As the lifespan of men have been extended, the interest in functional aging process of each organs is increasing. The aim of this study was to investigate lbjectively several physiological changes in aged colon, using rats.
We used old healthy Sprage-Dawley rats(n=33, over 17months), and young rats(n=28, 8 - 10weeks). Glass bead expulsion tests were done
For glass bead expulsion, more time was needed significantly in young rat group (p=0.028). The speed of colon transit was accelerated in distal colon significantly regardless of age, but the number of rats with complete transt was superior in young rat group. Development of tension in respose to Carbachol was not different significantly between two groups (p=0.345).
Colonic functional decline with age was observed through
The purpose of study is to compare the laparoscopic appendectomy with the open appendectomy in the clinical outcomes.
From March 2001 to June 204, a total 118 appendectomy were retrospectively reviewed. These were comprised of 57 laparoscopic appendectomy (LA), and 61 open appendectomy (OA) selected by random method among 1193 poen appendectomy cases during same period. Hospital stay, length of operation times, recovery of bowel function, postoperative complication, postoperative pain, pathologic classification were compared in both groups.
The operation times were 68.6 minutes (LA) and 51.6 minutes (OA), respectively (p=0.021). There no statistical differences in the duration of hospital stay, recovery of bowel function, complication rate, although LA group trend the shorter duration of the hospital stay, faster recovery of bowel function and low rarte of complication than OA group. The patient's satisfaction was higher in LA group than OA because of the operation wound scar.
The LA was no difference clinical outcomes except operation time as compared with OA. LA, however, may be have the merit of minimal invasive surgery and satisfaction of patient. So, LA method is attractive option for the management of appendicitis.
To develop the biomarkers for the immune dysfunction induced by dioxin, 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD was administered C57BL/6N mice 0.1µg TCDD/??body weight. Colony forming assay showed that the proliferation potential of hemotopoieti progenitor cells in bone marrow was reduced 35-55% more by earlier exposure. The microarray experiments were duplicated, and the candidates were restricted for the genes expressed greater than 121-fold. Resulting candidates were 55 genes. The expression patterns of the whole genes were analyzed by self-organizing maps (SOM). From these results, we selected the stage-specific genes : one genes (SOM c21 : nadh dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene) for gestational 13.5day, 13 genes (c0 : sialophorin ; spn gene, etc) for postnatal 3 week. The above genes are proposed to be a potential use of biomarker for dioxin exposure in the case of immume dysfunctions.
The cytochrome P450(P450) are a large group of constitutive and inducible heme-containing enzymes, which have a central role in the oxidative metabolism of a diverse range of xenobiotics. The majority of chemical carcinogens require metabolic activation before they interact with cellular macromolecules and can cause cancer initiation. The xenobiotic-metabolizing machinery contains two main types of enzymes : the phase I P450 mediating oxidative metabolism, and phase II containing enzymes. Activity of some enzymes implicated in the metabolism of carcinogens presents a great variability between individuals due to the existence of a polymorphism in gene coding for P450. Individual P450s, especially CYP1B1, are overexpressed in different types of tumors. The increased expressons of P450s in tumors is highly significant and is important for understanding rumor development and progression. The tumor-specific expression of P450s provides the basis for the development of movel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
The purpose of this study is investigating variables affecting the numbers of clinical laboratory tests.
Data about the number of clinical laboratory tests, hospital characteristics, and the number of patients between January 1999 and December 1999 was collected. Data resources were Statistical Yearbook, Standardization Audit by Korean Hospital Association and Internal Data Set of each hospital. Hospital characteristics were hospital ownership, tertiary care hospital, duration since opening, licensed hospital beds, the rates of medical inpatient and outpatient. Multiple regression analysis was applied to find factors affecting the number of clinical laboratory tests. Models for WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, PLT, LDC, PT, PTT, AST, ALT, and GLU were statistically adequate.
As the results, hospital ownership, duration since opening, licensed hospital beds, the rate of medical outpatient were statistically significant. Private hospitals showed higher numbers than public hospitals, hospitals within 5 years since opening showed higher numbers than others. The licensed hospital beds was positively correlated with the numbers of the tests, whereas the rates of medical outpatient was negatively correlated.
In conclusion, hospital characteristics affect the numbers of clinical laboratory tests. It could be a clue why the costs of medical services were different among medical facilities.
Dense deposit disease (DDD), known as type II MPGN, is an uncommon form of glomerulonephritis. It is an acquired primary glomerular disease, characterised by electron microscopic evidence of a continous, dense membrane deposition replacing the lamina densa. There is associated alternative pathway complement activation and a C3 nephritic factor maybe present. Patients with dense deposit disease tend to be young at clincal onset and more commonly have persistent nephrotic syndrome, gross hematuria, and acute nephritis episode and persistent depression of the serum complement level. The prognosis of dense deposit disease is worse than that of type I MPGN. We experienced a patient with dense deposit disease that presenting persistent nephrotic syndrome, gross hematuria and having subepithelial hump. It is a first report of dense deposit disease having subepithelial hump in Korea, therefore we report this case with the review of relevant literatures.