The caudate nucleus of the guinea pig was examined at the ultrastructural level. At least four types of neurons and seven types of synapses are distinguished. The large polygonal neurons are measured 18-25µm in diameter and have large amount of cytoplasm with many stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum, concentrations of ribosomes, and rich Golgi cisternae. The medium-sized, ovoid neurons are the most frequent cells. These neurons are measured 10-15µm in diameter and contain a lot of organelles. The medium-sized, polygonal neurons are measured 11-18µm in diameter. These cells have cytoplasm with moderate amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi cisternae. The small neurons are the least common never cells in the caudate nucleus. They have a nucleus with indentations, little Golgi apparatus and few cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum. The axon terminals containing small round vesicles are the most frequent type of synapses. The majority of them make asymmetric contact on dendritic spines of neurons. Some of remainders make symmetric contact with dendrites and somata and others asymmetric contact with the same structures. Few of terminals 'en passant' with small round vesicles contact on dendrites and somata. The terminals containing elongated vesicles contact symmetrically on the dendrits and somata. All of the terminals containing pleomorphic or large round vesicles make synapses in the same manner of elongated vesicle terminal.
This study was undertaken to determine the pattern of changes in serum protein and lipoproteins in pregnancy. We have measured lipoprotein composition in age-matched non-pregnant and pregnant women(month 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10). The results are as follows: 1) Serum protein and protein content in HDL were higher and those in VLDL and LDL were lower in early pregnancy compared to non-pregnant women and all become similar to non-pregnant women in late pregnancy. 2) Serum cholesterol and cholesterol content in VLDL were higher until late preanancy and those in LDL and HDL were lower in early pregnancy and belome similar to non pregnant women in late pregnancy. 3) Serum phospholipid and phospholipid lontents in VLDL and LDL except in HDL increased during pregnancy. 4) Serum triglyceride and triglyceride contents in HDL and LDL except VLDL increased markedly during pregnancy. In conclusion the huperlipidemia of pregnancy is well recognized although the mechanisms responsible for its development remain unknown and need to be investigated further.
Adriamycin is one of the most effective antitumor for carcinoma and sarcoma of variable internal organ. ADR induced cardiotoxicity has been reported as an serious complication. However recentely ADR induced nephrotoxicity has been documented in a variety of animal species. The present study was aimed to analyse the light and electron microscopic findings of renal glomeruli and tubules of rats treated by ADR. The results of the experiment are as follows: 1) The major histopathologic findings of Adriamycin induced glomerulonephropathy in rats are mesangeal thickeness and vacuolization of epithelial cell. 2) The major electron microscopic finding of ADR glomerulonephropathy in rats are focal or diffuse foot process fusion and vacuolization of epithelial microvilli. 3) Those light and electron microscopic glomerulonephropathy in rats are tend to be increased by ADR dosage and duration.
In order to know the prevalence and care of pulmonary tuberculosis of woman students, a study was done by analyzing student tuberculosis care records registered in Ewha Womans University Health Center during the year of 1982-1984. The results were as follows;1) The annual prevalence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis was 8.6 per 1,000 students in 1982, 6.3 in 1983 and 5.6 in 1984. 2) According to the grade the annual prevalence rate of freshmen was 15.2 per 1,000 in 1982, 14.2 in 1983 and 11.6 in 1984, sophomer was 5.2, 1.6 and 4.4, junior was 4.6, 6.2 and 3.3, and senior was 5.6, 1.8 and 2.7, respectively. 3) During the year, of 1982-1984, the case distribution of tuberculosis by registered source was 44.5% by the entrance physical examination, 47.5% by the annual physical examination, 5.2% by the university health center medical service clinic, 1.0% from the university hospital notification and 1.9% by other sources. 4) The proportion of minimal and moderate advanced pulmonary tuberculosis in the registered student was 90.0% and 10.0% in 1982, 95.9% and 4.1% in 1983, and 89.8% and 10.2% in 1984, respectively. 5) The proportion of those using drugs was 73.2% in MZ group(Ethambutol+INH) and 16.8% in R group(Rifampin+Ethambutol+INH) during the year of 1982-1984. 6) The average medicated durations of the minimal pulmonary tuberculosis group were 11.5±4.5(month) in 1983 and 10.7±2.4(month) in 1984. And those of the moderate advanced pulmonary tuberculosis group were 18.0±9.2(month) in 1983 and 16.0±4.2(month) in 1984. 7) During the year of 1982-1984, the average medicated durations of the group by registered source were 11.7±5.8(month) in the group registered by enterace physical examination and 9.9±3.4(month) in the group by annual physical examination.
In the view point of singing voice, the determining of the proper voice position is very important. It is also very important to establish the correct method of voice use with proper voice position. The purpose of this study is, by understanding of voice essence, to provide the guidance of correct use and the prevention of voice disorders of professional voice users. Following result were obtained. It were classified in 4 group as follows. 1) Group 1 ; The opinions of the student and teacher correspond with the laryngoscopic pictures. There were 11 males(15.7%) and 27 females(38.6%) in the group 1. 2) Group 2 ; The opinions of the student correspond with the teacher's opinion but not correspond with laryngoscopic pictures. There were 6 males(8.6%) and 7 females(10.0%) in the group 2. 3) Group 3 ; The opinions of the student not correspond with the teacher's opinion and laryngoscopic pictures. There were 5 males(7.1%) and 6 females(8.6%) in the group 3. 4) Group 4 ; The opinions of student correspond with laryngoscopic pictures but not correspond with the teacher's opinion. There were 3 males(4.3%) and 5 females(7.1%) in the group 4.
Lentiginosis profusa is characterized by the numerous dark brownish macules on whole body without anomalies of other organ and occurs from birth to early adulthood and has not family history. Two cases of lentiginosis profusa were confirmed by characteristic clinical and histopathological findings. On physical examination, they were well developed, chest roentgenogram and electrocardiogram were within normal limit. On histopathologic examination of dark brown macule showed a slight to moderate elongation of rete ridge and increase of both melanocyte number and melanin amount at basal cell layer.
A 31 year old male was admitted to our hospital with severe upper thoracic pain, paraplegia and urinary difficulty. The patient have no history of infection or operation. At admission, neurologic examination revealed alert mental state, hypoesthesia below the level of T6 sensory dermatome. All deep tendon reflexes were hypoactive. Myelographic examination disclosed total blockage of T5 body level. ACT scan of the lumbar spine performed immediately after myelogram verified an intramedullary enlargement of the spinal cord. Laminectomy was performed from the T3 to T5. Yellowish discolorated pus was founded at the epidural space, and exuded out through dura perforation. Dura was incised and the abscess was removed. The intramedullary abscess was encountered and fibrous granulation tissue was partially enveloped the abscess. The abscess removed by repeated antibiotics mixed saline and suction. The organism from the abscess was identified as staphylococcus coagulase positive. Antibiotic therapy was continued for four weeks and steroid postoperatively. The patient's condition was slight improved sensory level, but motor power was still hemiplegia on discharge time