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Volume 5(4); December 1982

Original Articles

Epidemiological Study of Suppurative Diseases of the Breast in Korean Women
Ok Young Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):165-171.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.165

The pattern of the surgical breast diseases in Korea may be different to that of the Western countries. In our partcular situation, it has been believed that suppurative diseases of the breast ought to be considered into as one of the so called Big Three; dysplasia, fibroadenoma. carcinoma. The purpose of the present article is present a clinical and epidemiological review on 793 cases of suppurative diseases of breast treated at Surgical Department of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January, 1973 to September 1982. Analysis of these cases provided the following results. 1) Among the suppurative diseases of the breast, The 542 cases(68.35%) were patients with simple mastitis. and the 251 cases(31.65%) were patients with breast abscess. 2) The peak incidence was in the age group from 21 to 30, and its number of patients was 379 cases(47.79%) The extreme of age was presented by age of 19 days and 73 years old. 3) The disease was more frequently occured in primipara(69.88%) than multipara(30.12%). Along the subsequent parity, it was decreased in number. 4) The disease was most frequently occured within postpartum 1 month. In this review, the suppurative diseases occured within postpartum 1 month were 75.70% of the postpartum patients. 5) On physical examination, everyone with the suppurative disease of the breast had tenderness(100%). 6) There was no predilection area between the right and left breast, its ratio right to left was 1.2 : 1. And the ratio unilateral to bilateral was 3.8 : 1. 7) More than a half of the patients with suppurative disease of the breast came to clinics for treatment within 1 week(57.76%). 8) Reviewing the yearly distribution, In 1978, the largest number of patients, 154 cases(19.42%), were treated. 9) According to 253 cases whose bacteriological survays were available, Staphy-lococcus aureus was the most predominating organism(86.56%). 10) In treatment, incision and drainage combined with antibiotic therapy were performed in 39.85%, and incision and drainag only was performed in 15.13%.

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Clinical Observation on Coronary Heart Disease
Gil Ja Shin, Nan Ho Kyung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):173-180.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.173

A clinical observation was done on 144 cases of coronary heart disease admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from January, 1973 to December, 1997. The following results have been obtained. 1. The 144 cases were composed with 46.4% of atherosclerotic heart disease, 29.2% of myocardial infarction, 18.8% of coronary insuffiency and 5.6% of angina pectoris. 2. The ration of male to female was 1:1.14. The most patients were in the age group between the 6th and 7th decades(60.4%). 3. The major symptoms of coronary heart disease were precordial pain(54.2%) and dyspnea(45.1%). The pain was radiated in 24.3% 4. The most common preceding disease was hypertension(39.3%) followed by diabetes mellitus(11.5%). 5. There were leukocytosis in 66.6%, increased SGOT in 39.3%, increased LDH in 71.5% and increased cholesterol in 49.5% 6. The common associatd electrocardiographic abnormalities were left ventricular hypertrophy(28%), sinus tachycardia(16.9%), premature ventricular beat(11.6%). first degree AV block (8.4%) and premature atrial beats(6.1%). 7. The ratio of anterior to posterior wall infarction was 4:1. 8. The common findings of chest PA were cardiomegaly(38.5%), Atherosclerotic changes of aorta(15.2%) and pulmonary congestion(2.4%). 9. The mortality rate was 6.2%(10 cases). Among them, myocardial infarcition was 5 cases. atherosclerotic hart disease was 4 cases and coronary insufficiency was 1 case.

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A Clinical Analysis of Small Intestinal Obstruction on a Statistical Basis
Yorng Man Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):181-189.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.181

This study included the clinical anaysis of 214 cases of small intestinal obstruction about its incidence, symptoms & signs, X-ray & laboratory findings, operative procedures, complications, andmortality, which were treated conservatively and/or surgically at the Department of Sugery in Ewha Womans University Hospital during 5 years from Januarym, 1977 to December, 1981. 1) The main causes of small intestinal obstruction were adhession(35%), intussus-ception(30.4%), and hernia(8.9%) 2) 140 cases were male, 74 cases were female, and a ratio of male to female was 1.9:1. 3) The cardinal symptoms and signs were abdominal pain(76.6%), abnormal peristalsis(75.5%), vomiting(68.2%), abdominal distension(65.3%), abdorminal tenderness(59%). 4) The positive findings on simple abdominal X-ray were seen in 91.1%. 5) The common previous operations of the cases of postoperative adhesion were appendectomy in 35.6%, gynecological operations in 16.4%, and a certain operative procedures for biliary system disease in 9.6%. 6) The operative procedures were performed lysis of adhesion in 33.1%, manual reduction in 30.6%, and bowel resection in 21.9%. 7) Wound infection was the most common complication after operation and the overall complication was 13.8%. 8) The over all mortality rate was 3.3%. The common causes of death were se-psis and electrolyte imbalance.

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A Study on Anemia in Urban and Rural Area in Korea
Ji Yong Kang, Ja Hyung Wei, Youn Choul Koo
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):191-200.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.191

From August to September of 1982, the study was conducted a survey of 152 urban infants and children (who visited the well baby and out patient clinic of th Department of Pediatrics of the Han Kang Sung Shim Hospital located at Young Deung Po Koo, Seoul) and of 62 rural infants and children (who are the children and infants living at Soo Dong Myun, Yang Choo Country, which is a comprehensive rural medical care demonstration area of Ewha Womans University). The purpose of this survey has been to know the relationship between ane-mia and social demographic background, maternal child health status, and the intake of nutrition. The results were as follows : 1) The frequency of anemia in urban area was shown as 25.7% and that of rural area as 11.7%, which means that the frequency of anemia is higher in urban area than in rural area. 2) In terms of the frequency of anemia according to age, the infants and children aged 12-18 months in ruban area showed a highest rate of 31.6%, and those aged 0-12 months in rural area a highest rate of 20.0%. In terms of sex, female infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than male counterparts in urban area. And male infants and children were contracted with a little more anemia than female counterparts in rural area. 3) In terms of mothers, 29 year old mother were set as standard age and those under 29 years in urban area showed an frequency rate of 28.7%, and those under 29 years in rural area showed an frequency rate of 13.2%. This means that there was more frequency rate in the mothers under 29 years than in those above 29 years. 4) In terms of economic situation, 290,000 won per month was set as standard amound made per month. And those earning less than 290,000 won in urban areas showed an frequency rate of 35.7%, and those earning less than 290,000 won in rural area 33.3%, which means that there was more frequency of anemia among those making less than 290,000 won than those making more than 290,000 won. And this was significant in terms of statistics. 5) The more the number of siblings was, the higher the frequency of anemia was. The frequency in case of two brothers was shown as 27.6% in ruban area, and as 15.2% in rural area respectively. 6) Such things as number of parity and birth interval were not so much significant in ruban area. However, the higher the number of parity was in rural area, the higher the frequency of anemia was. And in case birth interval was long, the frequency of anemia was rather high. 7) In terms of the relationship between pregnancy and anemia symptom during pregnancy of index child those pregnant women with anemia symptom in urban area showed an frequency rate of 27.8%, and those in rural area 19.2% respecitvely. This reveals that the frequency rate of anemia symptom of pregnant women was higher in ruban area than in rural area. 8) In case infant and children took an initial(first) step within the age under one year, those in urban area showed an frequency rate of anemia of 31.7%, which is higher than in those who took an initial step when they were above one year old. And none of the rural infant and children under the age less than one year showed any frequency rate of anemia. 9) In terms of nurition, the infant and children raised by breast feeding showed an frequency rate of anemia of 36.9% and 12.8% in urban area and rural area and rural area respectively. This means that the infant and children who were weaned after six months showed more frequency rate of anemia than those who were weaned within six months. 10) In case food intake was irregular, the frequency rate of anemia were disclosed as 30.0% and 18.0% un ruban area and rural area respecitvely, which means that irregular food intake has brought about more frequency rate of anemia than regular food intake. And in case iron contained food was rarely taken, the frequency rates of anemia were 25.0% and 3.6% in urban area and rural area respectively. This shows that rarely taking of iron conained food has led to more frequency rate of anemia than frequently taking of iron contained food.

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The present study was undertaken to get further information on the migratory gehavior of Toxocara canis larvae in the central nervous system in eperimentally infected mice. Mice were infected with approximately 500 of infective eggs of T.canins. According to the schedule, mice, 5 males and 5 females, were sacrificed at 2,3,5,7,14,21,28 and 56 days after injection and the brain tissue was extracted from each mouse and devided into six parts ; cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, olfactory bulb, potuitary and spinal cord. Number of the larvae was counted qualitatively and quantitatively. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Total recovery rate(in average) of the larvae in the brain at the various intervals gradually inceased from 0.4% to 10.6% with the highest rate on the 28th day of post-infection. 2. Total recoery rates(in average) of the larvae obtained throughout the study were 54.2% in male and 45.8% in female, out of 504 larvae. 3. Distribution rates of the larvae were revealed as high as 57.5% in cerebrum and 32.5% in cerebellum, and 4.4% in medulla oblongata, 2.8% in spinal cord, 2.0% in olfactory bulb and 1.6% in pituitary in decreasing order. 4. Number of the larvae per mg of wet weight of the brain found was 0.06 in cerebrum and cerebellum, 0.03 in olfactory bulb and pituitary, 0.02 in medulla oblongata and 0.01 in spinal cord, respectively.

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A Personality Study of the 82 Korean Makalu Expedition Members
Kun Hoo Rhee, Young Sook Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):207-216.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.207

The present study purposed to evaluate the common personality traits of the 82 Korean Makalu Expedition members by the psychological tests. The main psychological tests used to this study were minnesota Multiphasic personality Inventory, Rorschach test, and Korean Wechsler Intelligence test. The results obtained were as follow; 1) The resistance toward psychological evaluations was unexpectedly intense. 2) As a whole the level of intelligence ability was high : very superior level with 6 subjects and bright normal level with 2 subjects. 3) The basic response style was generally introversive. 4) The considerable resources were not well organized. 5) The affective experiences and expressions were insufficiently organized. 6) The intense dependent need of the interpersonal relationship was inhibited so that the intimate interpersonal relationship was avoided. 7) The self evaluation was generally low because of conflict with the ideal self imag and real self image. 8) The subjects consciously belonged to normal group but latently showed underlying depression and inner conflicts.

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Recent advances in microsurgery and myocutaneous flaps have induced many surgerns to consider skin flaps from a new point, and this has produced an interest in the fundamentals governing flaps. If the flap is longer and larger, it should be delayed for complete survival,but delay requeires considerable time . Therefore, as a substitute for delay, vascular anastomosis in the distal part of a flap will theoretically give the same effect. In this study, we investigated the importance of arterial inflow in the distal side of a flap in a rat. The experiment was done in 3 groups according to design of flaps and in each group, 3 subgroups was made. In A flap, the superficial epigastric artery was preserved or anastomosis. In B flap, both superficial epigastric artery and vein was preserved or anastomosis. In C flap, both artery and vein was severed. In result, C flap in all 3 groups were completely survived. In conclusion, we suggest the possibility that a large flap may be transposed in oen stage with vascular anastomosis in the distal part - preferably artery and vein, or artery only.

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Comparative Studies on Effects of Skin Cryodestruction
Eung Bum Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):225-231.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.225

The effects of cold temperature were studied nearly 300 years ago by Robert Boyle, who published a monograph entitled New Experiments & Observations Touching Cold. Since then numerous studies have been published on the subject of cryobiology. In recent years, detailed and comprehensive works about cryobiology and cryosurgery have been described by many investigators, among them Parkes, Rowbotham et al, Meryman, Hankinson, Smith, Von Leden and Cahan. This work for comparative studies on effects of skin cryodestruction was attempt to investigate a difference between Frigitronics and Walnuts instruments for the effects of skin cryodestruction.

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Relationship Between Rural Economic Status and Utility of Health Subceter
Cha Hyung Wie
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):233-237.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.233

In order to know the relationship between rural economic status nd utility of health subcenter, a study was carried out through analyzing the medical records of outpatients in Su-Dong Health subcenter during 10 yars from 1972 to 1981, the average medical fee per visit of patient in Health subcenter during 7 years from 1975 to 1981 and the average income of the hoseholds in Su-Dong Myun during 6 years from 1976 to 1981, which is considered of 5,187 population and with 1,105 households(78.4% Farmer), Nam-yang ju Gun, Kyung-gi Do, and the following results were obtained: 1. The annual utility rate of Health Subcenter of Su-Dong Myun was increased until 1978; such as 314 in 1972, 459 in 1974, 685 in 1976 and 1,033 ni 1978 per 1,000 peoples. However after 1979 the rate was shown decreasing tendency such as 846 in 1979, 774 in 1980 and 723 in 1981. 2. The annual average medical fee of Su-Dong Health Subcenter was increased such as ₩ 368 in 1975, ₩ 496 in 1977, ₩ 1,100 in 1980 and ₩ 1,860 in 1981 and the annual raised rate was the lowest in 1976(2.5%), and the highest in 1979(76.6%). 3. The covered rate of the Community Health Organization in annual average medical fee was the highest with 30.1% in 1981, and the lowest with 18.5% in 1975. 4. The avarage annual income of the Su-Dong Myun household was increased rapidly until 1978, such as ₩ 1,108,000 in 1976, ₩ 1,352,000 in 1977, and ₩ 1,989,000 in 1978(with 46.0% the highest rate, annually). However after 1979 the income was shown the inereasing curve down and the descasing such as ₩ 2,022,000 in 1979, ₩ 2,211,000 in 1980 and ₩ 2,180,000 in 1981. 5. The average visiting times to Health Subcenter was 1.86 times; the highest in the groups of National Medicaid program(2.22 times) and next order in the group of medical insurance(2.09 times) and the lowest in groups of Community Health Organization member(1.81 times). 6. It seems that there is the relationship between economic status of the rural households and utility of health subcenter as shown in number of patients and average visiting times pf patiemt according to the source of medical fee payment.

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The histopathologic study of the curettaged endometrial tissue taken from the patient with the clinical impression of dysfunctional uterine bleeding was performed. The total 221 cases of this study were classified as 76 cases of proliferative phase, 46 cases of secretory phase, 25 cases of menstrual phase, 25 cases of hyperplasia, 18 cases of chronic inflammation, 11 cases of irregular shedding, etc. Even age distributions were present in the patient of proliferative, secretory and menstrual phases. However, most cases of hyperplasia, irregular shedding, atrophy and adenocarcinoma of the endometrium were found at the age of more than 40. The metaplastic changes of endometrial tissue were present in about 1/3 of total cases. Almost all of these metaplastic changes were epithelial metaplasia. The most common type of epithelial metaplasia was tubal metaplasia which was observed mostly in the hyperplasia including cystic and adenomatous hyperplasia. The varieties of metaplastic changes occurred in the proliferative phase, secretory phase, chronic endometritis and menstrual phase in order. There were only 2 cases of mesenchymal metaplasia which was osseous and smooth muscle metaplasia.

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Cerebrospinal Fluid Lactate Level Following Experimental Spinal Cord Injury
Jae O Kim, Dong Been Park, Kyu Man Shin
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):249-254.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.249

For the purpose of ascertaining the role and magnitude of ischemia of the spin-al cord following trauma the authors determine the lactate concentrations in cere-brospinal fluid(CSF). Laminectomies were performed at L2 under general anes-thesia with aseptic techniques. Paraplegia was produced by 400 gm-cm impact injury with impounder. Significant increases in CSF lactate levels occurring at Day 5. The prolonged elevation of CSF lactate indicates that tissue hypoxia plays a role in spinal cord damage and that there is a continuing hypoxia of metabolically active spinal cord tissue for several days post injury.

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Case Reports
A Clinical Study of Spinal Tuberculosis
Jin Man Wang
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(4):255-260.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.4.255

The spinal tuberculosis has been decreased because of development of anti-tuberculosis drugs and the new surgical procedures but still have challenging problems in Korea. Fourty-eight cases of spinal tuberculosis were treated with conservative and surgical treatments during 6 years from 1976 to 1981 at Ewha Univ. Hospital with following results ; 1. The age distribution showed the peak incidence in the first decade. 2. The predilection site was the thoracic area(49.2%) 3. In 35.4% of the cases, anti-TB drug was taken befure surgery. 4. Paraplegia showed in 29.2% of cases. 5. In paraplegia, most involved bodies were in the thoracic and lumbar vertebra and the percentage was 85.7%. 6. The recovery rate of the paraplegia was 92.9%. 7. Anterior fusion was performed in 35.4%, and the posterior fusion was performed in 31.3%. 8. The kypotic angle was increased according to the numbers of involved vertebra.

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A case of PNH-like secondary myelofibrosis associated gastric cancer is presented with brief literal view. This 45 years old Korean male who had gastric cancer, was admitted to Ewha University hospital with marked pallor and bone pain. On hematologic examination, hemoglobin 4.0 gm/dl, hematocrit 8%, and RBC count was 92×104/mm3. WBC count was 16,200/mm3, with normal differentiation and platelet count was 18,000/mm3. Reticulocyte count was 5%. Peripheral blood smear showed anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and schistocytes including tear-drop cell. Two attempts of bone marrow biopsy disclosed island-shape of gastric cancer call infiltration and reticulin strands. After transfusion with 4 units of whole blood over the night, his early morning urine color was dark reddish-brown. The HAM test was positive and the value of the leukocyte alkaline phosphatase was very high. But there was no specific change of urine after administration of Iron-dextran. The author assure that this case was accompanied by Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria-like red cell defect rather than microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.

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