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Original Article

Development of Evlautation Tool for Job Performance of Occupational Health Personnels

The Ewha Medical Journal 2003;26(2):169-177. Published online: June 30, 2003

Department of Prevention Medicine, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.

*Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.

Copyright © 2003. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine

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  • Objectives
    The purpose of this study is to deliver effective worksite health management by specifying job of occupational physician, occupational nurse, occupational hygienist and making job reference manual and health performance audit. Therefore, We can contribute to disease prevention and health promotion of workers by enhancing quality of worksite health management.
  • Method
    The methodology of making performance audit is comprised of developing audit questions and weighting the questions. Measures are made by scoring the values. The questionnaires were grouped by the categories and sections. This occupational audit was distributed to the health personnel of 350 workplaces by mail. The self-administered results were returned and analyzed.
  • Results
    We plot the field of occupational health service by basic policy, preventive health service, health care, administration, and other services. We gave the weight A on the primary job, B on the supplementary job, and C on the minor job. This weight was made through the delphi procedures where 30 specialists joined. Basic policy got score of 16.1% preventive health service got 36.5%, health care 20.4%, administration 10.9%, and other services 10.1%. Further weightings on the questionnaire sections were made through the survey on specialists and final weighting on each questionnaire was made by making formula considering weights of each stage. The audit was composed of 96 questions which has dichotomos scales and full score was 1,000. Person-nels from 80 workplaces (23%) replied the audit and the scores of physicians, nurses, and hygienists were 608.6, 587.1 and 535.4, respectively, all a little higher than 500.
  • Discussion
    The health performance audit can be used by the sorksite health personnels providing health service. However, this work would not be complete without further comprehe-sion and application in the real settings.

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      Myung Jung Kim, Sun-Kyoung Park
      Journal of the Korean Society of Safety.2016; 31(2): 104.     CrossRef

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    Development of Evlautation Tool for Job Performance of Occupational Health Personnels
    Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 2003;26(2):169-177.   Published online June 30, 2003
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    • Citation for the content below
    Development of Evlautation Tool for Job Performance of Occupational Health Personnels
    Ihwa Ŭidae chi. 2003;26(2):169-177.   Published online June 30, 2003
    Development of Evlautation Tool for Job Performance of Occupational Health Personnels
    Development of Evlautation Tool for Job Performance of Occupational Health Personnels