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"Eun Mi Chun"


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"Eun Mi Chun"

Case Report

Rectus Abdominis Muscle Tuberculosis Involving Lung and Endometrium
Ji Yoon Kim, Eun Mi Chun, Jihyun Lee, Yookyung Kim, Sun Hee Sung, Yun Hwan Kim
Ewha Med J 2015;38(2):76-79.   Published online July 29, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2015.38.2.76

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis usually involves the pleura, central nervous system, lymphatic system, genitourinary system and bone with joint. There are few reports about pulmonary tuberculosis involving the endometrium and muscle. A 32-year-old woman who had intact immunity visited hospital due to menorrhagia, and was diagnosed with endometrial tuberculosis. The patient also had a painless abdominal mass about for 1 year before she came to the hospital. She was diagnosed with rectus abdominis muscle tuberculosis, endometrial tuberculosis, and pulmonary tuberculosis at the same time. We report a case of endometrial tuberculosis accompanied with rectus abdominis muscle and pulmonary tuberculosis in a non-immunosuppressed person.

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Original Article

Smoking cessation is the mainstay of treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) and prevention of related malignancy. But smoking cessation cliniss generally have low success rates. The aim of this study is to evaluate the abstinece rates and factors determining success among during out patient(OPD) run by pulmonologist(smoking cessation specialist).


125 smokers with COPD(97) and bronchal asthma(28) were consulted in the smoking cessation clinic during treatment of out patients department from 2003 to 2005.

Patients palnned to cisit every 4 weeks and the patients were ercerived brief intervenrion(5-10 minutes) by a same pulmonologist(smoking cesation specialist) every 4weeks. Medication was evaluated every 4 weeks and followed-up for 6 months.


Overall, 33%(41/125) of patients were absinent at 6 months. Success rate was higher among the older(mean age of 54.0 vs. 45.6, p=0.00). Logistic regression was to identify predictors of abstinence at the end of the medication phase.

Mulivariate predictors of abstinence were the following : older age(p<0.00), numbers of visit to OPD[OR=1.85(95% CI : 1.21-2.86)], duration of medication [OR=18.3(95% CI : 1.54-217.00)], doctor's recommendation[OR=16.62(95%CI : 1.29-214.17)].


Brief, frequent and intensive motivational intervention with medication(bupropion) during OPD by specialist was effective for cessation smoking in view of time and cost for smokers with COPD and bronchial asthma who require quitting of smoking inevitably for treatmint and prevention of diease.

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