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Volume 28(2); June 2005

Original Articles
Clinical Significance of Tissue Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Gastric Cancer
Ki Nam Shim, Sung Ae Jung, Yang Hee Joo, Kwon Yoo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2005;28(2):59-67.   Published online September 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2005.28.2.59
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Metabolic and Menstrual Disturbances by Antiepileptic Drugs in Women with Epilepsy
Jee Young Kim, Jin Hwa Lee, Sook Hui Kim, Hyang Woon Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2005;28(2):69-75.   Published online September 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2005.28.2.69
Background & Objectives

Women with epilepsy(WWE) are at risk for reproductive and metabolic disorders. This study was performed to investifate whether WWE are more likely to have menstual or metabolic abnormalities, and whether some antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) more likely provoke those problems.


WWW aged 15-50 years old, taking one or more AEDs for at least 6 months, were recruited. Subjucts checked their oral temperature each morning. Body mass index(BMI : kg/m2) and waist to hip (W/H) ratio were calculated as obesity markers. Hirsutism index, as a marker of polycystic ovary syndrome, was calculated by Ferriman-Gallwey score(hirsutism if score>8). Serum tests ofr gonadotrophins, steroid hormones, sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG), lipid profiles, insulin were performed on menstrual cycle days 3 to 5.


Among 54 patients, 18 women were diagnosed as primary generalized epilepsy(PGE) and the other 36 were localoization-related epilepsy(LRE). Also, 21 women(38.9%) were treated with carbamazepine(CBZ), 14 women(25.9%) with valproate(VPA), and 19(35.2%) with lamotrigine(LTG) or topiramate(TPM). Menstrual disturbance was found in 60.0% of PGE versus 30.6% of LRE patients(p=0.050), while 64.3% of VPA and 28.6% of CBZ-treated patients(p=0.036). The W/H ratio and BMI were higher in VPA, than in CBZ-treated patients(p=0.048 and 0.018). The total and HDL-cholesterols decreased in the VPA group compared to the CBZ group(p=0.025 and 0.009).


WWE are more likely to experience menstrual and metabolic alterations. WWE with VPA tend to have abdominal obesity and alterations in lipid metabolism.

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The Comparison of Ultrasonography Guided Mammotome Biopsy between 8 and 11 Gauge Probe
Hyun Ah Kim, Byung In Moon, Kum Ja Choi, Hye Young Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2005;28(2):77-82.   Published online September 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2005.28.2.77

The goal of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy, complication rate between 11 and 8 gauge Mammotome probe during ultrasound-guided Mammotome biopsy.


Sixty eight patients who showed breast mass in sonography were included in this study. Statistical comparisons between the 11 and 8 gauge group were done.


75 biopsies were performed using the Mammotome biopsy system guided by sonography. 63 LESIONS(84.0%) had benign pathology and 12 lesions(16.0%) were malignant. 49(65.3%) of these biopsies were performend with the 11-gauge Mammotome probe, and 26(34.7%) with the 8-gauge probe. Complications such as pain, bleeding , hematoma and skin discoloration were compared between 11 and 8 gauge group. There were nostatistically significant differences in complications such as pain, bleeding, hematoma and skin discoloration. All complications had no significant difference between 11 gauge group and 8 gauge group.


The ultrasound-guided 8 gauge Mammotome biopsy system is as safe as ultrasound-guided 11 gauge Mammotome biopsy system.

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p73 Methylation in Extranodal NK/T Cell Lympoma
Min-Sun Cho
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2005;28(2):83-86.   Published online September 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2005.28.2.83

DNA methylation of promoter-associated CpG islands is an epigenetic modification of DNA associanted with gene silencing. p73 is a member of the p 53 family which is a tumor suppressor gene producing apoptosis and cell cycel arrest. We investigated the methylation pattern of p73 on the cases diagnosed at Ewha university hospital between 1993-2002.

Material and Methods

Sixteen cases of NK/T cell lymphomas and 7 cases of normal controls, which were 2 cases of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and 5 cases of nasal mucosal tissue were studied. Methylation-speific PCR for p73 were done.


All cases of NK/T cell lymphomas except one(93.8%) showed hypermethylation of p73. Six cases among 7 normal control cases(14.2%) revealed unmethylated p73.


This results suggested that inactivation of p73 could be associated with tumorigenesis of NK cells.

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Clinical Significance of Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and IgM Rheumatoid Factor in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
So Yeon Seo, JiSoo Lee, Eun-Suk Kang
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2005;28(2):87-92.   Published online September 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2005.28.2.87

To evaluate the clinical significances of antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP) and IgM Rheumatoid Factor(RF) in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis.


The subjects included 86 established RA patients according to the revised ACR criteria and 46 non-RA patients presenting joint manifestations and 61 healthy individuals as control. Anti-CCP and IgM RF were measured by ELISA and nephelometric method, respectively.


The sensitivity and specificity of anti-CCP were 64% and 98% and of IgM RF were 69% and 76%, respectively. Eleven (4 I %) out of 27 sero-negative RA patients had elevated anti-CCP. Combination of anti-CCP with IgM RF increased diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of RA to 81% and 99%, respectively.


Simultaneous measurement of IgM RF and anti-CCP for the initial evaluation of arthritis would increase the diagnostic efficacy of RA.

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