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Volume 1(2); June 1978

Original Articles

The Study for Safety Traffic and Automobile Accident Control
Ki Hong Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):95-111.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.95

The present status of traffic conditions is reviewed, especially in the urban area on the basis to seek for the prevention of traffic accident. The large cities of our country have not yet solved the mass transportation system in rush hour. Subway covers only a limited number of people in Seoul. The most of peoples have to depend on the city bus system which are too hard to give them proper service on time. The questionaries had been made for the traffic status on the 3,234 persons who are legislators and administrators of traffic law, drivers, pedestrians and businessmen of transportation and insurance company. Also the drivers who had auto-accident and accident wounded persons were interviewed for their particular accident. The review has made also on the traffic and criminal laws which are applied for the drivers with accident. The results of this studies are summarized as follows: 1. The very heavy charge was made against drivers who have had traffic accident with person injuried. The charge were not only against the violations of traffic law but include arrest by the criminal law on the basis of the result of injury of the person. 2. The charge against automobile accident with injuried person should be legislated in the traffic law instead of criminal law. Because of the injury was caused by auto-accident which has some different point of views in breaking law as an accident. 3. The almost of all the chauffeurs had continuous driving more than 15 hours a day. It is expected to be reduced by the proper administration of the labor system for the chauffeurs. 4. The traffic rules should become a part of living for both of driver and pedestrian in keeping them to avoid the traffic accident. 5. The automobile liability insurance service should be improved in someway to prevent the arrest of driver by police on the accident. 6. The permanent and temporary plans should made immediately for the relief of the urban traffic mess in rush hour by the construction of more subway or expressway for the city bus. 7. More rate of automobile accident was observed in younger drivers and the main causes of accident were responsible on each of the drivers and pedestrians in a half.

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Vitamin B12 Contents in Sea Products
Hae Kyung Park, N.E. Sung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):113-117.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.113

The content of Vitamin B12 in various sea products common in Korea were evaluated by microbiological assay method using Lactobacilli leichmannii. The results and discussion are presented.

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A Study on the Physical Growth and Food Consumption of University Woman Students
J.Y. Kang, N.E. Sung, H.I. Peak
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):119-125.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.119

A study to determine the physical development and nutritional status of the 2,170 women entering Ewha Womans University in 1978 was undertaken in order to contribute basic data needed for planning nutritional education. Data gathered during the entrance physical examination included measurements of physical growth and skinfold thickness and information on the consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Findings are summarized: 1. More than half the students were 19 years old (57.7%), 28.1% were 18 or younger, 14.2% were 20 or order. 2. Most students reported they had been breast fed(78.0%). Weaning took place between 6 to 8 months for 31.9% of the group, and between 12 and 17 months for 21.2% 3. Height and weight did not vary for the 18 to 21 year group according to age, Height ranged from 156.3±4.3 to 158.7±4.8cm and weight ranged from 50.5±6.1 to 52.0±5.9kg. 4. Abdominal skinfold thickness for the 18 to 21 year old group ranged from 17.9±6.2 to 18.7±6.2mm; lumbar thickness ranged from 16.4±7.1 to 17.8±7.4mm; upper arm from 19.5±6.3 to 20.9±4.8mm; back ranged from 16.8±6.1 to 18.4±6.3mm. Mean skinfold thickness ranged from 17.6±5.0 to 18.8±5.0mm. 5. Total fat content in proportion to body weight ranged from 24.0 to 25.0% for 14.0% of the total group. This entering class of students showed a relatively high fat content, over 24.0% for 76.3% of the group. 6. In daily nutrients intake daily protein intake per student ranged from 45 to 99g for 88.1% of the group, fat from 11 to 39g for 61.4% and carbohydrates 151 to 299g for 62.8%.

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A study on current status of doctors graduated from Ewha Womans University, Medical College during the year of 1951-1976 and who are living in country was carried out with analizing the data of annual medical doctor registration record authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Affair in May 1976. And the results are obtained as followings: 1) Out of 1,014 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College during the year of 1951-1976, 404 doctors (40.0%) who are living in Korea had reproted the annual medical doctor registration in the year of 1976. 2) Out of 404 doctors 90.6% of them applied to internships and 1.7% to basic medical science training and the rest 7.7% to medical practice directly after graduation Ewha Medical College. 3) It was found that the rate of internships applied is increasing according to the graduation year; such as 82.2% in 1951-1961. 90.0% in 1962-1971 and 96.0% in 1972-1976. 4) Three hundred and sixty six doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken intern and resident training at 46 educational hospitals in country during the year of 1951-1976 and 27 hospitals of them are located in Seoul City area. 5) 82.7% of 366 interns and 84.6% of 292 residents among doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken the training at the hospitals located in Seoul City area. 6) Among 366 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 53.5% of them had taken the course of internships and residency at same educational hospitals and the rest 46.5% of them had moved to other hospitals for residency after internships. 7) Among 167 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College and finished residency, 130 doctors (78.0%) passed the board examination. 8) The major specialities of 130 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College and passed the board examination were obstetrics and gynecology (30.5%), pediatrics (17.0%), ophthalmology (14.0%), E.N.T(8.0%), and internal medicine(7.5%). 9) Out of 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College 5.2% of them had recieved doctor degree in medicine and 13.6% only master degree in medicine. 10) Among 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 86.4% of them was working in Seoul City area, 12.6% in the other city area and 1.0% in township area for medical teaching and/or service. 11) Among 404 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College, 30.4% of them was operating own clinics, 23.5% was working in public or private medical facilities including medical college, 6.7% took rest temporarily from practice, and 39.4%was under training as intern or resident at education hospitals in country.

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A Study on Attitude and, Practice of Village Health Workers Supervised by Health Subcenter in Rural Area, Su-dong Myun
Ja Hyung Wie, Sam Sop Choi, Youn Choul Koo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):141-148.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.141

A study on attitude and practice of village health workers organized and supervised by Su-dong health subcenter was carried out with the analizing data collected through interview with 18 village health workers and village health worker's daily activity records during five months from October 1970 to Feburay 1987.

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In Vivo Effect of Theophylline on the Ovulation, Fertilization and Implantation of Mice
Sung Rye Kim, Wan Kyoo Cho
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):149-154.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.149

In vivo treatment of theophylline, we have obtained results and summarized them as below. 1) Effects of theophylline on ovulation, and maturation of the oocytes in mouse; (1) The group treated with theophylline at the time of PMS injection, showed marked decrease of the ovulation rate. (2) If theophylline was given to the animals at the time of injection of HCG, the maturality of the oocytes in the Graafian follicles seemed to be inhibited. 2)Effects of the theophylline on the maturality of the oocytes ovulated, and fertilizability of the eggs. (1) The female mice injected with theophylline with PMS remarkably desreased in mating rate. (2) If treatment of theophylline was made with HCG injection, oocyte maturation was inhibited. (3) The production of 2-cell embryo markedly decreased in either group treated with theophylline with PMS or with HCG. 3) Theophylline effect on implantation of the embryos. (1) Pregnancy rate was markedly decreased in both group of control and theophylline treatment.


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  • Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors: possible therapeutic drugs for female fertility regulation
    Anumegha Gupta, Ashutosh N. Pandey, Alka Sharma, Meenakshi Tiwari, Pramod K. Yadav, Anil K. Yadav, Ajai K. Pandey, Tulsidas G. Shrivastav, Shail K. Chaube
    European Journal of Pharmacology.2020; 883: 173293.     CrossRef
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Clinical Study of Acute Febrile Convulsion in Korean Children (1968~1976)
Chul Kyu Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):155-164.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.155

An analysis present of 96 cases of the acute febrile convulsions in Korean children, treated at the pediatric ward, Ewha Womans University Hospital from Jan 1, 1968 to Dec. 31, 1976. The average number of the patients in the annual incidence was 10 cases, which was 1.9 percent of the total admitted patients of the pediatrics in our hospital. Seasonal distribution revealed as the highest in summer (31.3%) and fifty-eight, 60.4 percent of the patients were male and 38 or 39.6%, female. The highest portion of those with febrile seizures, namely 27.1%, occured in the 1 to 2 years of age, followed by 18.8% in the first year of life and 15.7% in the 3~4 years of life. The family history in siblings, parents and/or near relatives showed convulsions in 16 cases(16.7 percent). The risk of seizure in the acute febrile convulsions increased with the temperature. In 44.8% of the author's cases the temperature was 38°~39°9'C. But we also experienced the convulsive children (10.4%) whose temperatures were in mild degree (under the 38℃). Infections and fever are partners in crime. In the 96 cases, 65.7% involved acute upper respiratory infection. The others were gastroenteritis (13.4%)m pneumonia (11.6%), bronchitis (2.1%) in orders. Tonic and clonic convulsions were found in 83 cases (86.5%) and the other was twitching (14.5%). In routine hematologic findings anemia was present in 26 cases(37.1%) and the normal value of hemoglobin was in 70 cases(72.9%). Leukocytosis (>10,000/mm3) included in 60 cases (60.5%). We found that hyponatremia was a common finding in children admitted to our hospital with febrile convulsion. The mean Na was 135 mEq/L and hyponatremia was present in 6 cases (31.6%) of the 19 cases. The highest incidence in the duration of seizure was represented in those lasted 5 to 30 minutes as 36 cases (37.6%). In author's study 94.8% of the 96 cases had but one febrile seizure and the recurrence attack represented only 5.2%. The mean hospital day was 2.5 days.

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Case Reports
Gallstone Ileus: A Case Report
Young Ho Woo, Eung Bum Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):165-170.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.165

Gallstone ileus can be defined as mechanical intestinal obstruction due to intraluminal occlusion by a biliary calculus. In most large series of intestinal obstruction, gallstone account for some 1 to 2 percent of all cases. In order to occlude the lumen of the intestine, the gallstone must be necessarily be large 1 inch (2.5cm) or more diameter. The commonest site for impaction of the gallstone is in the lower ileum, but the stone may lodge anywhere along the alimentary canal. The diagnoses should certainly be through of when an elderly female patient, giving a previous history of gallbladder disease, presents with features of intestinal obstruction. The four main radiological findings which are felt to be diagnostic are: 1) Air in the biliary tree 2) Dilated loops of small bowel 3) Demonstration of an opaque stone, especially if can be localized in the small bowel at the approximate level of obstruction 4) Change in location of the stone, if demonstrated, or of the obstruction level. The decreasing mortality, from 75% in 1925 to 13.6% in recently. This is a case of gallstone ileus in a 69-year-old female. The common symptoms was fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal distension. The stone was impacted in the ileum 30cm proximal to the ileocecal junction.

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Traumatic Rupture of Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm
Chung Soo Kay, Sun Ho Chee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1978;1(2):171-175.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1978.1.2.171

The authors describe a case of traumatic ruptured aneurysm at the trifurcation of middle cerebral artery in which double aneurysms have been successfully obliterated by clipping and coating.

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