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Original Article

Effect of Anxiogenic Drug on Stress Reaction Induced by Conflict

The Ewha Medical Journal 1994;17(2):93-101. Published online: July 24, 2015

Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.

Copyright © 1994. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine

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  • In this experiment, examined were short-term effect of alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonist yohimbine on physiological, behavioral changes and ulceration induced by the 48 hr. conflict-stress session and compared with effect of conflict-stress condition. The experimental animals were 35 rats. each of which was distributes to one of the five group : yogimbine and conflict treatment group (experimental group N=10), conflict treatment without yohimbine group(control group N=10), yoked yohimbine without conflict group(compared group 1 N=4), yoked conflict without yohimbine group(compared group 2 N=4) and no stress treatment group(compared guoup 3 N=7). The experiment was conducted for 48 hours. During the first 24 hr. session, the animals received the feedback of ter shock termination or delay by their lever-pressing coping behavior so that could escape the stree stimulation. However, during the second 24 hr. conflict-stress session, they were provided a brief shock as a first feedback and the shock termination or delay as the second feedback of the lever-pressing coping behavior as in the first session. In this way avoidance-avoudance conflict condition was induced experimentally. Yohimbine(2cc/kg) was administrated twice during the entire experiment. Thus experimental group received the conflict stress and yohimvine, and control group took lnly conflict stress without yohimvine treatment. The compared 1 group which was yorked to experimental group which was yorked to control group took only uncontrollable stress without conflict, compared 2 group which was yorked to control group took only uncontrollable stress without yohimvine treatment and conflict, and compared 3 group did not receive any stress stimulation.
    The results of the experiment were as follow. The effect of yohimbine and conflict were found in terms of stress ulceration aggravation and coping behavior fecrease but not weight loss and water intake. the experimental group showed more severe ulcerarion than the other groups. The control group showed the stress reaction in terms of coping behavior decreasment and mild level unceration. Two yoked groups also suggested the mild level ulceration but not coping behavior.
    Based ojn this result from this experiment, it was found that the phychological conflict induced experimentally and yohimbine had the definitive effect of the ulceration aggravaion and suggested neither psychological conflict nor yohimbgine treatment sufficient for stress ulceration nevertheless psychological conflict or uncontrollable condition or yohimbine treatment induced mild ulceration stress response.

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      Effect of Anxiogenic Drug on Stress Reaction Induced by Conflict
      Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1994;17(2):93-101.   Published online July 24, 2015
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      Effect of Anxiogenic Drug on Stress Reaction Induced by Conflict
      Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 1994;17(2):93-101.   Published online July 24, 2015
      Effect of Anxiogenic Drug on Stress Reaction Induced by Conflict
      Effect of Anxiogenic Drug on Stress Reaction Induced by Conflict