The evaluation of menopausal status is an important subject in the field of treatment of hormone receptor positive breast cancer. According to the menopausal status, endocrine therapy should be categorized by individual patient. However, the gonadal injury caused by various therapeutic drugs and its recovery would confuse the interpretation of clinical and biological markers for ovarian reserve. There are some methods to examine the functional ovarian reserve indirectly. Ultrasonography for counting follicles is a relatively reliable procedure, although it is not feasible because of time-labor consumption and high cost. Biological marker from blood samples such as serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), serum estradiol (E2), serum inhibin, or anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) would be a better choice. The examination of serum FSH and E2 is already recommended as biomarkers for measuring functional ovarian reserve in many guidelines. However, there are limitation of serum FSH and E2 in patients with chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea and treated by tamoxifen. AMH is promising biomarker in the field of infertility treatment even in the patients treated by chemotherapy. It might be a possible biomarker to determine the menopausal status for decision-making whether aromatase inhibitor could be applicable or not in hormone positive breast cancer patients with chemotherapy induced amenorrhea or treated by tamoxifen.
Estrogen receptor-related protein was examined on gastrectomy specime from 16 cases of advaced gastric adenocarcinoma and 7 cases of early gastric carcinoma(EGC) by using peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. Positive reaction was seen in 7 out of 16 cases of advanced carcinoma and in 4 out of 8 cases of EGC(50%). Among advanced carcinoma, 3 cases of mucinous carcinoma were negative and 2 cases of signet ring cell carcinoma(SRC) showed focal positive reaction only in combined poorly differentiated(PD) area(10% of tumor cells). PD advanced carcinoma consisted of 4 cases of medullary type and 3 cases of individual cell type. Two out of 4 medullary type showed positive reaction in 20 and 80% of tumor cells and 2 out of 3 individual cell type showed positive reaction in 50 and 70% of tumor cells. Gland-forming type of advanced carcinoma consisted of 1 each case of intestinal and cardiac type and 1 mixed intestinal and cardiac type. Only 1 case of intestinal type showed positive reaction in 50% of tumor cells Among EGC, 2 cases of SRC were negative and 2 cases of PD carcinoma showed 5 and 10% positivity in PD area and 20 and 40% positivity in admixed gland-forming area. Gland-forming EGC consisted of 3 cased of intestinal type and 1 case of cardiac type. One case from each group showed positive reaction in 50 and 20% of tumor cells, respectively. In summary, positive reaction to antibody to estrogen receptor-related protein(P29) was expressed in PD(66.7%), gland-forming(50%), SRC, and mucinous type in order in both early and advanced carcinoma. The difference between age, sex, and other factors was not clear due to limitation of specimen.
To investigate whether polymorphism of gene encoding estrogen receptor-α is associated with the risk of endometriosis in Korean women.
We investigated 136 patients with histopathologically confirmed endometriosis rAFS stage III/IV and 251 control group women who were surgically proven to have no endometriosis. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of PCR products were done to determine each participant's estrogen receptor-α genotype.
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The results suggest that estrogen receptor-α genetic polymorphism may not be associated with the development of endometriosis in Korean women.
This study was performed to find out obstetricians-gynecologists' view on taking hormone replacement therapy HRT to perimenopausal women in Korea.
Questionnaires were mailed to 300 Korean obstetricians-gynecologists in order to obtain their views on the use of hormone replacement therapy. A total of 136 gynecologists responded.
Most of obstetricians-gynecologists(88.2%) were prescrinbing HRT to the perimenopausal or postmenopausal women. The most common indication of HRT was the treatment of vasomotor symptoms(56.6%) in symptomatic postmenopausal women and the prevention of osteoporosis(46.6%) in asymptomatic postmenopausal women. The most common routes of HRT were the oral(66.3%) administration. About two third of respondents prescribed HRT by cyclic estrogen-progestogen combined therapy(47.4%), and 46.8% of respondents thought that HRT must be started within 5 years after menopause. The duration of HRT was variable and 23.5-36.9% of respondents thought that HRT should be continued through the life.
This survey suggests that the most of Korean obstetricians-gynecologists favors the use of HRT in postmenopausal women but the results may become generalisable to the wider population as information on the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy is disseminated.