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Volume 13(4); December 1990

Original Articles

Experimental Transplantation of Left Lung in Dogs
Young Sik Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):277-283.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.277

Four single transplantations of left lungs in dogs were performed from October 1989 to June 1990 at the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery, Collge of Medicine, Ewha Womans University.

Under general endotracheal anesthesia, the donor dog was placed in right lateral decubitus position and the left anterolateral thoracotomy incision was made. Both lungs and heart were removed by division of superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, descending aorta and trachea. After trimming, left lung was immersed in a basin containing 4℃ normal saline and the pulmonary artery was flushed by the dripping of the heparinized cold saline with 60cm H2O pressure.

In the recipient dog, left extrapericardial pneumonectomy was done as in usual manner. Prepared left lung of donor dog was placed in the left thoracic cavity of the recipient dog and pulmonary arterial anastomosis was made with continuous 5-0 Prolene** suture. Recipient's pericardium was opened and anastomosis of the left atrial cuff was performed with continuous 3-0 Prolene suture. Air was evacuated from the left atrium by gradual release of left atrial clamp and inducing the back bleeding before completion of anastomosis.

Bronchial anastomosis was performed with interrupted 4-0 absorbable suture and knots were placed externally.

Throught upper mid-laporotomy incision, omentum was mobilized and retrieved through created retrosternal tunnel and anastomosised mainstem bronchus was completely wrapped.

After operations, 3 dogs died due to hemorrhagic shock, asphyxia and stenosis of left pulomnary artery at the anastomosis site. One had survived to postoperative 7th day in good condition.

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Butylated hydroxyanisole(BHA) has been shown to decrease the toxicological and carcinogenic potential of a variety of chemicals. One possible mechanism for chemoprotection is that BHA increases intestinal UDP-glucronosyltransferase activity and thereby enhances the elimination of the toxicants. Given that I.P injection is major route of xenobiotic exposure, we have investigated the action of BHA and BHT on glucuronidation capacity in the liver of rats. Simple injection of BHA(100mg/kg or 200mg/kg) and BHT(100mg/kg or 200mg/kg) produced a significant increase in microsomal glucuronidation. Futhermore, the concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid, the co-substrate required for glucuronidation reaction was increased almost 2-fold. Administration of BHA and BHT also increased UDP-glucose concentration and UDP-glucose dehydrogenase activities approximately 2-fold. These findings show that BHA and BHT administration increase hepatic glucuronidation capacity and suggest that BHA and BHT may enhance the biotransformation of xenobiotics, and hence excretion, of a variety of carcinogen and or toxins is potentially very important.

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Effect of Naloxone on the Cerebral Ischemia of the Rats
Choon Hi Lee, Guie Yong Lee, Chi Hyo Kim, Young Sook Pae
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):293-300.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.293

Brain ischemia due to a critical reduction in cerebral blood flow is a common cause of irreversible brain damage. Ischemia is invariably accompanied by an increase in tissue lactate concentration due to anaerobic metabolism of glucose and energy failure.

Despite new insights into the pathophysiologic mechanism of cerebral ischemia, the clinical therapeutics of cerebral ischemia is usually limited to agressive anticoagulation and supportive measures.

But. recently, new pharmacological agents including calcium channel blocking agent, perfluorocarbon, free radical scavenger and opiate antagonist are considered as possible therapeutic application for restoration of blood flow to areas of focal ischemia in both laboratory and clinical trials.

Naloxone, an opiate antagonist, has been reported to improve neurological function, spinal blood flow and somatosensory evoked potentials after spinal injury. Thus, Endogenous opioids might play a role in pathophysiology of central nervous system ischemia and that opiate antagonist might be of benefit in the treatment of experimental stroke.

But, on the other hand. there are many evidences that naloxone is not benefical. So use of naloxone for the treatnebt of ischemia insult is controverial.

Therefore, The present investigation was undertaken to elucidate the effects naloxone on cerebral ischemia by measurement of the cerebral energy metabolites concentration.

Cerebral ischemia was produced in spontaneously hypertensive rat(SHR) by bilateral common carotid artery ligation. Naloxone(1mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally 30 min after the carotid artery ligation.

The results obtained were as follows :

1) There were no differences in the concentration of APT and lactete between normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats and SHR.

2) In bilateral common carotid artery ligated SHR, the concentration of APT was considerable decreased and that lactate was slightly increased.

3) Naloxon didn'y change the cerebral energy metabolism in ischemic model. These data indicated that naloxone had no benefical effect on cerebral ischemia but for definite conclusion, more controlled experiments must be performed.

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The interaction of Cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II)(Cis-DDP) with irradiation may be important in the clinical settings for which this drug is currently used.

Since the skin is a major tissue for the uptake of Cis-DDP and its uptake level persists for several days, experiments were designed to evaluate the potential of Cis-DDP for enhancing the damage or the irradiated skin in rats.

For experiments, 42 rats were used and radiation dose was 30Gy in single fraction and the dose of Cis-DDP was 2.5mg/kg. The results of these experiments suggest that a Cis-DDP dose of 2.5mg/kg produces no incrase skin damage when the drug was administered IP 30min before, or 15min after irradiation.

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The Effects of Caffeine and Aminophylline on co Poisoning Incuced Activity of Mouse
Gyoung Hee Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):307-313.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.307

Carbon monoxide impairs oxygen transport to tissue when combined with hemoglobin in blood, leading to hypoxic damage of the organs, especially in central nervous system.

Methylxanthine such as Caffeine and Theophylline have been used for apena of pretern baby and hypoxic ischemic encephalopaty.

The purpose of this study was to see the effects of Caffeine and Aminophylline on activity disturbance of hypoxic damage induced by carbon monoxide poisoning.

The results poisoning :

1) The effects of carbon monoxide intoxication on activity response : Compare to the activity of control group of 588, 589, 501, 525, 378 at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min. CO poisoning group showed 92, 39, 42, 36, 27 and 25, respectively.

2) The effects of caffeine on CO poisoning induced activity disturbance : With Caffeine administration, the activity at 10 min was 87, similar to control group. but increases to 210, 255, 233, 278 at 20, 30, 40 and 50 min, respectively.

3) The effects of Aminophylline on CO poisoning induced activity disturvance. With Aminophylline administaration the activity was significantly increased to 77, 208, 169, 142, 187, 162 at 10 to 50 min., respectively, compare to CO poisoning group.

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Nitroglycerin(NTG) can be used intravenously to induced hypotension. NTG has a short plasma half-life, is easy to control, and has no direct toxic effect or toxic metabolites.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of nitroglycerine-induced hypotension on the hemodynamics during isoflurane-N2O-O2 anesthesia in dogs.

Hemodynamic measurement(left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, pulmonary artery pressure. heart rate, cardiac output, maximal and minimal dP/dT) were determined in 8 dogs at 30min after induction(baseline values), 15min after isoflurane-N2O-O2 inhalation(1 MAC, FIO2 0.5), 15min after intravenous NTG adminstration and 15min after the termination of isoflurane-NTG.

1) At 15min after isoflurane-N2O-O2 inhalation, left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure, maximal dP/dT values were decreased, and heart rate was increased significantly compared to baseline values. but pulmonary wedge pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, cardiac output and minimal dP/dT did not changes significantly.

2) At 15min after IV NTG administration, left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, cardiac output and miximal dP/dT were decreased, minimal dP/dT was increased significantly compared to the previous values.

3) At the termination of isoflurane-NTG, left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, cardiac output and maximal dP/dT were increased, minimal dP/dT was decreased significantly compared to the previous values, but left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure and pulmonary wedge pressure were lower than the the baseline valus.

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Serum Aluminum Level in End-Stage Renal Failure
Kyun Ill Yoon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):325-329.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.325

Oral aluminum salt intake has been implicated in aluminum intoxication in patients suffering from chronic renal failure. We studied to observ a level of serum aluminum in patients with maintenace dialysis and their relationship with oral aluminum salt intake.

The results are as follows ;

1) Serum aluminum concetration was 40± 12.0ug/1.

2) Average daily dose of aluminum salt was 34± a2/12.2mg/kg.

3) Recent daily dose of aluminum salt was 32a8± 18.9mg/kg.

4) Total does of aluminum salt was 22± 23.2g/kg.

5) Correlation coefficient between serum aluminum concentration and total dose was 0.32.

6) Correlation coefficient between serum aluminum concentration and mean corpuscular volume of erythrocyte was -0.27.

7) Correlation coefficient between serum ferritin and mean corpuscular volume of erythrocyte was 0.3.

8) There was no correlation between serum aluminum concentration and several other variables including serum ferritin, daily dose of aluminum salt and serum creatinine.

9) There was no correlation between mean corpuscular volume of erythrocyte and dose of aluminum salt.

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The Treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer
Soon Nam Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):331-337.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.331

Twenty nine patients with small cell lung cancer patients has been studied from January 1986 to September 1990. In 14 limited disease patients, combination chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy to primary lung, mediastinum, supraclavicular lymph nodes and prophylatic whole brain irradiation was performed.

Fifteen extensive disease patients were treated combination chemotherapy alone.

The results obtained were as follows :

1) Coughing, dyspnea and chest pain were frequent symptomes in the order of frequency. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and Eaton-Lambert syndrome were observed in 20.7% and 19.0% respectively.

2) A 92.8% overall response rate and 50.0% overall complete remission rate in limited disease and 53.0% overall reponse rate width 40.0% complete remission rate in limited disease and 53.0% overall reponse rate with 40.0% complete remission rate in extensive disease were achieved. Overall response rate of limited disease was higher than that of extensive disease.

3) Overall median survival was 10.9 months and 11.1 months in limited diease and 8.4 months in extensive diease were obtained. Overall median survival of complete responder was 11.7 months, that was longer than 6.0 months of partial responders.

4) The treatment toxicities were mainly nausea, vomiting and alopecia but fatal one episode or arganulocytosid was experienced. Further trials and new therapeutic plans are must be set to improve therapeutic efficary and minimize toxicities.

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A Clinical Study on Intrahepatic Stone
Yong Man Choi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):339-345.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.339

The hepatobiliary stone is one of the most common surgical disease in Korean population, and intrahepatic stone is found in 9~22% of the biliary calculous disease in Korea. A retrospective clinical study was done in 25 cases of intrahepatic stones who underwent operation in Ewha Womans University Hostpital during from Jan. 1986 to Sept. 1990

The result obtained are follows :

1) The incidence of intraphepatic stones to all gall stones during the period was 12%.

2) The incidence of sex was slightly predominent in famale than male with the ratio of 1 : 1.3. The peak age incidence was 4th decade. the mean age was 51.8 years old.

3) Left intrahepatic duct stones were found in 9 cases(36%), right intrahepatic duct stones were found in 4 cases(16%), both intrahepatic duct stones were found in 4(16%) cases.

4) Subjective symptoms were RUQ pain, jaudice, and fever and chills.

5) The most valuable diagnostic methods were endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatog. ram(ECRP), percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram(PTC), computed axial tomography(CT) and abdominal sonography.

6) Operative procedures underwent, left lobectomy and segmentectomy in 9 cases, choledochojejunostomy or choledochoduodenostomy in 14 cases.

7) Post operative coplication was 3 cases (12%) of subphrenic abscess, 1 cases(4%) of septicenmia and wound infection.

In conclusions, the valuable diagnostic methods of intrahepatic duct stones are ERCP, PTC, abdominal sonography and CT. The hepatic lobectomy or segmentectomy is the best procedure for intrahepatic duct stones.

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Author described 57 pediatric surgical patients who were undergoing Surgery for regional complications following BCG vaccination at Ewha Womans University Hospital. The patients were randomly allocated either to surgery alone or surgery with postoperative administation of antituberculous chemother apeutics.

The result of this trial indicate the followings :

1) Among the total 57 cases, 31 cases were included into the surgery alone group(control group) and 26 cases were administration group of antituberculous chemotherapeutics following surgery(theeapy group). There was no statistically significant difference between both groups on several factors that may affect the curing process.

2) Postoperative complication rate was 1.8 percent and recurrence rate during follow-up after treatment completion is 6.5 percent. But there was no significant difference between both groups on complication rate and recurrence rate.

3) Postoperative treatment duration was less than 8 days in control group add was about 6.8 months in therapy group, and so postoperative therapy with antituberculous drugs did prolong the length of treatment period significantly(p<0.001).

This results suggest that the postoperative administration of antituberculous chemotherapeutics for regional complications following BCG vaccination would rather have economic burden and inconvenience than any benefical effect.

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The accurated prediction and detection of follicular growth is very important in the successful investigation and treatment of the infertility. Recently, serial visualization of the ovarian follicles with ultrasound have been described as rapid, reliable methods for monitoring of follicular growth.

Human ovarian follicular development measured by peripheral plasma estradiol and ovarian follicular growth assessed by serial ultrasonic visualization of the ovary were compared and analyzed in 17 normal ovulatory cycling women.

The results were as follows :

1) The mean follicular diameter was ranged 0.93±0.07-2.07±0.07cm and the maxium diameter of ovarian follicle was 2.07±0.07cm on the day of LH surge. Daily growth rates of ovarian follicle was 1.5-2.3mm/day from the day 4 to 0. There was a correlation between follicular diameter meansurements and peripheral plasma E2 levels on day -7 to day 0 of 17 normal cycling women. The linear correlation coefficient was r=0.9669(p<0.01).

2) Plasma LH level increased from day-7, 29.9±3.72mIU/ml to day of the LH surge, 108.69±16.9mIU/ml.

3) Plasma progesterone level begin to increase on the day 0. 0.75±0.2ng/ml, on the day+1, 1.08±0.2ng/ml and was reached to levels of 5.65±1.08ng/ml on the day + 3 after ovulation.

4) These study show that ultrasonic measurement of follicular diameter are valuable in the prediction of follicle growth, and ovarian function.

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Urinary Imaging in Children with Urinary Tract Infection
Seong Joo Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):365-372.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.365

Urinary imaging is essential because UTI in children is usually the first prensenting sign of urinary tract anomaly.

Early diagnosis and treatment of major urinary tract anomaly are important to prevent renal damage. But thereis still considerable disagreement as to that investigation should be undertaken first. Until several years ago, IVP and VCUG were included as routine tests in all children after the first or second UTI. Recent studies indicate the ultrasound can effectively replace IVP as a screening procedure and Tc-DMSA scan is more sensitive than IVP for the detection of early stage of renal scar and predictability of VUR.

We performed the various imaging studies of urinary tract in 142 children, diagnosed as ter first UTI in Pediatric department of E.W.U.H. from March, 1984 to March, 1990 and evaluated the results retro spectively.

There results were as follow :

1) Abnormalities were observed in 42 of 142 children with(29.6%), 30 of 101 males(29.7%) and 12 of 41 female(29.2%).

2) Urinary tract anomalies were 22 primary vesicoureteral refluxes(15.5%), 9 obstructive uropathy(6.3%), 3 non-obstructing, non-refluxing megaureter(2.1%), 3 tones(2.1%), 3 renal anomaly(2.1%), one bladder diverticulum(0.7%). Obstructive uropathy was deceted more in male than female(p<0.05). Renal scars were observed in 10, 7 in male(6.9%) and 3 in female(7.3%).

3) The detection rates of abnormal finding were not significantly diffrent, 16.9% in VCUG, 22.2% in IVP, 23.3% in US and 28.1% in Tc-DMSA scan.

4) VUR, bladder diverticulum and PUV were 100% diagnosed by VCUG. Renal anomaly and dilated urinary tract of obstructive uropathy and non-obst. non-reflux. megaureter were 100% deteced by US, IVP and Tc-DMSA scan. One of 3 stones was missed by US but detected during VCUG. Ectopic ureter was the only one that needed IVP.

5) The predictive rate of VUR was 60% in Tc-DMSA scan significantly higher than US(36%) or IVP(23%)(p<0.05) . High grade VUR(Gr IV-V) was 100% predicted in all three exam but low grade VUR was more predicted by Tc-DMSA scan(50%) than US(10%) or IVP(5.6%).

6) Renal scar was diagnosed by Tc-DMSA scan(21.9%) significantly higher than IVP(6.0%) and US(1.0%). In comparision of Tc-DMSA and IVP in 32 completed cases. TC-DMSA scan had a higher diagnostic rate of renal scar with higher sensitivity than IVP.

In summary, we can decet major urinary tract anomalies and renal scar with more accuracy and less radiation with US and Tc-DMSA scan in acute stage and VCUG in 2 weeks. The additional value of IVP as a screening test was scant. IVP will be indicated in selected cases to delineate the morphology of urinary tract.

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Psychosocial Stressors and Ratings in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
Kyu Wol Yun
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):373-381.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.373

The psychosical stressors experienced in the 6 months prior to the adminssion were studied on 114 child and adolescenet psychiatric inpatients in the psychiatric department of Ewha Womans University Hostpital from January 1985 to December 1989.

The severity of psychosocial stressors was rated by using the suggested ratings of DSM-III Axis IV criteria by Plapp et al and compared with DSM-III 7-point scale, RAU and OHIO scale. In the demographic data, boys were more common than girls. the age of 16 to 18 and the senior high school grade were most common. The diagnostic proportion was revealed in order of frequency as follow : schizopherenia, conduct disorder, somatofrom disorder, affective disorder, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder and others.

The major distribution of psychosocial stressors with their frequency was family factors in schizophrenia, conduct disorder and others, physical illness or injury in somatoform disorder, interpersonal problems in affective disorder, and school performance in anxiety and adjustment disorder.

The mean ratings of severity of psychosocial stressors by diagnosis were higher than those of DSM-III 7-point scale and the highest in somatoform disorder.

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Operative Treatment in Patellar Fracture
Kwon Jae Roh
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):383-389.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.383

The aid of treatment in patellar fracture is the restoration of knee joint function and quadriceps muscle power. In this series, we experienced 37 cases of patellar fractures from March 1981 to March 1987 which were treated with operative care and followed-up at least 2 years at Department of the Orthopedic Surgery, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University.

The results were as follow :

1) Most fractures were encountered in man from twenties to thirties.

2) The traffic accident was the most prevalent cause(17 cases, 47%) and 24 cases(65%) of fracture were induced by direct injury.

3) The most frequent configration of fractures was comminuted.

4) Among the operative methods, the result of the tension band wiring was superior to other operative methods, but not significantly.

5) The long-term result of patellar fracture with operative management following trauma may be directly related to this initial damage, involvement of articular surface, duration of immobilization and operative method.

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Cervical Spinal Interbody Fusion with Surgibone
Dong Been Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):391-398.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.391

Experience with the use of the surgibone graft in anterior cervical interbody fusion employing the Cloward technique in 15 cases of the fracture-dislocation is reported.

The surgibone, manufactured from the bone of young calves, is heterogenous material that consists only of fibrils and crystallites.

With use of surgibone, iliac osteotomy is unnecessary, and this procedure is no problem of donor site pain and infection which can be possible in interbody fusion with iliac bone and rib graft and the aims of the operations are achieved, namely removal of the disc, fixation of the spine to prevent compression of the neurak tissues and stability of the spine.

The operative procedure is simplified and the time required for the operation is diminished, comparing to autogenous bone graft.

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Study of the Surgical Management of Pituitary Adenoma
Kyu Man Shin
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):399-407.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.399

The author has reviewed the results of microsurgical management in 56 patients with pituitary adenoma, In a series of 56 pituitary adenomas, 10(18%) were nonsecreting and 46(82%) produced hypersecretion syndrome : prolaction(34), human growth hormone(6), mixed prolactin and growth hormone(1), adrenocortcotropic hormone(5). The number of microadenomas were 6 cases. In the aspects of operative procedures the trans-sphenoidal procedure approach were given in 38(69%) cases and the transcranial approach in 18(31%) cases. In anatomic(radiographic and operative) classification, non-surprasella extension(5), occupies surprasellar cistern(27%), recesses of third ventricle obliterated(11), third ventricle grossly displaced(7) and parasellar extension(5) were observed. The overall morbidity and mortality were 3.6% and 10.7% respecterely.

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Urolithiasis is common but one the most important disease in the field of urology. Recently the incidence of urolithiasis is increasing according to the improvement of living standards in Korea. Althought the etiology and pathogenesis of urolithiasis are interactions of a very complex process ans has not yet been clearly established, it is believed that diet containing calcium, a one of the stone forming-components, such as milk may play a principle role in the stone formation.

We carried out epidemiologic study to determine the relationship between urilithiasis and dietary pattern changes to westernized food in Korean people. Comparision study was carried out between 1970s and 1980s.

The following results were obtained :

1) The yearly personal consumption of rice was not much changed in 1970s but in 1980s it continued to decrease. The yearly barley consumption continued to decrease after late 1970s, declining to level below 2kg in 1987.

2) The yearly personal comsumption of meat was not much changed upto mid 1970s but after 1977 it continueed to increase, showing 2.7 times increase in 1989 compared to that of 1977.

3) The yearly personal consumption of milk and dairy products was markedly increased ; 8.4 times in 1970s and 3.6 times in 1980s. In 1989 it increased 35.2 times compared to that of 1970.

4) Changes in the ratio of patients with urolithiasis to the total patients admitted to urologic department was not remarkable, but yearly, number of patients with urolithiasis continued to increase, especially from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. In 1970s the urolithiasis prevalence was highest in the regious such as Pusan, Kyungbook, Honam but in 1980s it changed its stage to Seoul.

5) Age distribution revealed under the age of 20, no specific changes were noted in both 1970s and 1980s. In 1970s urolithiasis patients over the age of 40 revealed high increase rate 3.4 times, but in 1980s age group over 40 only showed 1.6 times increase. to the surprise, age group between 20-40 showed 1.4 times increase, indicating not much differences between both age groups in patient numbers of increase rate.

6) Sex prevalence was greater in famale than male in both 1970s and 1980s.

7) Locational prevalence of urolithiasis showed increased rate of renal stone in both 1970s and 1980s. But that of bladder stone was not remarkable.

8) Seasonal prevalence revealed highest prevalence rate in summber and lowest in winter.

9) Through analysis of following factors ; higher living standards due to ecnomic growith, increased milk and meat concumption due to change in dietary pattern to westernized food, decrease carbohydrates such as rice and barley, we can conclude that dietary change is closely related to urolithiasis and its correlation is more significant in 1980s than 1970s.

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Carbon dioxide(CO2) laser is the the most commonly used laser in the treatment of cutaneous disorders of the skin. CO2 laser emits invisible far-infrared radiation of 10,600nm wavelength. This radiation is totally absorbed in a depth of only 0.1~0.2mm of water. Cutaneous tissue has a similar coffficient of absorption since it is 85~90% water. The internal scatter of the laser beam in water is minimal. These two factors, low penetration and minimal scatter, make the CO2 laser a highly localized tissue-destructive modality.

This study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic effect and complication of the CO2 laser on the cutaneous pigmented and vascular lesions. The data of the 110 patients who were treated between October, 1987 and March, 1989 and could be followed up over 3 months at the Department of Dermatology. Ewha Womans University Hospital were analyzed.

Patients were treated with Pfizer Laser System Model 20-C CO2 laser. The power ranges were between 2 and 10W using continuous wave accrding to the size and the shape of the lesions.

The CO2 laser was more effective modality in the treatment of the pgmented lesions. especially lentigenes and solar lentigo than cutaneous vascular lesions. In the cutaneous vascular lesions, CO2 laser was effective for rosacea and senile angioma.

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The Effect of Oxygen Asministration by Reservoir Tube During Immediate Postoperative Period
Guie Young Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):431-434.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.431

Arterial hypoxemia is a frequent occurrence in the immediate postoperaive period. For this reason many patients are given supplemental oxygen after operation.

The present study was undertaken to compare the oxygenation by the various techniques (room air, reservoir tube, nasal cannula and simple mask) of administration in 40 patients in the recovery room.

The results were as follows :

1) All patients were not found to be hypoxic at the time of admission in the recovery room.

2) There were significant increase of PaO2 and saO2 in reservoir tube, nasal cannula and simple mask group.

3) There were no significant changes in arterial pH, PaCO2 and base excess.

In conclusion, resevoir tube is recommended effective and convenience device as means of oxygenation in the postopertive period.

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Case Reports
A Case of Congenital Hypothyroidism Due to Thyroid Hypoplasia
Yeon Ah Sung, Nan Ho Kyung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):435-441.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.435

Congenital hypothyroidism result in permanent changes of skeletal system and intellectual development.

We treated a 37-year old man with congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid hypoplasia. He was presented with mental retardation, dwarfism, skeletal abnormalities including hip dislocation and megacolion. He has never been diagnosed or treated.

Thyroid function test revealed decreased serum T3 and T4. increased TSH and decreased I-131 uptake. Technetium-99m-pertechnate thyroid scan diclosed no functioning thyroid tissue, but normal serum thyroglobulin suggesting thyroid hypoplasia rather than athyrosis. X-ray filims of skull, hands, pelvis and knee revealed still present epiphysis, unerupted teeth, dislocated hip. A CT scan of abdomen revealed enlarged colon and tectum.

Neonatal screening program of congenital hypothyroidism will be needed in Korea.

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A Case of Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Successful Treated with Plasmapheresis
Young Youp Koh, Gyu Bog Choi, Kyun Il Yoon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):443-446.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.443

A patient with severe active systemic lupus erythematosus, who had not responded to conventional therapy, was treated with plasmapheresis and subsequent pulse cyclophosphamide. There was the reduction of anti-ds DNA level was deteced after plasmapheresis in conjunction with the immunosuppressive therapy could be and effective modality of management in patients with rapidly deteriorating SLE who are responding inadequately to the conventional therapy.

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Retroperitoneal Malignant Schwannoma Associated with Von Recklinghausen Disease
Hye Won Lee, Hee Chung Sohn, Ji Sung Kim, Soon Nam Lee, Eung Bum Park, Hye Soo Ku, Ok Kyung Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(4):447-452.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.4.447

Malignant schwannoma is a malignant neoplasm of nerve sheath cells. It develops in a solitary fashion or associated with Von Recklinghausen disease.

We experienced a malignant schwannoma in a 20-year old man with Von Recklinghausen disease. The lesion was gure, irregular, cystic and solid mass with septations in the right retroperitoneal region, inferior to the kidney. The histologic findings of retroperitoneal and pulmonary mass was compatible with malignant schwannoma. Incomplete excision due to infiltration to the adjacent tissue, radiotherapy and combined chemotherapy were performed.

We report a case of retroperitoneal malignant schwannoma associated with Von recklinghausen disease.

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