The Ewha Medical Journal (Ewha Med J) is the official journal of Ewha Womans University College of Medicine and Ewha Medical Research Institute, and is published quarterly (last day of April, July, October and January). Manuscripts should comply with the instructions for the journal.
Manuscripts should adhere to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE;, unless otherwise specified.
2) Main text
A letter sent to the Journal about issues of concern to its readers, to support or oppose a stance taken by the publication, to respond another author’s opinion, to spread mass awareness and to analyze various policies in the medical field. There is no limitation regarding format.
Other publication types such as important announcements for medicine or medical education may be accepted. Articles from medical students can be accepted according to the editors’ decision. The required format can be discussed with the Editorial Board.
Manuscripts for original articles or review articles can be written in Korean or English. Manuscripts for case reports or images and solution should be written in English. An appropriate proofreading is required.
1) Title page: Please state the following, (1) article title; (2) full name and institutional affiliation of each author; (3) running title not exceeding 10 words; (4) name, postal and e-mail addresses, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the author responsible for correspondence; (5) conflict of interest statement; (6) any information concerning the sources of financial support and data availability; (7) the manuscript word count; and ORCID iDs of all authors.
2) Abstract
3) Key words: Up to five keywords should be listed in alphabetical order at the bottom of the abstract. For the selection of keywords, we recommend using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, in Index Medicus.
4) Main text
5) Acknowledgements: Name people who contributed substantially but who are not eligible as authors.
6) References
7) Tables
8) Figures
Abbreviations should not be use in the title. Expansion of all abbreviations is required at first mention in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use of abbreviations should be kept to a minimum.
Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter, or their decimal multiples). Temperature should be in degrees Celsius.
The term sex should be used when reporting biological factors and gender should be used when reporting gender identity or psychosocial/ cultural factors. If only one sex is reported, or included in the study, the reason the other sex is not reported or included should be explained in the methods section, except for studies of diseases/disorders that only affect males (e.g., prostate disease) or females (e.g., ovarian disease). The sex distribution of study participants or samples should be reported in the results section, including for studies of human, tissues, cells, or animals. Study results should be disaggregated and all outcome data reported by sex.
Manuscripts are submitted online to Ewha Med J via an online submission system ( Submissions must be accompanied by a completed Author’s Checklist and Author Consent Form. The Author Consent Form requires the individual signatures of all authors.
Contact the Editorial office if you have a problem submitting a manuscript.
· Tel: 82-2-2650-5851
· Fax: 82-2-2650-5850
· E-mail:
All manuscripts are previewed for format. If the structure of the manuscript does not comply with the instructions, then the manuscript will not be accepted. A manuscript that satisfies the basic structural format is assigned to two reviewers for peer review; to minimize bias, the reviewers are blinded to the authors’ identities. If there is a marked discrepancy in the decisions of the two reviewers or between the opinions of the author and the reviewer(s), the editor may send the manuscript to a third reviewer for additional comments and a recommended decision. Decisions about a manuscript should be based only on its importance, originality, clarity, and relevance to the journal’s scope and content.
When you prepare a revised version of your manuscript, it is essential that you carefully follow the instructions in the Editor’s letter regarding the preparation of a revised manuscript, particularly, the preparation of an annotated copy. Failure to do so will delay review of the revised manuscript and may result in return of the manuscript without review, for proper preparation. If a revision is not received within 6 months after the request, your file may be closed.
Corresponding authors who wish to withdraw a manuscript after it has been submitted must provide a letter signed by themselves indicating that the corresponding author represents the wishes of all authors in withdrawing the manuscript. Manuscripts will not be withdrawn from consideration once they have been submitted, until the journal office receives the request in writing. Manuscripts cannot be withdrawn after final acceptance by the journal, except for reasons of scientific error or misconduct.