The rapidly expanding field of flow cytometry consists of the simultaneous measurementof several parameters while a suspension of celts flows through a beam of light past stationary detectors.
Flow cytometric DNA analysis can even be performed on nuclear suspensions recoveredfrom thick sections of routine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks with results remarkably similar to those obtained using fresh tissues.
Because the main limitation of flow cytometry is that cells need to be in a single-cell suspension in order to be analysed, image cytometric device was recentry developed.
At present study, we did comparison between flow cytometric and image cytometric methodsin measurement of DNA ploidy pattern of same specimen from human and experimentalanimal tissue and obtained a good correlation between 2 methods.
It is concluded that DNA image cytometry appears to be supplementary to FCM for thestudy of DNA ploidy abnormalities and that the combined results of these methods havea major influence on the clinical outcome.
Wistar rats were used and divided into 3 groups ; group I treated with 0.03% 3'MeDAB alone far 12 weeks, group II given 50
In light microscopic examination, nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia, and nucleolar enlargement were noted in all groups. In group II cell cord disarray, focal necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration were observed in the later stage. Beside those findings, in group III pseudolobular formation, and cirrhotic changes were demonstrated, and findings of well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma composed of hyperchromatic and dendritic hepatocytes were evidenced in a case for the first time at the 36th week, then appeared in 2 cases at the 40th week.
In electron microscopic examination nuclear and nucleolar enlargement together with proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria were common findings, mild in group I, moderate in group II and marked in group III, in general. With the lapse of time, groupI demonstrated some additional pictures such as clumps of nucleolar chromatin, double nuclei,multiple nucleoli, electron dense granules and nucleolar margination, and group III revealed much more outstanding features such as prominent nucleolar modification, cytoplasmic pseudoinclusion in nucleus, increased free ribosomes and seperation or focal interruption of outer nuclear membrane.
To determine the effect of aging on left ventricular filling mitral valve flow was evaluatedwith conventional pulsed Doppler echocardiography in 100 normal subjects, aged 20 to 76 years, who had no evidence of cardiovascular disease. The subjects were classified into the5 groups, according to the age, with 20 subjects in each groups : 20-29 years(group I), 30-39 years(group II), 40-49 years(group III), 50-59 years(group IV) and 60-76 years(group V).
The results were as follows :
1) The LVEDD(Left Ventricular End Diastolic Diameter) and left ventricular mass indexwere significantly increased with aging(r=0.50, r=0.60) and the ejection fraction showed nosignificant differences among these groups.
2) With aging, the peak early velocity(Peak E) was decreased(r=-0.36) and the peak atrialvelocity(Peak A) was increased(r=0.43). The E/A ratio and atrial diastolic velocity were decreased significantly with aging and showed a negative correlation with aging(r=-0.70).
3) The deceleration time of early diastolic flow was increased with aging(r=0.29) but without significance.
4) The isovolumetric relaxation time was significantly increased with aging(r=0.75).
In conclusion, as myocardial stiffness increases with aging, nonuniformity of myocardialrelaxation is frequently associated in older age group. Thus, a certain echocardiographic parameter shows abnormal value with normal aging process : the IVRT and DT are prolonged, Peak E is decreased and E/A ratio increased. For correct evaluation of the left ventricular diastolicfunction, age should be considere, along with the other factors such as loading conditionsof the heant heart rate and the contractile status of the heart.
To investigate the prevalence of antibody against hepatitis C virus(HCV), anti-HCV wasdetected by enzyme immunoassay in 170 patients with liver cirrhosis, 77 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, and 100 healthy controls.
The results were as follows :
1) Prevalence of anti-HCV was 15.3% in liver cirhosis and 9.1% in hepatocellular carcinomabut no significant difference was found between two groups. Anti-HCV was not detected inhealthy control group. prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) was 3% in healthycontrol, 52.9% in liver cirrhosis, and 72.7% in hepatocelltular carcinoma.
2) Prevalence of anti HCV in HBsAg positive patients with liver cirrhosis was 2.2% and30.0% in HBsAg negative patients. In HBs Ag negaive patients with liver cirrhosis, the prevalenceof anti-HCV was 40.9% in patients with antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc)only, 21.1% in patients with anti-HBc and antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen(anti-HBs),and 35.0% in patients with no HBV markers.
3) Anti-HCV was not detected in HBsAg positive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma,but the prevalence of anti-HCV was 33.3% in HBsAg negative patients. In HBsAg negativepatients with hepatoccllular carcinoma, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 12.5% in patients withanti-HBc only, 45.5% in patients with anti-HBc and anti-HBs, and 50.0% in patients withno HBV markers.
4) In studying the relation of anti-HBc and anti-HCV in HBsAg negative patients withliver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, prevalence of isolated anti-HCV, positive for bothanti-HBc and anti-HCV, negative for both anti-HBc and anti-HCV showed no significant difference between two groups. Prevalence of isolated anti-HBc showed significant difference betweentwo groups(p<0.01).
According, it is suggested that the most important factor in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosisand hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea is HBV but in HBsAg negative patients, HCV is suggested to play an important etiologic role. In endemic areas of HBV such as Korea, whetherHCV acts in the process of development of hepatocellular carcinoma from liver cirrhosis andwhether HCV superinfection modifies the natural course of chronic HBV infection need furtherinvestigation.
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) has been used to treat patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). TACE may result in gastrointestinal complications because of an unavoidable infusions of embolic materials or antineoplastic drugs into the gastroduodenal and right gastric arteries. The incidence, endoscopic and histologic features of gastriclesions were investigated in 12 patients with inoperable HCC after hepatic arterial infusionof I-131-Lipiodol or chemo-embolization(TACE).
The results were as follows ;
1) Symptoms such as epigastic pain(five cases), nausea(three cases), and fever(two cases)developed in 9 patients(75%) after TACE.
2) Endoscopic findings after TACE were as follows ; The development of gastric lesionswas evident in five of the 12(41.7%). In three cases, gastric erosions were present, and theother two had acute gastritis.
3) The lesions were located on the antrum and body of the stomach, and the most commonsite was the gastric antrum(four cases).
4) Histologic findings of four cases with gastric lesions after TACE were as fo11ows : Twocases of gastritis, one case of erosion and intestinal metaplasia, and one case of erosion andatypical glandular hyperplasia.
In conclusion, the development of these gastric lesions after TACE may be due to mucosalischemia caused by embolic materials, the toxic effect of antineoplastic drugs or radioactiveagents infused, stress, or to accompanying cirrhosis. In light of these events, upper gastrointestinalendoscopy should be added to the usual examinations done for patients undergoing TACE.
To dilrectly coimpare the rigid and flexible jlltrarnedullary nails for the treatment of tibialfractiires, we restrospectively reviewed the clinical result of 108 tibial fractures treated at theEwha Womans University Hospital between January 1987 to June 1993. Twenty-one cases werebelonged to the flexible nail(FN) group, while 87 fractures were included to the rigid(non-locking or interlocking) nail(RN) group.
Average period between the injury and fracture union was overall 17.5 weeks(range, 11-67)and it was much shorter in the RN group(15.2 weeks) than the FN group(29.0). Complicationsduring and after treatment in terms of malunion as well as delayed or non-union, were alsomore common in the FN group. However. deep wound infecctions were only found after rigidnailing.
In conclusion, in view of the fracture union time and comptication rate, rigid nailing showedbetter results than the flexible one. But the flexible nails had several inherent advantages especially ill the technical aspects of their use.
Although the usefulness of mammography as screening test for breast cancer is still in dispute,its use to patients over 50 years of age is valid.
Since Wolfe fisrt classified breast parenchymal pattern of mammography into 4 patterns, N1, Pl, P2, DY, many authors have adopted the clitoris in studing the changes of the parenchymal patterns for certain ages and the risk for breast cancer of certain parenchymal patterns.
Authors reviewed 50 cases of breast cancer which diagnosed by radiologic studies including mammography, galactography, and computed tomography, and confirmed by pathologically.
The results were as follows :
1) Incidence of breast cancer according to parenchymal pattern was : 9 cases(18%) in N1 type breast 5 cases(10%) in Pl type breast 32 cases(64%) in P2 type breast, 4 cases(8%)in DY type breast.
2) Detection rate of cancer lesion according to parenchymal pattern was : 89% in N1 typebreast, 80% in Pl type breast 63% in P2 type breast 25% in DY type breast.
Most frequent age distribution was 5th and 6th decade.
In conclusion, mammographic parenchymal pattern is valid indicator for breast cancer.
Many conventional modalities such as dermabrasion, depigmenting creams as well as several types of lasers have been used for the treatment of cutaneous pigmented lesions without countable effects.
Flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser(PLTL-1) is one of the selective photothermolysis laser. This laser system incorporates two separate lasers, having an emission wave length of 510nm,a pulse duration 400nanoseconds and 5mm spot size, a flashlamp-excited pulsed dye laser is used to treat superficial cutaneous lesions, and flashlamp-excited, Q-switched alexandrite laser(TATULAZR), having an emission wavelength of 755nm, a pulse duration 100nanoseconds and 3mm spot size is designed for the treatment of blue-black tatoos.
Purpose of this study is to evaluate efficacy of PLTL-1 laser for treatment of cutaneous pigmented lesions.
The results were as follows ;
1) Excellent and good responses were observed in nevus spilus, freckles, senile lentiginesand Peutz-Jegher's syndrome.
2) Fair responses were observed in melanocytic nevus, Hocker's nevus.
3) Poor responses were observed in melasma and cafe-au-lait spot.
4) Good to fair responses were observed in nevus of Ota, ABNOM, and tattoos.
5) There were mild complications such as transient hyperpigmentation, transient hypopigmentation and recurrence.
1) Pendred's syndrome is very rare disease in western countries, although 5% of all case of congenital deafness by Pendred's syndrome, and until not reported in Korea.
2) Pendred's syndrome, believed to be one of the more frequent cause of autosomal recessive deafness, has been considered until rescently to present a consistant clinical picture of sensorineural hearing loss and nodular goiter.
3) Goiter generally appears in these patients at puberty or later, but may be in early childhood.
4) It is a deficiency of thyroxine synthesis occurs, thyroid stimulating hormone increase, and goiterous enlargement is seen in the thyroid tissue, most affected persons are clinically euthyroid, but hypothyriodism.
5) Two patients was performed subtotal thyroidectomy, and one is right lobectomy with combined isthmus.
Diffuse pulmonary Iymphangitic involvement secondary to cervical carcinoma is a rare form of pulmonary metastatic disease. A patient with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of cervix presented with rapid deterioration with marked respiratory symptoms suggestive of pulmonary embolism and right heart faiure, with which the disease is often confused.
Pulmonary Iymphangitic spread of the cancer was found postmortem. The pathogenesis of pulmonary Iymphangitic carcinomatosis is reviewed and diagnostic evaluation discussed.
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma(MFH) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of late adultlife, majority of cases occuring in persons between ages of 50 and 70.
It occurs most frequently on the lower extremity followed by upper extremity and retroperitoneum.
Primary involvement of the kidney is quite rare, with only 19 cases reported in the literature.
We report a case of 74-year-old woman with histologically proven MFH of the right kidney.