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"Yookyung Kim"


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"Yookyung Kim"

Case Report

Rectus Abdominis Muscle Tuberculosis Involving Lung and Endometrium
Ji Yoon Kim, Eun Mi Chun, Jihyun Lee, Yookyung Kim, Sun Hee Sung, Yun Hwan Kim
Ewha Med J 2015;38(2):76-79.   Published online July 29, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2015.38.2.76

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis usually involves the pleura, central nervous system, lymphatic system, genitourinary system and bone with joint. There are few reports about pulmonary tuberculosis involving the endometrium and muscle. A 32-year-old woman who had intact immunity visited hospital due to menorrhagia, and was diagnosed with endometrial tuberculosis. The patient also had a painless abdominal mass about for 1 year before she came to the hospital. She was diagnosed with rectus abdominis muscle tuberculosis, endometrial tuberculosis, and pulmonary tuberculosis at the same time. We report a case of endometrial tuberculosis accompanied with rectus abdominis muscle and pulmonary tuberculosis in a non-immunosuppressed person.

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Original Articles
Radiologic Findings of Acute Appendicitis during First Two Years of Life
Yookyung Kim, Jeonghyun Koo, Jeong Soo Suh, Chungsik Rhee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1997;20(1):95-100.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1997.20.1.95

Acute appendicitis is very rare in infancy and early childhood. Delayed diagnosis of appendicitis may result in catastrophic outcome with perforation. We performed a retrospective analysis of clinical and radiologic findings of acute appendicitis occurring in the first 2 years of life.

Material and Methods

Nine patients of acute appendicitis who were are less than two years of age proved by surgery and pathology were analyzed in terms of clinical symptoms and signs, and findings on preoperative plain abdominal roentgenography(9 cases), barium or gastrografin enema(6 cases), ultrasonography(8 cases) and abdominal CT scan(1 case).


All patients presented with nonspecific clinical symptoms and signs, such as vomiting and fever. All were complicated with perforation. Six were associated with periappendiceal abscess, and four with appendicolith. Plain abdominal roentgenogram showed generalized paralytic ileus and increased density on right lower quadrant in all cases, and diffuse for right lower abdominal wall bulging in some cases. Most cases of perforated appendicities and periappendiceal abscess were diagnosed by ultrasound and some cases by contrast enema or abdominal CT scan.


When the patients less than 2 years of age have nonspecific acute abdominal symptom with the roentgenographic findings of aggravating ileus and haziness in the right lower abdomen, ultrasonography might be considered as a helpful diagnostic tool for the early diagnosis of appendicitis. CT and contrast enema also might be helpful.

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CT Findings of Tuberculous Pneumonia in Diabetic Patients: Comparison with Tuberculosis in Nondiabetics
Yookyung Kim, Sung Won Park, Sang Min Lee, Kyung Soo Cho
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2001;24(3):109-114.   Published online September 30, 2001
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2001.24.3.109

To evaluate the CT findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients compared with patients without underlying disease.


The chest CT scans of pulmonary tuberculosis in 23 diabetic patients(M : F=21 : 2 ; mean age, 59 yrs.) and in 24 nondiabetic patients(M : F=12 : 12 ; mean age, 48 yrs.) were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists ; decisions were reached by consensus.


The frequencies of consolidation(100%, 42%), inhomogeneity of consolidation(70%, 21%), multiple small low-density areas(52%, 13%), cavitation(70%, 25%), multiple small cavity(35%, 4%), bizarre-shaped cavity(22%, 0%), air-bronchogram(95%, 54%) were significantly more common in pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients than in nondiabetic patients(p<.05). There was no significant difference in localization of pulmonary lesions between diabetic and nondiabetic patients.


Diabetic patients have a high prevalence of inhomogeneous consolidation containing multiple small low densities and multiple or bizarre-shaped cavities than do patients without diabetics.

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