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Volume 19(2); June 1996

Original Articles


Recently Computers are more and more widely used in many aspects of medicine, including education, and using computers to assist in traditional learning has many advantages. This study was carried out to provide modeling of computer learning program in health statistics.


The author analysed the present program and then surveyed the student's need by self administrated questionnaires. By one student modeling, the computer learning program has been developed and then the program was remodeled into the whole(80-90) students program.


The students thought that the current health statistical experiment was useful but laborius. And they wanted to try to new program with computer statistical package. In the aspect of trial on new educational method, the model of computer learning program in Health Statistics has been developed.


The computer learning program will be implemented in this second semester(1996) but the teacher and the students will be devoted to the program. And then it will be succeeded.

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This study was performed to investigate the prevalence of abnormal behavior, ada-ptability and intelligence of child and adolescents and the usefulness of KAS(Korean Attitude System) as a screening method to detect the psychopathology of child and adolescents.


478 child and adolescents were completed the instruments of KAS that focused on development of behavior, adaptability and intelligence at the children's medical examination center.


The most influenced subcategories to the disturbance of behavior of the subjects were leadership, cooperation, and emotion (in order). The preference of adaptability was high in the fields of literature, law, technology, medicine and sociology. The mean I.Q. of the subjects was high average and not different in both sex. The subjects with below average of I.Q. were three cases(0.6%) and the two of them were boderline and only one case was mild mental retardation. The total number of patients referred to the department of psychiatry was eight cases(1.7%) and revealed the disturbance of behavior, affect, and thought.


Finally the authors concluded that KAS test performed at the children's medical examination center was useful primary screening method to detect the psychopathology of child and adolescents.

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Psychiatric Problem in Rape Victims
Jong-Won Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):173-183.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.173

The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychiatric problems of rape victims.


The author observed the psychiatric symptoms of the 10 women patients who visited psychiatric clinics immediately after rape after trauma, and made a related survey of 61 other 61 female outpatients in order to compare psychiatric symptoms of those of them who reported the history of rape trauma and those of the others who did not have such history.


Results are given as follows :

1) The most frequent psychiatric diagnosis of the victims of rather recent day's rape was posttraumatic stress disorder(4/10), followed by depression(2/10) and Schizoaffective disorder(2/10). The most frequent perpetrator was unknown person(8/10).

2) 49.2% of the other 61 patients of psychiatric clinic reported the history of abuse, including 26.2% and 36.1% of them reporting sexual abuse and physical abuse, respectively.

3) Sexual dysfunction was reported in 58.3% of the rape victims, who generally showed a tendency toward the high level of anxiety, hostility and paranoid symptoms.

4) The high scored dissociation was observed in rape victims but not in non-abuse group.


The rape trauma appears to be responsible for some psychiatric symptoms, or at least to be a precipitating factor of psychiatric disorders. The author also confirmed that aftermath of the rape trauma can continue rather perennially, for years after trauma or even for life ling.

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Anxiety, Depression and Hostility in Patients with Pruitus
Jong-Won Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):185-191.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.185

The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological problems in patients with pruritus.


The author compared the anxiety, depression and hostility levels between 47 patients suffering from pruritus and 52 normal controls by means of STAI(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) and Hostility scales. The subject was the patients with pruritus who visited the dermatology outpatient clinic of Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital.


1) The anxiety scale was significantly higher in the female patients with pruritus than in the normal female controls(p<0.01), but there was no significant difference between the male patients and the male controls.

2) There was significant difference in depression scale between the female patients showed a tendency toward higher depression.

3) There was no significant difference in hostility scale between the pruritus patient group and the normal control group.


High levels of anxiety and depression in pruritus patients, especially female. So the author think it will be necessary to treat psychiatrically those patients with pruritus who seem to be suffering from sort of psychiatric symptoms which can be checked by self-report questionaires.

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In situ PCR was applied to the paraffin embedded tissue section of two borderline tuberculoid patients which did not show acid fast bacilli on the Fite stain. In situ PCR was performed with direct detection of Digoxigenin incorporated into PCR product. The best condition of the direct in situ PCR was pretreatment with 0.2N HCl for 40 minutes and with 10㎍/ml of proteinase K at 37℃ for 5 minutes and 30 cycles of PCR. The positive signal was observed within the cytoplasm of the most Schwann cells, epithelioid cells and a few endothelial cells.

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Jae-Moon Bae, Ho Seong Han, Young-Woo Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):199-203.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.199

Lymphangioma is an infrequent disease. Few cases of lymphangioma has been reported, so its clinical characteristics are variale. We had experienced fourteen patients of lymphangioma during relatively short period, two and half years. It was worth to analyze the clinical characteristics of the lymphangioma.


A clinical analysis was made in fourteen patients with lymphangioma who had been admitted to Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital from September, 1993 to March, 1996 retrospectively by the review of clinical records. The characteristics were about the symptoms, locations, diagnostic methods, sized of tumor, treatment, and complications.


were summerized as following

1) The sex ratio was 1 to 1.3(male to female) and the most prevalent age group was less than 10 years(78.6%)

2) The most common presenting symptom was a mass(71.4%)

3) The locations were trunk and axillary(35.7%), retroperitoneum(21.4%), extremity(21.4%), neck and mesentery in decreasing order.

4) The ultrasonogram was a useful disgnostic method of lymphangioma(71.4%).

5) The size distribution of tumors were 42.9% in less than 5cm, 42.9% in 5 to 10cm, and 14.2% in 10.1 to 15cm.

6) The treatment of choice was complete excision. There was no complication, or recurrence.


lymphangioma should be considered as differential diagnosis in patients with mass, especially children.

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Management of Cavernous Angiomas
Kyu-Mann Shin, Jun-Hyeok Song
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):205-212.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.205

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical informations(symptoms, pathophysiologic phenomena, other associated vascular malformation and outcome) in order to define the guide of the management.

Material & Methods

The authors reviewed the 54cases which were diagnosed by the high-resolution MRI and supplemented by computed tomography, from 1991 to 1996. The patho-physiologic phenomena of the CMs were classified into three groups by the finding of MRI. Surgical outcome was analysed according to the type of lesions, clinical variables, and indication of surgical management.


The mean patient age was 33.2 years, and the locations of CMs are in the cere-brum in 38 cases, basal ganglia/thalamus in 5 cases, brain stem in 16 cases, orbit in 2 cases and the spinal cord in 1case. Symptomatic hemorrhage were 25 patients(46%), seizure reported 16 patients(30%) and focal neurologic deficit 7(13%). Incidental cases were founded in 6 patients(11%) and their main complaints were headache. In 71% of the patients, the lesions were solitary and multiple in 29%. The 7 patients had coexisting venous angiomas. The A group had 24 patients(44%), B group 16 patients(30%) and the C group 14 patients(26%). Twenty nine patients who were asymptomatic or incidentally discovered lesions(6 patients) were treated conservatively. Twenty five patients(15 hemorrhage, 8 patients of intractable seizure and 2 patients of progressive neurologic deficits) underwent surgery.


This study suggest that surgical extirpation of the lesions is an effective management in accessible lesions, overt hemorrhage, medical intractable epilepsy and pro-gressive worsening focal neurologic deficits.

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Stereotaxic Evacuation and Urokinase Treatment of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hematomas
Hyang Kwean Park, Dong Been Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):213-219.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.213

No abstract available in English.

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Striatal Network Model in Parkinson Disease: Preliminary Study
Kyoung Gyu Choi, Kee Duk Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):221-226.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.221

To construct the neural network model in the striatum that can explain the clin-ical effect of Parkinson disease.


We use an approach to studying the function of neural systems that is based on the use of a class of computer models known as parallel distributed processors(PDPs).And the focus of this study is the nigrostriatal dopaminergic effects on the corticostriatal fibers and the striatal medium spiny neurons.


A model that explains hypokinesia in Parkinson disease is presented for the opation of the striatum.


In order to study the brain funcion and mechanism of physiopathology, te-stable theories that consider brain as a whole system are needed. We think neural network model with PDPs would be an important field in neuroscience in near future.

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Biometry of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness by NFA
Kyu Ryong Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):227-231.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.227

The nerve fiber birefringence imaged by the scanning laser polarimetry ophthalmoscope per-mits the nerve fiber laser to be distinguished from the rest of the retina. The Nerve fiber Analyzer(LDT,Inc) resolves the nerve fiber layer thickness to a reproducibility of 10um. To evaluate the direct measurements of the retinal nerve fiber layer in normal glaucoma eyes, I have used the NFA. Retardation is higher in 15 normal subject than 75 glaucoma suspect & glaucome eyes, thickness of NTG eyes are significantly(p<0.05) less than those of POAG. With these quantitative measurements, it may be possible to monitor glaucomatous progression by detecting the changes and damage of nerve fiber layer.

However, it may requeire to eliminate spurious measurememnt in areas of peripapillary atrophy, and reduce operator input in image acquisition(focus, patient alignment and eveness of illumi-nation).

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Analysis on 82 Cases of Urethral Mass
Ho Won Kang, Seok Heun Jang, Hak Ryong Choi, Bong Suck Shim, Sung Won Kwon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):233-237.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.233

Urethral masses are not common in urogenital disease. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze urethral masses.


We reviewed 82 cases of urethral mass which were confirmed pathologically at Urology Department of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1985 to December 1994.


1) Age distribution was between 10 and 82 years(mean age 48.7 years), showing the highest incidence in 31 to 60 years(53/82, 64.6%) and female to male ratio was 5.8:1.

2) Major symptoms were foreign body sensation of urethra(42/82, 51.2%), vaginal spotting (20/82,24.4%), dysuria(12/82, 14.6%), residual urine sensation and urinary frequency.

3) Among them, 40 cases were urethral caruncle(40/82,48.8%), 13 were urethral diver-ticulum(13/82, 15.9%), 10 were urethral condyloma(10/82, 12.2%), and 8 were urethral leiomyoma(8/82, 9.8%).

4) Among urethral caruncles, 24 cases were telangiectatic type(24/40, 60%), 8 were papillomatous type(8/40, 20%) and 8 were granulomatous type(8/40, 20%).

5) Surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration was performed in all cases and radiation therapy was added in case of leiomyosarcoma.


These results suggest that urethral masses are more common in female than male, most of them are benign condition, urethral caruncle is a major disease, and surgical excision with electrocauterization or laser fulguration is a good treatment.

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To compare fast spin echo(FSE) T2WI of the body coil(BC) with FSE T2WI of the endorectal surface coil(ERC) in the evaluation of parametrial and vaginal invasion and to evaluate tue dynamic enhanced images on the aspect of parametrial invasion.

Materials and methods

Twenty consecutive patients of uterine cervical carcinomas confirmed by biopsy were included in this study and staging was determined by the surgery (2 cases) and the radiologic and clinical studies(18 cases). 1.5T Signa(GE,USA) was used and FSE T2-weighted axial and sagittal images were obtained by the body coil and endorectal surface coil respectively. Then dynamic enhanced axial images with FMPSPGR were performed at 2-3 slices of cervical cancer level. Parametrial and vaginal invasion on the body coil images were compared with those on the endorectal coil images retrospectively. Parametrial enhancement was evaluated on the dynamic enhanced images.


The accuracy of parametrial invasion was 100% of BC and 60% of ERC in 5 cases below stage Ib, 64% of BC and 73% of ERG in 11 cases of stage IIb and IIIa, 100% of BC and ERC in 4 cases above stage IVa. Overall accuracy of parametrial invasion was 80% of Bc and 75% of ERC without significant difference between two images. The accuracy of vagianl invasion was 80% of BC and 100% of ERC below stage Ib, 100% of BC and ERC above stage IIb. Overall accuracy of vaginal invasion was 95% of BC and 100% of ERC without difference between two images. On the dynamic enhanced images, parametrial enhancement was seen in all 20 cases and vascular enhancement in the parametrium was noted in 9 pf 20(45%) cases regardless of parametrial invasion.


There was no difference between BC and ERC images to evaluate the accuracy of parametrial and vaginal invasion. Therefore, ERC should be used in the cases which revealed suspicious invasion on BC images. Dynamic-enhanced images were not useful in the evaluation of parametrial invasion.

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The Effects of Intraarticular Morphine, Bupivacaine with or withour Epinephrine after Knee Arthroscopy
Rack Kyung Chung, Jong In Han, Jong Hak Kim, Chi Hyo Kim, Guei Yong Lee, Choon Hi Lee, Yeon Jin Cho
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):249-255.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.249

There are controversies about the analgesic effects of intraaarticular morphine and local anethetics bupivacaine. This study sought to compare the effects of saline with mor-phine, bupivacaine with or without epinephrine, administrated intraarticularly upon pos-toperative pan following arthroscopic knee surgery under general anesthesia.


In a double-blined, randommized manner, 40 patients received one of saline(20ml, n=10), morphine(1mg in 20ml NaCl, n=10), bupivacaine(0.25%, 20ml, n=10), bu-pivacaine with epinephrine(0.25%, 20ml, 200ug of epinephrine, n=10) intaarticularly at the completion of surgery. The pain scores by VAS were determined after 1,2,3,4 and 24 hours after intraarticular administration.


There were no significant statistical differences between four groups in the pain score. The maximal pain scores were 37.5 in control group, 48.0 in morphine group, 33.6 in bupivacaine group postoperative 1 hour and 32.9 in bupivacaine with epinephrine group pos-toperative 2 hours. The pain scores were decreased as the time went by and were minimin as 21.4 in control group, 17.6 in morphine group, 11.2 in bupivacaine group and 12.3 in bu-pivacaine with epinephrine group 24 hour postoperatively.


Though there were no significant statistical significances with those doses, there were tendencies that the bupivacaine group with or without epinephrine had the postoperative analgesic effect rather than control group, and morphine group had a slow onset of analgesic ef-fect. So, we should study to decide the dose or volume of the drugs and appropriate time to evaluate for the anagesic effects after knee arthroscopy further.

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Clinical Experience of Coronary Stenting in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Si-Hoon Park, Gil Ja Shin
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):257-263.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.257

The placement of stents in coronary arteries has been shown to be effective bail out procedure and reduce restenosis in comparison to balloon angioplasty. We experienced coronary stenting in 8 patients with coronary artery disease and report our results.


From October 1995 to April 1996, 8 cases of coronary artery stenting were per-formed at the Ewha Womans University Hospital. We evaluated results of the procedure, in-hospital complications, follow-up coronary angiography and follow-up clinical events.


All lesions were successfully stented without in-hospital complications including death, myocardial infarction, repeat coronary angioplasty, or CABG. During 2 months of fol-low-up, there was no clinical events. Follow-up coronary angiography was performed in one case, showing no restenosis.


Acute procedural results and angiographic and follow-up clinical outcomes were favorable, so coronary stenting seemed to be good therapeutic tool in treatment of coronary artery disease.

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Case Report

A Case of Plasmodium Vivax Malaria Occurred in Resident of Seoul in 1995
Youngsun Kim, Kiryung Park, Eunkyoung Eo, Jin-Hyuk Choi, Jungsu Lee, Whasoon Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):265-268.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.265

Malaria has a wordwide incidence of more than one thousand to three thousand million clinical cases and results in approximately 200 to 300 million deaths per year. Although Korea was an endemic area of Malaria, it was nearly eradicated from the country. However, indigenous cases of malaria have been reported since 1994. Recently, we experienced a case of Plasmodium vivax infection in a resident of Seoul. A 25-year old young man who had no history of being abroad, blood transfusion nor parenteral use of drug visited our hospital due to fever and chill for 4 days. A peripheral blood smear demonstrated Plasmodium vivax infection. He was treated with hydroxychoroquine and premaquine without relapse.

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Original Article
Altered Expressions of PLC-γ1 in Various Types of Human Cancer
Sung Sook Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1996;19(2):269-275.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1996.19.2.269

Phospholipase C isozymes(PLCs) paly a central role in ligand-mediated signal transduction for cellular activity such as proliferation and differentiation. However, the biolog-ical significance of their molecules in carcinogenesis or tumor progression is not determined precisely yet.

Materials and Methods

Usnig PLC-γ1 specific antibody, we have examined the relative contents of PLC-γ1 in various types of human cancer tissue, by immunoblotting and imm-unohistochemistry techniques. Several oncogene studies and DNA ploidy sutdy were per-formed additionally insome tumors.


Most malignancy showed elevated contentesof PLC-γ1, especially in colorectal and breast cancer, whereas hepatocellular carcinoma revealed decreased expression pf PLC-γ1. onco-protein expression was correlated with PLC-γ1 expression in some tumors. In hepatocellular carcinoma, DNA ploidy has an influenc to PLC-γ1 expression in most of the cases.


In conclusion, alteration or imbalance of the PLC-γ1 mediated signal trans-duction may have a significant role in the devlelopment or progression of cancer. These findings not only have important implications for increasing our understanding of multistage car-cinogenesis but they also have an impact on strategies for diagnosis and theraly of cancers.

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