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Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio as Risk Factor for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke

The Ewha Medical Journal 2012;35(1):21-25. Published online: March 31, 2012

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Mokdong Hospital, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

Corresponding author: Ki-Sook Hong, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul Seonam Hospital, 20 Sinjeongipen 1-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul 158-170, Korea. Tel: 82-2-6300-7652, Fax: 82-2-6300-7660, kshong@ewha.ac.kr
• Received: January 20, 2012   • Accepted: February 19, 2012

Copyright © 2012. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine

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  • Objectives
    According to current knowledge, apolipoprotein B/A1 (apoB/A1) ratio is like to be risk factor in coronary artery disease. There is evidence form case-control studies that apoB/A1 ratio may be a superior to LDL and HDL cholesterol in discriminating coronary artery disease case subject from control subject. However, relationship between apoB/A1 ratio and cerebral ischemic stroke is undefined. The main object of this study is to determine whether the risk of cerebral ischemic stroke is related to levels of apoB/A1.
  • Methods
    The study group included 643 patients (Men, 372; Women, 271) who diagnosed cerebral ischemic stroke between January 2008 to December 2010. The control groups were composed of 378 patients (Men, 139; Women, 239) who diagnosed other neurological disease. The correlation between lipid profiles and odds ratio of 10 preliminary risk factors (total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL, apoA1, apoB, apoB/A1 ratio, non HDL, total cholesterol/HDL ratio, LDL/HDL ratio) for stroke were analyzed.
  • Results
    ApoB/A1 ratio was significantly increased in case patients compared with control subjects. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified decrease of apoB/A1 ratio (odds ratio [OR], 1.583; 95% confidence intercal [CI], 1.105~2.269) as significantly associated with stroke. Individual apoA1 (OR, 1.303; 95% CI, 0.967~1.755) and apoB (OR, 1.397; 95% CI, 0.773~2.523) were also not significantly associated with cerebral ischemic stroke.
  • Conclusion
    Increase of apoB/A1 ratio is associated with an increase risk of cerebral ischemic stroke. Use of apoB/A1 ratio is efficient as conventional lipids, for the identification of subjects at increased risk of stroke. So apoB/A1 ratio to standard lipid profile testing could improve the evaluation of risk factors of cerebral ischemic stroke.
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  • 10. Walldius G, Aastveit AH, Jungner I. Stroke mortality and the apoB/apoA-I ratio: results of the AMORIS prospective study. J Intern Med 2006;259:259-266.
Table 1
Test methods, reagents, reference range for lipid profile

Apo, apolipoproteins; GK, glycerol kinase; GPO, G-3-P oxidase; POD, peroxidase. *BNII, Hitachi 7600.

Table 2
Baseline characteristics of cerebral ischemic stroke case and control

Apo, apolipoproteins.

Table 3
Multivariate comparison of cases and controls by logistic regression analysis

Apo, apolipoproteins.

Table 4
Correlation analysis of apolipoproteins (Apo) vs. cholesterol indices

Figure & Data



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    Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio as Risk Factor for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke
    Ewha Med J. 2012;35(1):21-25.   Published online March 31, 2012
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    • Citation for the content below
    Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio as Risk Factor for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke
    Ewha Med J. 2012;35(1):21-25.   Published online March 31, 2012
    Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio as Risk Factor for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke
    Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio as Risk Factor for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke

    Test methods, reagents, reference range for lipid profile

    Apo, apolipoproteins; GK, glycerol kinase; GPO, G-3-P oxidase; POD, peroxidase. *BNII, Hitachi 7600.

    Baseline characteristics of cerebral ischemic stroke case and control

    Apo, apolipoproteins.

    Multivariate comparison of cases and controls by logistic regression analysis

    Apo, apolipoproteins.

    Correlation analysis of apolipoproteins (Apo) vs. cholesterol indices

    Table 1 Test methods, reagents, reference range for lipid profile

    Apo, apolipoproteins; GK, glycerol kinase; GPO, G-3-P oxidase; POD, peroxidase. *BNII, Hitachi 7600.

    Table 2 Baseline characteristics of cerebral ischemic stroke case and control

    Apo, apolipoproteins.

    Table 3 Multivariate comparison of cases and controls by logistic regression analysis

    Apo, apolipoproteins.

    Table 4 Correlation analysis of apolipoproteins (Apo) vs. cholesterol indices
