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Volume 15(3); September 1992

Original Articles


Estrogen receptor-related protein was examined on gastrectomy specime from 16 cases of advaced gastric adenocarcinoma and 7 cases of early gastric carcinoma(EGC) by using peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. Positive reaction was seen in 7 out of 16 cases of advanced carcinoma and in 4 out of 8 cases of EGC(50%). Among advanced carcinoma, 3 cases of mucinous carcinoma were negative and 2 cases of signet ring cell carcinoma(SRC) showed focal positive reaction only in combined poorly differentiated(PD) area(10% of tumor cells). PD advanced carcinoma consisted of 4 cases of medullary type and 3 cases of individual cell type. Two out of 4 medullary type showed positive reaction in 20 and 80% of tumor cells and 2 out of 3 individual cell type showed positive reaction in 50 and 70% of tumor cells. Gland-forming type of advanced carcinoma consisted of 1 each case of intestinal and cardiac type and 1 mixed intestinal and cardiac type. Only 1 case of intestinal type showed positive reaction in 50% of tumor cells Among EGC, 2 cases of SRC were negative and 2 cases of PD carcinoma showed 5 and 10% positivity in PD area and 20 and 40% positivity in admixed gland-forming area. Gland-forming EGC consisted of 3 cased of intestinal type and 1 case of cardiac type. One case from each group showed positive reaction in 50 and 20% of tumor cells, respectively. In summary, positive reaction to antibody to estrogen receptor-related protein(P29) was expressed in PD(66.7%), gland-forming(50%), SRC, and mucinous type in order in both early and advanced carcinoma. The difference between age, sex, and other factors was not clear due to limitation of specimen.

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An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiation and Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the Rectum of Rat
Heasoo Koo, Kyung Ja Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):175-184.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.175

The effects of radiation and Cis dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) (Cis-DDP) were assessed in rectum of rats by histopathological changes. Rats were exposed to single doses of X ray(6~10 Gy) without or with Cis-DDP(2.5mg/kg). In combined group, Cis-DDP was given 30 minntes before or immediately after irradiation. Cis-DDP alone showed inflammatory cell infiltration and increased goblet cells in the mucosa and edema and fibrosis of submucosa with vascular sclerosis. With increased radiation dosage. such changes were aggravated. Necrosis of muscle layer developed 8 Gy irradiation. In groups with combination treatment of X-ray and Cis-DDP. changes of mucosa and submucosa were not significantly different from radiation alone group, but necrosis of the muscle layer was developed in 6 Gy combination group and degree was more severe in 8 and 10 Gy combination group compared to radiation alone group. There was no difference according to the timing of Cis DDP administration before or after irradiation. This result suggests Cis DDP enhance the radiation effect on the rectum of rats and enhancement ratio was 1.3 as the endpoint was necrosis of the muscle layer.

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Most of the perinatally infected infants from their HBsAg carrier mothers become chronic carrier and develop chronic liver disease. Prevention of vertical transmission is most important in elliminating hepatitis B virus infection. CDC recommended passive and early active immunization in neonatal infants born to HBsAg carrier mothers to prevent perinatal vertical transmission.

The author checked anti-HBs titer at 7~9 month of age in 112 infants who were born to HBsAg carrier mothers and were received HBIG 0.5cc at birth and 0.5cc Hepavax at 0, 1, 6 month of age by CDC recommendation and studied the preventive effect of passive and early active immunization.

The results were as follows :

1) Anti-HBs was positive in 98 infants(87.5%) and negative in 14 infants(l2.5%). Because 6 positive infants had anti-HBs below 10mIU/ml. only 92 infants(82.1%) had minimal protective anti-HBs.

2) Anti-HBs positive rate in infants of HBeAg (+) mothers was 77.8% (35/45) which was significantly lower than 94.0% (63/67) in infants of HBeAg(-) mothers(p<0.05).

3) Anti-HBs positive rate in infants of positive neonatal HBeAg was 77.8% (28/46) which was significantly lower than 92.1% (70/76) in infants of negative neonatal HBeAg(p<0.05).

4) Perinatal vertical transmission has occured in 2 infants of 14 anti-HBs(-) infants(14.3%). Among 8 anti-HBs(-) infants of HBeAg(+) mothers, HBsAg was perinatally transmitted in 2 infants(25%). Six anti-HBs(-) infants of HBeAg(-) mothers were not infected.

5) Among 7 anti-HBs(-) infants with positive neonatal HBeAg, 2 infants(28.6%) was perinatally infected. Seven other anti-HBs(-) infants with negative neonatal HBeAg were not infected.

6) The maximum titer of 98 anti-HBs(+) infants by passive and early active immunization was as follows; 6 infants:<10mIU/ml. 8 infants 11~100mIU/ml. 21 infants: 101~1000mIU/ml. 36 infants 1001~10000mIU/ml. 28 infants:>10000mIU/ml The anti-HBs titer was below 1000mIU/ml in 35.9% (35/98) of anti-HBs(+) infants.

In conclusion, the preventive effect of passive and early active immunization was not complete especially in HBeAg(+) infants whose mothers had HBeAg.

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There is still controversy about the optimum age for measles vaccination. This study was undertaken to collect reliable data in order to determine to optimum age for measles vaccination for our children.

ELISA test was done in 136 cord sera and in 91 non-immunized infants against measles. The results were as follows

1) There is no significant difference of measles antibody titers by gestational age.

2) A significant downward trend was found in measles antibody titers from early infancy to 12 month of age.

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Echocardiographic Assessment of Legt Ventricular Volume and Cardiac Output in Children
Young Mi Hong
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):201-215.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.201

The purpose of this study is to establish normal values for left ventricular volume and cardiac output, which might be used for evaluating patients with congenital heart disease or coronary artery disease.

Two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography were performed in 111 pediatric normal subjects.

Age ranged form newborn to 15 years.

The results are as follows:

1) Left ventricular end-diastolic volume ranged from 6.3 to 73.7ml and left ventricular end systolic volume ranged from 1.1 to 16.0ml

Left ventricular volume increased with advancing age or body weight.

2) Ejection fraction ranged from 78.3 to 83.5%. Lower limit of 5% of ejection fraction ranged from 69.3 to 73.1%.

3) Aortic flow integral was not significantly increased according to advancing age of body weight, but measurement of aortic diameter showed a steady increase with advancing age or body weight.

4) Cardiac output ranged from 0.68 to 4.3l/min.

Cordiac output increased significantly with advancing age or body weight. Echocardiography is a best noninvasive diagnostic tool to assess left ventricular function and cardiac output.

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Patch Test in Cosmetric Contact Dermatitis
Ki Bum Myung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):217-222.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.217

Patch tests with patients' own cosmetics, cosmetic series type 17 and 18, and Hollister-Stier antigens were performed in 246 cases of suspected cosmetic contact dermatitis.

The positive rates of patch tests with patients' own cosmetics, cosmetic series and Hollister-Stier antigens were 63.5% .56.8%. and 51.8% respectively.

Cinamic alcohol, benzyl salicylate, jasmin abosolute, PPDA, ammoniated mercury, balsam of Peru were the most commonly identified antigens.

Among the cosmetics, skin care products were dominant causes of the cosmetic contact dermatitis.

The positive rate of foreign cosmetics was more than 1.4 fold higher than the domestic ones.

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A Study on the Effect of Nevus Flammeus Treatment by Flashlamp Pumped Pulsed Dye Laser
Chee Won Oh, Jeong Hee Hahm
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):223-228.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.223

Ninety patients(average age 18 years 10 months) with nevus flammeus were treated with the flashlamp pumped pulsed dye laser(Candela Laser Corp., Wayland, Mass., SPTL-1). With an average of 3 treatments, more than 75% lightening was achieved in 36 patients(40.0%), 50% to 75% lightening in 42 patients(46.7%), 25% to 50% lightening in 6 patients(6.7%), and less than 25% lightening in 6 patients(6.7 %), The percentage of lightening was increased as the number of treatments increased. The overall more than 50% lightening was achieved in 7 patients(l00%) of pink lesion treated, in 44 patients(89.8%) of red lesion treated, and in 27 patients(79.4%) of purple lesion treated.

There were complications such as cutaneous hyperpigmentations in 21 patients(23.3 %), hypopigmentations in 3 patients(3.3%). and atrophic scar in 1 patient(1.l%). All complications were transient and disappeared completely.

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This study was carried out to investigate the correlation of ovarian follicular characteristics in vaginal ultrasonography with serum estradiol level in human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF & ET) program hyperstimulated by using of pure follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin(hMG).

The results were as follows:

1) Total amount of FSH and hMG administered in the process of hyperstimulation were 300IU and 772±157.5IU respectively. And the number of follicles which were more than 12mm in diameter in vaginal ultrasonography on the day before the aspiration were 6.0±3.7.

2) The greatest number of follicles which were more than 10mm in diameter were 7.4±3.8 on the day after administration of hCG. The serum estradiol level was increased according to the increase in number of follicles of more than 10mm diameter(r=0.9632)

3) The largest diameter of dominant follicles were 19.9±2.3mm which happened on the day after administration of hCG. The serum estradiol level was increased according to the increase in diameter of dominant follicle(r= 0.9791).

4) The total number of oocytes aspirated was 180 from 35 hyperstimulated cycle, which was equivalent to 5.1±3.9per cycle. Of these, the number of mature oocytes was 4.1±3.8per cycle. The ferilization rate of mature oocytes and cleavage rate of Proombryos were 75.6% and 53.7% respectively.

In conclusion, ovarian follicular characteristics in vaginal ultrasonography had strong postive correlation with serum estradiol level in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation process. So. therefore, vaginal ultrasonography would be an important parameter to be able to replace serum estradiol test in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer program.

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Transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) is most commonly used in relief of symptoms of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. But the indications for prostatectomy are still controversial and especially those are more difficult in the cases with small prostate. To determine the efficacy of TURP in the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, 138 patients who underwent TURP, were reviewed retrospectively. Group I, 66 patients who's volume of prostate were under 30gm, group II, 72 patients who's volume of prostate were over 30gm by preoperative ultrasonographic measurement. And then the author made differential analysis for preoperative and postoperative symptom score and maximal urine flow.

The following results were obtained;

1) The preoperative symptom score was 10.3 for group II, 7.3 for group I, so group II showed higher score, in postoperative score group II showed 2.5 which was 76% decreased and group I showed 5.6 which was 23.4% decreased, group II showed higher decreased rate.

2) Preoperative symptom score of group II was higher than that of group I. But postoperative score was no siginificant difference. In decreased ratio, group II showed better improvement.

3) Preoperative and postoperative change in maximal urine flow in group I was increased by 44.2%, while in group II the flow change showed a 173% increased.

In conclusion, without referring to the preoperative measurement of prostatic size. TURP brought improvement of symptoms and maximal urine flow, but when the prostatic size was under 30gm, the improvement degree was minimal and significant increase in maximal urine flow was not shown. According to the results of several objective studies and patient's desire. transurethral rsection could be permitted in patients with BPH of under 30gm. But in the future, studies on the difference in progress the response to management should be done.

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The Bacillus Calmette-Guerin(BCG) instillation of urinary bladder as a treatment of superficial bladder tumor can cause inflammatory changes in non-neoplastic area, which occasionally gives difficulty in differentiation from recurrent tumor on follow-up cystoscopy. This study was performed to see the changes of non-neoplastic bladder wall according to the dosage of BCG and time intervals. Low dose(8×10×6 CFU/ml) and high dose(12×10×6 CFU/ml) as well as normal saline were instilled into bladder of female Wister rats. The histopathological examination was performed on 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks, respectively.

The following results were obtained;

1) On 2 weeks after intravesical BCG instillation, chronic inflammation with lymphocytes, infiltration was noted on the bladder mucous and muscular layer, hut tuberculous granuloma was not observed. There was not significant difference between Group I and Group II.

2) Chronic inflammatory changes were continuously progressed till 8 weeks, and more severe in Group II than Group I.

3) The denudation of ulcerative epithelial cell was noted in only one case of Group II.

The above results suggest that histopathologic change after BCG instillation on non-neoplastic area was remained upto 8 weeks and need further evaluation for long term effects.

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Experimental Study of the Effect of Contrast Agent on the Fallopian Tubes of Rabbits
Eun Chul Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):253-260.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.253

Hysterosalpingography is a valuable diagnostic tool in the investigation of the uterine and tubal factors of female infertility.

Author evaluated the effect of different iodinated contrast agents on the fallopian tube and adnexal tissue in 16 rabbits. Lipiodol, an oil-soluble agent, was used for 4 rabbits. The following water soluble contrast agents were used for 12 rabbits: iothalamate meglumine 60%, diatrizoate sodium, and iopromide. The agents injected through the catheter placed in the fallopian tube. Fallopian tubes and peritoneal cavities were evaluated histologically. Iothalamate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium contrast agents, were associated with mild to moderate Inflammation and edema. Iopromide. which has low osmolarity, produced mild inflammation compared to ionic contrast agents. Use of oil-soluble contrast medium resulted in fibrous adhesion, moderate to marked inflammation and tissue edema in fallopian tubes andperiovarian tissues.

The safety of oil-soluble contrast agents for hysterosalpingogrpahy is questioned. Therefore, contrast agents with low osmolarity are suitable for use in hysterosalpingography.

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Effect of Hypothermia on the Oxygen Saturation Readings with Pulse Oximeter
Rack Kyung Chung, Choon Hi Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):261-266.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.261

Although pulse oximetry is a potentially useful diagnostic tool under anesthesia. there are concerns regarding its reliability for measuring oxygen saturation (SpO2 ; arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oxymeter) in hypothermic or low perfusion states. To test pulse oximeter reliability under hypothermic condition 30 data from 14 patients were collected.

Subjects were divided into group I which was as body temperature>36℃ and group 2 which was body temperature <36℃.

The results were as follows:

1) There were no differences between group I and group 2 in the SaO2(arterial oxygen saturation by blood gas analyzer) and SpO2.

2) The SpO2 in group I was underestimated by 1.20±0.85% than SaO2 in group 1(P<0.001).

3) The SpO2 in group 2 was underestimated by 0.60±1.03% than SaO2 in group 2(p<0.05).

Although the SpO2 was underestimated under hypothermic condition, the pulse oximeter with expired CO2 tension monitor decreased the frequent invasive arterial blood gas analysis. And it was useful tool for the detection of the hypoxia which is most commom cause of preventable anesthesia related death.

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Salmonella typhus endotoxin, a lipopolysaccharide constituent of the cell walls of gram-negative micro-organism, is a major cause of the local inflammation, systemic symptom, and shock.

It recently has been reported the cytokine including tumor necrosis factor and interleukin I as mediators of inflammation and immunity.

However the mechanism of tissue injury and morphologic change of reticuloendothelial system have not yet been confirmed.

In the present study, it was aimed to clarify the morphologic changes of reticuloendothelial system, spleen, according to experimental duration by endotoxin administration and the antagonized effect of dexamethasone pretreatment.

In summary of this study, the initial light microscopic changes after endotoxin administration were phagocytic activity of histiocytes and congestion at 1 hour, followed by germinal center widening due to proliferation of geminal cell at 6 hrs and sinus histiocytic proliferation with focal necrosis at 12 hrs, and variably increased degree of morphologic changes in longer duration.

Dexamethasone pretreatment of rats suppressed morphologic changes particularly in sinus histiocytic proliferation and local necrosis beginning from 1 hour of experiment.

Electron microscopic findings were confined mainly pyknotic cell, necrotic debris, and degenerative changes such as vacuolization and electron dense bodies after endotoxin administrations as confirmation of light microscopic changes.

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Case Reports
A Case of Becker's Nevus with Smooth Muscle Harmatoma
Ki Hong Lee, Yeon Soon Lim, Ki Bum Myung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):281-283.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.281

We report a case of Becker's nevus with smooth muscle harmatoma in a 24-year-old man, who showed localized excessive-hairy, dark brown colored patch including pin-head sized follicular papules on the left side of bucca, mandible and neck. Histologic examination revealed hyperpigmentation of the basal layer of epidermis and hyperplasia of smooth muscle bundles in the dermis.

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A Case of Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis of the Tongue
Sung Min Jung, Young Ju Kim, Mi Hyang Park, Myoung Sil Ju
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(3):285-288.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.3.285

Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis is a lesion characterized by symmetric and diffuse growth of adipose tissue.

It is commonly found in the posterior neck or upper trunk, but oral involvement is extremely rare.

Authors experienced a case of Benign Symmetrical Lipomatosis of tongue. The tumors was completely removed out under the general anesthesia.

Histopathologic examination verified Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis of tongue. So, authors report this case with brief review of literatures.

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