Adrenocortical insufficiency is the clinical manifestation of deficient production or action of glucocorticoids. It is a life-threatening disorder that can result from primary adrenal failure or secondary adrenal failure due to impairment of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Primary adrenocortical insufficiency can be caused by autoimmune adrenalitis, infection (especially, tuberculosis), metastatic cancer, lymphoma, adrenal hemorrhage, infarction or drugs. Among these, adrenal hemorrhage may be caused by anticoagulant drug or heparin therapy, thromboembolic disease, hypercoagulable states such as antiphospholipid syndrome, physical trauma, postoperative state, sepsis and severe stress from any cause. However, even fewer reports exist of adrenocortical insufficiency due to spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. We report a rare case of acute adrenocortical insufficiency due to spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage presenting as acute abdominal pain.
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A Case Report of Adrenal Insufficiency Treated with Korean Medicine Young-ji Kim, Jung-yeon Kwon, Ho-yeon Go, Kyung-hwan Kong The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine.2017; 38(5): 583. CrossRef