The effect of high dose of glucocorticoid in acute spinal cord injury has been well proved experimentally and clinically. In addition, the beneficial effect of steroids in cerebral vasogenic edema has been well documented and clinically steroids are now a part of the treatment of intracranial neoplasms. Consequent trials of high dose steroid therapy in CNS injury have been proved its ineffectiveness or adverse effecis in clinical and experimental studies. Also, dexamethasone treatment in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in rats showed adverse effects on neurons in most of the studies in adult and immature rats, except one report which showed neuroprotective effects of dexamethasone pretreatment in 7-day-old immature rats.
This study was designed to see if there was same neuroprotective effect in adult rat since no previous experiments used same amounts of steroid at this time intervals. Hypoxic-ischemic injury was induced in adult Sprague-Dawley rats, 150~240 gms, by Levine procedure with some modification (left carotid artery ligation and exposure to 8% oxygen-92% nitrogen gas for 2 hours). The animals were divided into four groups and dexamethasone was injected as follows : (I) hypoxic-ischemic control group without dexamethasone injection(n=16) ; (II) 0.5mg/kg i.p. 3 times, 48 and 24 hours, and immediately before the carotid artery ligation and 8% oxygen treatment(n=16) ; (III) 2.0mg/kg at same time with (II) (n=14) ; (IV) 1.0gm/kg 3 times at immediately after, 24 and 48 hours after the procedure(n=20). The neuropathological changes were interpreted 7 days after the procedure.
The results are summarized as follows :
1) In hypoxic-ischemic control group(I), 5 out of 16 rats(31.3%) of rats showed large infarction involving ipsilateral side of the brain and other 4~5 rats showed severe neuronal damage in anterior and posterior cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus.
2) Compare to control group, dexamethasone 0.5mg/kg 3 times pretreatment group(II) showed similar neuronal damage in all areas, although the infaction was focal in striatum and thalamus in group II and generalized in group I. The changes were not statistically significant.
3) Group III showed no significant difference from groups I, II, and IV.
4) Group IV showed more neuronal damage in CA1-2 area of hippocampus compare to groups I and II(p<0.01, p<0.005, respectively).
5) Mortality rate was not significantly different between groups.
In conclusion, dexamethasone pretreatment did not improve hypoxic-ischemic neuronal damage in adult rats. Dexamethasone posttreatment aggravated neuronal damages in CA1-2 area of hippocampus compare to control and pretreatment groups.
In order to analyse differeatial ego defense mechanisms among age groups classified by developmlental stages, the present study evaluated the results of Ewha Defense Mechanism test which had been completed on June, 1990. The number of subjects were 1,323 normal adults and students with 14~70 age range, who were selected by the proportional straitified sampling method based on sex, age, educational level and residence status of 1985 National Population and Residence Statistics Data.
Results of the present study were as follows :
1) There was statistically significant differences among age groups on show-off, reaction formation, identification, passive-aggressive, projection, displacement, denial, suppression, anticipation, rationalization, dissociation, sublimation, acting-out, altruism, regression, humor, evasion scales.
2) The younger age group had higher scores on show-off, reaction formation, identification, passive-aggrssive, projection, displacment, dissociation, sublimation, acting-out, regression scales and more older, more higher on denial, supression, anticipation, rationalization, altruism, evasion scales.
3) The female subjects got higher scores on show-off identification, projection, displacement, denial, dissociation, somatization, regression and the male subjects presented higher scores on altruism, humor scales. The interation effects of age and sex were not found on any scales.
4) It was found that the older group did not get high score on mature defense mechanism scales in case of classified by maturity criteria.
5) On factor 1 scales of acting-out, displacement, somatization, dissociation, projection, passive-aggressive scales, the younger group presented higher score and the older group had higher score on denial, rationalization, supression, anticipication, evasion scales which were attribute to stablity and adjustment by factor analysis interpretation.
The diagnosis of cervical incompetency is routinely accomplished by reviewing the clinical history and pelvic examination subjectively. Rescently by using ultrasonography. the objective method in diagnosis of cervical incompetency was developed. Especially, the transvaginal sonography can provide clear visualization of uterine cervix with an empty bladder without distrosion of cervix which was developed when abdominal sonography with distended bladder.
So author performed the study in 46 cases of pregnant women of which menstrual age was 12 weeks to 36 weeks(normal control group 36 cases, risk group 11 cases) during the period of May, 1992 to Febburary, 1993. And these two groups were performed trasvaginal sonography and measured length and diameter of cervix.
And the result were follows ;
1) The mean age was higher in risk group than normal control group, the gestational age was not significantly different between two groups, and the gravity and parity was higher in risk group than normal control group.
2) As measuring the length and diameter of cervical canal by transvaginal sonogram in nullipara and multipara in normal control group, each measurements were not significantly different between nullipara and multipara.
3) The mean length of cervix by transvaginal sonography was 3.0±0.97cm in risk group, 4.7±0.89cm in normal control group and the cervical length was significantly shorter in risk group than normal control group(P<0.01).
4) The mean diameter of cervix by transvaginal sonogram was 2.0±0.37cm in risk group, 0.5±0.21cm in normal control group and the diameter of cervix was significantly greater in risk group than normal control group(P<0.01).
Transvaginal sonographic measurement of cervical length and diameter in diagnosis of incompetent internal os of cervix is noninvasive and relatively objective method.
We have reviewed 35 cycles in 27 patients who underwent IVF and ET with reasonable indications from March 1992 to February 1993. The method of ovarian hyperstimulation were FSH/hMG/hCG(N=10), GnRH agonist(N=24), C.C./hMG/hCG(N=1).
The results were as follows ;
1) The mean age of patients was 33.04±4.17 and mean duration of infertility was 5.52±3.37 years.
2) Major indications for IVF and ET were tubal factor(77.80%), peritoneal factor(18.50%), and unexplained infertility(3.70%).
3) In the past history of patients, there were previous ectopic pregnancy in 5 cases(17.24%), previous tuboplasty in 5 cases(17.24%), pevic inflammatory disease in 4 cases(16.00%), and tuberculosis in 3 cases(12.00%).
4) The cancellation was only one case in FSH/hMG/hCG group.
5) The timing of hCG administration in FSH/hMG/hCG group was 9.56±1.50 day and GnRH-a group was 9.17±0.99 day.
6) The mean numbers of follicles larger than 16mm were 6.78±4.71 in FSH/hMG/hCG group and 5.33±3.82 in GnRH-a group.
7) The mean numbers of oocyte aspirated were 6.44±3.17 in FSH/hMG/hCG group and 5.54±2.27 in GnRH-a group.
8) The fertilization and cleavage rate was 59.93±33.91% in FSH/hMC/hCG group and 57.61±30.81 in GnRH-a group.
9) The mean number of embryos transfered were 4.56±3.69 in FSH/hMe/hCG group and 3.38±2.10 in GnRH-a group.
10) Pregnancy rate were 22.2% in FSH/hMG/hCC group and 25% in GnRH-a group.
11) There were 8 cases of pregnancies which consisted of two live births of 3 babies, 3 cases of ongoing pregnancies, one spontaneous abortion, two chemical pregnancies.
Hypoxia is one of the most common major stress to which a neonate exposed, and subclinical ischemic/hypoxic insults to the intestine has been implicated as playing a major role in the development of NEC. The exact mechanism leading to mucosal injury due to mesenteric ischemia-reperfusion have not been fully elucidated, yet there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest a role for xanthine oxidase(XO)- derived reactive oxygen metabolites. Allopurinol has repeatedly been demonstrated to be effctive in decreasing reperfusion injury.
This study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of allopurinol via breast-feeding to suckling rats, in the setting of ischemia and reperfusion.
One-hundred forty Sprague-Dawley rat pups(one-week-old) received breast-feeding whose lactating mothers were bred on standard chow with allopurinol(2mg/100g) suspension water(expermental group) or tap water(control group) for 1 week. Eight rats(each 4 of experimentals and controls) were used to identify histologic finding of small bowel mucosa. Twelve rats(each 6 of experimentals and controls) were used to measure serum uric acid levels. Ninety-six rats (each 48 of experimentals and controls) were subjected to superior mesenteric vessels occlusion for 5, 10 or 20 min. to produce ischemic injury to the intestine. Segmental small bowel resections were performed in each 24 rats of control group and experimental group before and after reperfusiort to histopathologic evidence of reperfusion injury. And the remaining 72 rats(each 36 of experimentals and controls) were observed for mortality after IRI for 1 month.
Serum uric acid 1.93±0.64mg/dl of experimentals was significantly lower than 7.32±1.18mg/dl of controls(p<0.005). Bowel injury severity was more severe on longer period of mesenteric vascular occlusion in experimentals and controls. Mucosal injury severity was not different significantly between experimentals and controls with same period of mesenteric vascular occlusion, but after 30 min of reperfusion, severity of mucosal injury in experimentals was attenuated than in controls, especially in the 5 min and 10 min occlusion of mesenteric vessels. All of death occurred in 3 days after IRI, and mortality was decreased from 69.4% in controls to 52.8% in experimental groups. Mortality was increased in case of longer period occlusion of mesenteric vessels but not significant statistically.
These results indicate that it is ability to transfer the effect of allopurinol to suckling rats via breast-feeding routes and the protective effects of allopurinol increases the survival rate after IRI.
The effects Cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (II) (Cis-DDP) on the irradiated lung were assessed by histopathologic changes. In radiation alone group, right lung of rats were exposed to X-ray 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 Gy in a single dose and in combined group, Cis-DDP(6mg/kg) was administered immediatelly after irradiation of same dose of X-ray of radiation alone group. Histopathologic examination was done after 4 weeks after experiments. The early histopathologic changes of lung by irradiation was patchy infiltrations of macrophage in the alveolar space, desquamation of the alveolar septae and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrations which was appeared in 10 Gy irradiated group and was more aggravated with incressing radiation dose. The destruction of alveolar septae was noted in 20 Gy irradiation group and it was severer in 30 Gy and 40 Gy group. In combined group of radiation and Cis-DDP, the destruction of alveolar septae was appeared in 15 Gy group and the changes of alveolar space such as edema ana hemorrhage was diffuse and severer than radiation alone group. Degenerative changes of vascular endothelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells with type II pneumocytes proliferation were more prominent in combined group than radiation alone group in electron microscopic findings. This result suggests Cis-DDP enhance the radiation pneumonitis of rat lung and enhancement ratio was 1.3 as the endpoint was the destruction of the alveolar septae.
Many patients disabled the knees by severe rheumatiod and degenerative arthritis have been treated with total knee replacement arthroplasty since 1970. Total knee arthroplasty(TKA) afforded much improvement in pain relief and function. We analyzed the result in 32 knees who were performed TKA at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Ewha Womans University Hospital from May 1987 to July 1992.
The results were as follows.
1) There were 25 females and 3 males, their mean age was 53 years old.
2) Preoperative etiology was degenerative arthritis in 20 cases, rheumatoid arthritis in 8 cases and osteonecrosis in 4 cases.
3) Knee joint function by Hospital for Special Surgery(HSS) knee rating score was increased from 55.3 points preoperatively to 87.0 points postoperatively.
4) The tibiofemoral angle was changed from 7.4 degree varus to 5.5 degree valgus.
5) The prosthesis type used were Press Fit Condylar(PFC) in 18 knees. Anatomic Modular Knee(AMK) in 6 knees, Miller-Galante(MG) in 4 knees and Porous Coated Anatomic(PCA) in 4 knees.
6) Complication was only one case of knee due to concomitant postoperative deep infection and skin necrosis.
The development of hepatocellvlar tumors was investigated with histology and electron microscope in 50 males Splague- Dawley rats administered continuously N-nitrosomorpholine(NNM) in drinking water at low dose(5mg/10m1) and high dose(25mg/100ml).
Groups of control and NNM treated rats were investigated for 30 weeks, 2 week intervals beginning of 12 weeks after administration.
Two types of preneoplastic lesion composed of basophilic or glycogenotic hepatocytes were observed preceding the appearance of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocellular cacinoma is increased in number and size according to NNM dosage and duration. Histological classification were trabecular type which is most common, hepatocellular type, adenocarcinoma, and mixed type.
On conclusion, the enviromental contamination of chemical in drinking water might cause of hepatocellular cacinoma and increasd the incidence with larger dosage and longer duration.
We report a case of multiple leiomyoma of the scrotum in a 44-year-old man.
Several pinhead sized erythematous papules developed on the scrotum 1 year ago and the number was gradually increased. The skin lesion was painless and did not show any difference due to temperature changes such as colorless and external stimuli.
Histologically, there was hyperplasia of bundles of smooth muscle fibers in the dermis. The smooth muscle fibers contained centrally located, thin, very long, blunt-edged, "eel-like" nuclei.