Male Wistar rats maintained for a period of 6 weeks on a basal vitamin E-deficiency diet consisting of 70% sucrose, 20% vatamin-free casein, 4% tocopherol, stripped lard, 4% salt mixture, and 2% tocopherol-free vitamin fortification mixture were used to compare two sets of commonly used salt mixture(salt mixture USP XIV versus Briggs' salt mixture). Among the rats maintained on the deficient diets for 6 weeks, only that received the combination of Briggs' salt mixture showed a significantly lower level of hepatic catalase activity, cytochrome P-450, and b5 compared to the corresponding control animals. Since the most striking differences in these diets are in their contest of iron, it appears that these two dietary constituents may intact in modulating the effect of vitamin E on hepatic hemoproteins.
Our studies are concerned with cytochrome P-450 content and 2-acetylaminofluorene N-and ring-hydroxylation by thiamine deficient rat liver microsomes. Incubation medium contained 100mM HEPES buffer pH 7.8, 2mM NADPH, 100mM KF, 100nM [14C]-AAF and microsomal protein. After 30min, incubation at 37℃, ring and N-hydroxy-9-14C-AAF formations are assayed by radioactivity measurements after paper chromatography separation. The concentration of cytochrome P-450 is elevated in microsomes from rats fed the deficient diet. It appears that the thiamine deficient rat liver is capable of producing effects on the drug hydroxylation enzymes.
Cytochrome P-450 is sometimes called the microsomal carbon monoxide-binding pigment. It is present in the microsomal fraction of several animal tissues, and also in the mitochondrial fraction of adrenal cortex, but not in the mitochondria of other tissues. Cytochrome P-450, the liver microsomal drugmetabolizing enzyme is membranebound and fraction as multicomponent electron transport system for the metabolism of a variety of endogenous substrates(such as steroids, fatty acids, and bile acids) and exogenous substance (such as drugs, carcinogens, insecticides, and many other foreign compounds). The effect estrous cycle and preimplantation on the levels of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 in mice were determined. In effect of estrous cycle on microsomal cytochrome P-450 level, the most increment was at estrus. The content of cytochrome P-450 was increased significantly at pregnant Day 3 of preimplantation.
Daily 1gm of ascorbic acid was administered to 5 healthy adult volunteers who had not been taking any vitamin preperations for at least 2 months prior to present study. Periodical determination of plasma and RBC ascorbic acid concentrations were carried out throughout 9 weeks of administration and afrer cessation of ascorbic acid. Mean baseline (0 day) ascorbic acid concentrations were low normal (4.416±1.03ug/ml) in plasma and 4.05±1.14ug/1010RBC. Plasma concentrations were raised and remained higher throughout 9 weeks and slowly returned to baseline level after cessation of ingestion. According to baseline plasma ascorbic acid concentrations and reponses to vitamin C administrations, subjects were divided into suboptimal (1.55-2.4ug/ml) and normal (6-8ug/ml) group. After rise of concentrations in RBC, there was decreasing tendency in spite of continous ingestion of ascorbic acid. Blood concentrations of suboptimal group responded more rapidly and in greater rates than that of normal group. At 7 weeks RBC concentrations of normal group were decrease below baseline and did not return to baseline until 2 weeks after cessation of ascorbic acid ingestion. Therefore it is concluded that routine or habitual long-term ingestion of Mega Vitamin C is not desirable. Whenever it is necessary, intermittent short term therapy is highly recommended to prevent rebound lowering and hypoascorbicacidemia after cessation of therapy.
The authors analyzed 34 patients admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from January, 1, 1979 to June, 30, 1979 by animpression of cholelithiasis clinically. Ultrasonic and radiologic cholecystography were performed in all patients. In 20 patients of 34 patients, exploration was done. The result were as follow: 1) The accuracy of gallstone detected by ultrasound was 90%, which confirmed by exploratory laparotomy (20 cases), but 88% in non-visualized gallbladder by oral cholecystography(20 cases). False positive was 6%(1 case) and false negative was 6%(1 case). 2) In 13 cases(38%) GB stone was visualized by oral cholecystography, while in 20 cases(59%) were nonvisualized gallbladder by oral cholecystography(20 cases). False positive was 6%(1 case) and false negative was 6%(1 case). 3) In 20 cases that gall bladder wasn't visualized by oral cholecystography, gall stone was detected in 17 cases(85%), normal GB in 2 cases(10%), no stone in 1 case(5%) by ultrasonography. 4) Among 20 cases which were confirmed by operation, 4 cases were concomitant with cholecystography, ultrasonography and operative findings. Among 16 cases nonvisualized by oral cholecystography, 15 cases were detected as gall stone by ultrasonography, which were gall stone in 14 cases, normal gall bladder in 1 case(i.e. false positive, 6%) and no stone in 1 case(i.e. false negative, 6%)
The brenner tumor of the ovary has been the topic of voluminous clinical and pathologic literatures since its original description by Macnaughton Jones in 1898. One of the major problems confronting most investigators of this uncommon neoplasm has been the question of histogenesis. There is general agreement that the tumor is derived from surface epithelium, as are the serous and mucinous cystadenomas. Recently we have experienced a case of Brenner tumor which was found in the wall of a mucinous cystadenoma. A brief review of the literatures and a discussion concerning Brenner tumor are presented in this paper.