To establish new in vitro model systems that better reflect in vivo condition, multicellular tumor spheroids(MTS) and raft culture were developed using cell lines of squamous cell carcinoma(SCCHN) of the head and neck in these 3-dimensional systems.
Materials and Methods
Four SCCHN cell lines were used for MTS and raft culture.
All cell lines formed MTS, but only Tu-138 showed a good stratification at the airliquid interface in the raft culture system.
MTS and raft culture system were established successfully from the SCCHN cell lines.
There are controversial evidences that children gain weight to a significant extent after adenotonsillectomy, usually associated with a general improvement in health. This study is aimed to evaluate the growth disturbance in children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and the effect of adenotonsillectomy on subsequent growth in them.
Ninty-one children adenotonsillectomized had their weights recorded preoperatively, and reweighted twelve months after surgery.
The results showed the patients were generally not underweighted before surgery. Their median weight was on the 59.5 percentile. Their weights after surgery had increased by an average of 20 percent over what would have been expected. This increase in weight was not confined to underweight children but to the entire group.
Upper airway obstruction resulting from adenotonsillar hypertrophy might be suspected as a possible cause in the workup of children with suboptimum growth.