Recently, attention became more sharply focused on zoonotic larval nematode infections, particularly infections due to dog hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum and dog ascarid, Toxocara canis. In general, it has been known well that malnutrition and a protein free diet resulted in the increased susceptibility and the decreased acquired resistance to parasite. However, there was no report concerning the nutritional condition of the host and infectivity of a certain nematode larva. In ordet to elucidate the effect of protein in the diet on the larval migration in the organs and tissues of mice and on the fraction of gamma-globulin related closely with antibody response, an experiment was designed to follow the short-term course of infection of Ancylostoma caninum larva in mice fed with a standard diet(group 1), protein-free diet(group 2) and high protein diet(group 3). For the purpose, tissue digestion method using Baermann apparatus for the larval count and Gelman electrophoresis equipment for the measurement of gamma-globulin were applied. The results obtained from the present study are summarized as follows: 1) The range of average recovery rates of larva throughout the observation was 7~49% in group 1, 11~56% in group 2 and 6~44% in group 3, respectively. Significantly more larvae were detected and the larval migration preceeded more rapidly in group 2. 2) All the levels of total serum protein decreased soon after infection and the patterns continued up to the end of the experiment. It indicated that the compensatory power of the host was not able to maintain constant protein concentration. 3) The range of gamma-globulin fraction of serum protein after infection revealed 16.3~18.8%, a moderate increase in group 1, 17.5~19.3%, a pronounced increase in group 3, and 13.5~14.2%, a low degree of increase in group 2, respectively. Increase of gamma-globulin in group 1 and 3 were highly significant statistically to compare with that of group 2.
A comparative study on 14 premedical course curricula and educational organizations of 13 universities and one medical college in Korea was carried out to analyze the data the related to disciplines, subjects and credit hours scheduled in the bulletins 1976-1978 which will be applicable for curriculum development of premedical course related with medical education.
A clinical study was performed on 322 cases of essential hypertension observed at Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womens University Hospital, during a period of 6 years, from 1971 to 1976. The results were as follows: 1) The annual incidence of hypertensive patients in all medical inpatients was 6.2%. The annual incidence was not very different, but the number of hypertensive patients seemed to increase annually. 2) The highest occurrence was observed in the 6th decade in man, and the 5th decade in woman. Male to female ratio was 1.3:1. 3) In systolic pressure, a mild hypertension level was most frequent with 38.8%, and in diastolic pressure, moderate hypertension with 38.2%. 4) The most frequent symptom was headache (55.6%), followed by dyspnea, dizziness and nausea-vomiting. Symptoms were more frequently seen in the age group under 59. 5) Retinopathy was noted in 51.9%, in which K-W grade II was the most frequent. In relation to blood pressure, the higher the blood pressure the more severe the retinal changes. 6) Proteinuria was noted in 50.0% and the higher the blood pressure the more severe the proteinuria. 7) Serum cholesterol levels were most frequent in 150-199mg%, and there is no correlation between the level of erum cholesterol and blood pressure. 8) The BUN level which was above 20mg% was found in 35.6%, and the higher the blood pressure the more severe the high level of BUN. 9) Abnormal ECG findings were noted in 71.0%, in which left ventricular hypertrophy was 40.0%. Left ventricular hypertrophy and ST, T wave changes were more frequently found in higher blood pressure. 10) The incidence of LVH was more frequent on ECG than cardiomegaly on roentgenogram. 11) Complications developed in 27.9%, and cerebrovascular accidents(22.0%) were most frequent. 12) Overall mortality during the last 6 years was 2.8%(9cases). Causes of death were cerebrovascular accidents(88.9%) and diabetes mellitus(11.1%).
We reviewed the records of prematurity and birth weight infants who had been delivered at Ewha Womans University Hospital from Jan. 1975 to Dec. 1977. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence of prematurity and low birth weight infants were 53.6 and 77.3 per 1,000 newborns. 2) In delivery type, normal vaginal delivery was more frequent in prematurity and low vith weight infants than normal mature infants and c/section was less frequent. 3) The incidence of prematurity and low birth weight infants was more frequent in multiparity. 4) In the etiologic diseases of mother during pregnancy of prematurity and low birth weight infants, spontaneous premature rupture of membrane was first. 5) Initial weight loss was more prolonged and weight was regained slowly in low birth weight infants. 6) The neonatal mortality rate of prematurity and low birth weight infants was 92.5 per 1,000 prematurity and low birth weight infants and was decreased recently. 7) The relation between neonatal mortality rate and birth weight, neonatal mortality rate and gestational periods, neonatal mortality rate and Apgar score were significant. But the relation between mortality rate maternal age was not signigicant. 8) In etiology of neonatal death in prematurity and low birth weight infants, respiratory distress syndrome was first.
Infantile atopic dermatitis is a very common and well known disorder, but this is still a disease of fascination and frustration to medical practitioners and researchers. Thus, the auther observed clinically 362 cases of infantile atopic dermatitis and then reported the results and reviewed literature briefly. The results were summerized as follows: 1) Three to five months at onset was the age of 30.1% of the total patients. 2) In atopic history of the patient's family, atopic dermatitis was 61.9% and urticaria 58.0% respectively, and the father's family was mainly involved. 3) Other combined atopic history of patients were bronchial asthma(5.8%), urticaria(9.9%) and only 1.1% of the patients had two atopic diseases simultaneouly. 4) Initial skin lesions were facial eczema(97.2%), extensor eczema(88.7%). Epidermal stigmata other than eczema were dry skin (76.0%), and pityriasis simplex(58.0%). 5) In dermatological complications of infantile atopic dermatitis of our series, viral and bacterial infections were the most common. 6) Ocular stigmata were only seen in one case as a cataract, and compared with other report of the investigator, it was a most significant difference. 7) Exacerbating factors of seasonal variations in winter season were most common. Others were psychogenic stimuli, contactants, irritants, frequent bathing, dry and hot environment. Relieving factors were spring season, rest, avoidance of skin irritation, wet and cool environment. 8) Total serum protein and fractions were not changed significantly.
A 7 years old boy with chief complants of acute abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, was preoperatively diagnosed as acute appendicitis. However, it was postoperatively confirmed that the above distress were due to acute primary Mekel's diverticulitis. The size of the diverticulum was 8cm in length and 4cm in width. It was located at approximately 70cm above ileo-cecal junction. Macroscopically and histologically acute inflammatory changes were found. The patient was discharged on 7th hospital day with satisfactory convalescence.