was significantly increased with aging(r=0.75).
    In conclusion, as myocardial stiffness increases with aging, nonuniformity of myocardialrelaxation is frequently associated in older age group. Thus, a certain echocardiographic parameter shows abnormal value with normal aging process : the IVRT and DT are prolonged, Peak E is decreased and E/A ratio increased. For correct evaluation of the left ventricular diastolicfunction, age should be considere, along with the other factors such as loading conditionsof the heant heart rate and the contractile status of the heart.

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    Evaluation of Effect of Aging on Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in Normal Subjects
    Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1994;17(1):25-34.   Published online March 30, 1994
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    Evaluation of Effect of Aging on Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in Normal Subjects
    Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1994;17(1):25-34.   Published online March 30, 1994
    Evaluation of Effect of Aging on Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in Normal Subjects
    Evaluation of Effect of Aging on Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in Normal Subjects