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Volume 15(4); December 1992

Original Articles
Incidence of Accidents in an Women's University : A Cohhrt Study
Jung-Sun Park, Cha-Hyung Wie
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):295-302.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.295

To determine the incidence rate and the epidemiologic characteristics of accidents in Ewha Womans University. a cohort observation was carried Out from August 1988 to July 1990.

The data were collected from the patients came to the University Health Center.

The major findings of this study were as follows:

1) The annual incidence rate of accidents was 18.4 in college students ; 8.5 in postgraduate students; and 17.4 per 1,000 in the faculty respectively.

2) The Autamn (41.8%) was the season of high ircidence for accidents, and the afternoon(49.9%) was the time of high incidence for accidents. However, there was no appreciable difference by day of week.

3) The places of high incidence for accidents were dormitory(14.6%). laboratories(11.8%), and play ground(9.1 %) except for outside the university(33.0%).

4) Self-carelessness(91.9%) was the most frequent cause of accident.

5) The frequent injury were abrasion(43.2%) and laceration(26.8%)

6) The frequent injured sites were hands(35.1%) and legs(31.3%).

7) The interval between tile occurance of an accident and the treatment was less than 1hour(46.6%).

8) After accidents, most college students(78.6%). visited the university health center for care during school days, but most postgraduate students(97.5%) and the faculty(75.6%) visited university dormitory health office during afternoon and night.


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  • Actual Survey on the Safety Conscious Practice and First Aid Knowledge of Health Department and Non-Health Department Female College Students (Oriented to Gwangju area)
    Hyo-Cheol Lee, Yong-Su Jang, Eun-Yung Choi
    Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology.2012; 10(2): 43.     CrossRef
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Chronosomal Abnormalities in Patients with Hemato-Oncologic Disease: Analysis of 42 Cases
Soon Nam Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):303-308.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.303

With development of new technology such as handing technique and high resolution banding technique, cytogenetic examination has been utilized greatly in diagnosis and treatment of patients with hemato-oncologic diseases.

Forty two patients with newly diagnosed and previously untreated hemato-oncologic diseases were examined for chromosomal abnormalities which included 11 cases of acute myelogenous leukemia(AML). 7 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and myelodyspalstic syndrome (MDS) each, 6 cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). 5 cases of other myelolproliferative disorders(MPD). 4 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(MHL). and 1 case each of aplastic anemia(AA) and malignant schwannoma(MS).

Two cases of AML(18.2%) showed 45 XO and aneuploidy. Four cases of ALL(55.5%) showed chromosomal abnormalities : 3 cases with Philadelphia chromosome and 1 case with 45 XO.

Only one case of MDS(14.3%) showed trisomy 8 and none of 3 cases which were converted to AML showed chromosomal abnormalities. Five cases of CML(83.3%) showed Philadelphia chromosome. Chromosomal abnormalities were not noted in cases of MPD, MHL, AA and MS.

Collective studies of chromosomal abnormalities in hemato-onclologic diseases should be investigated further.

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Change of Biogenic Amine Contents in Lead Intoxicated Rat Brain
Kyung Gyu Choi, Byung-Chul Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):309-318.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.309

Lead is an neurotoxic substance and its clinical effect on the central nervous system has been well known since several decades ago. As the development of industry becomes more rapid and widespread in the world, we can expect the amount of lead and its harmful effect On the human life would increase in the future. We think the behavioural effect of lead on the central nervous system might be the result of the change of the neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. We studied the change of neurotransmitter amount in the cnetral nervous system of rats after lead intoxication. There was a significant neurotransmitter(catecholamine and 5 hydroxytryptamine) change after lead intoxication in our study.

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A Clinical Study of Perinatal Autopsy
Gyoung Hee Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):319-326.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.319

Recently, the incidence of perinatal death in this country has considerably decreased by th improved antenatal care, increased hospital deliveries and developed resuscitative measures, but is still higher than that of developed country.

We studied about periatal death in order to prove more accurate cause of death by autopsy. We have observed perinatal death occuring in EWHA Woman's Hospital during about 11 year period from April, 1981 to May, 1992. The subjects of our study were 77 cases of still birth and 179 cases of neonatal deaths among 256 cases of total deliveries.

The results of the study were as follows;

1) The ratio of male vs female cases of autopsy was 1.69:1.

2) On distribution birth weight and gestational age, low birth weight under 2500gm occupied 62.5% (160 of 256 cases) and preterm babies were 52.7% (135 of 256 cases).

3) The majority of neonatal death occured within 24 hours of age.

4) The perinatal mortality rate was highest in the maternal age group 25~29.

5) In terms of relation between maternal complications during pregnancy and perinatal mortality, the most frequent disorder was previous IUFD(15.4%) and followed by preeclampsia (14.8%). hydroamnion (13.0%). placenta previa(10.5%) and infection(9.9%) etc.

6) The most common cause of periantal death was prematurity with HMD(26.9%) followed by malformation(26.2%), infection & inflammation(17.2%), intraventricular hemorrage(6.3%) and aspiration SD(5.9%) etc.

7) About fourty percent of congenital malformations were multiple(41.8%) and anencephaly and hydrocephaly were the most frequent in single malformation.

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Comparison between Echocardiography and Cardiac Cine-MRI : Left Ventricular Volume and Cardiac Output
Young Mi Hong, Eun Chul Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):327-335.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.327

The purpose of this study is to determine the utility of cardiac cine-MRI in the measurement of left ventricular volume and cardiac output. The results of cardiac cine-MRI were compared with those obtained by 2-dimensional echocardiography in 19 normal pediatric subjects.

The results are as follows:

1) The mean values of the parameters(end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, ejection fraction, stroke volume, stroke index, cardiac output, and cardiac index) which were calculated by cardiac cine-MRI, demonstrated excellent agreement with the results of 2-dimensional echocardiography(p>0.05).

2) Significant linear correlation was made when each parameter was compared between 2-dimensional echocardiography and cardiac cine-MRI(p<0.05).

3) End-diastolic and end-systolic volume which were estimated by 2-dimensional echocardiography and cardiac cine-MRI, were significantly increased according to increasing age or body weight(p<0.05).

The results of the study indicate that cardiac cine-MRI is likely to become a useful diagnostic modality to evaluate anatomic abnormalities in congenital and acquired cardiac diseases and to measure left ventricular volume and cardiac functions.


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  • A study on improvement of misdiagnosis rate in aortic regurgitation disease by physically correcting EF in 2D echo cardiography
    Kwan-Woo Choi, Soon-Yong Son
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(5): 2142.     CrossRef
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of lithium treatment on the serum total calcium, ionized calcium and phosphate in bipolar disorder.

The subjects were 20 patients. The total calcium, ionized calcium and serum phosphate were measured before and after lithium treatment, and the values were statistically analyzed.

The results are summarized as follows:

1) Serum total calcium level was significantly increased after lithium treatment(p<0.01).

2) Ionized calcium level was significantly increased after lithium treatment(p<0.05).

3) Phosphate level was significantly increased after lithium treatment(p<0.05).

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Measurement of Sebum Secretion Using a Lipid Absorbent Tape
Ki Bum Myung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):347-351.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.347

A lipid absorbent tape(Sebutape®)is a new device for measurement of skin surface lipid I have tested the utility of lipid absorbent tape method for the measurement of sebum secretion rates of 20 healthy adult males comparing with conventional hexane extraction technique. The results are as follows :

1) The average amount of total sebum collected using lipid absorbent tape technique and hexane extraction technique were 109.20±43.89µg/3hrs/cm2 and 113.94±47.l2µg/3hrs/cm2 respectively. and the correlated well(r=0.93).

2) The 2 techniques were in good accord with reference to their efficacy in collection of free fatty acid(r=0.55). triglyceride(r=0.76). wax and cholesterol esters(r=0.91), and squlaene (r=0.89) from the surface of the skin, but the correlation of cholesterol(r=0.17) was poor.

3) Lipid absorbent tape furnished a good means of visualization of the droplets produced by individual follicles.

Above results indicate that the lipid absorbent tape provide a new convenient technique for the measurement of sebum secretion rate and quantitation of components of skin surface lipids.

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Two hundred thirteen patients who underwent inguinal herniorrhaphy before 5 years old at Ewha Womans University Hospital during July 1986 to June 1991 were analyzed. The paients were classified into two groups. unilateral herniorrhaphy group and bilateral herniorrhaphy group.

The results of this study indicate the followings.

1) Among total 213 cases. unilateral herniorrhaphy was done in 160 patients and bilateral herniorrhaphy in 53 patients. ; The incidence of bilateral inguinal hernia was 25%.

2) The male to female sex ratio was 86% : 14%. and the incidence was highest in age group less than 1 year old(44.1%).

3) Among 53 cases with bilateral hernias. 19 cases had the simultaneous bilateral hernia and 34 cases had potential bilateral hernias. The incidence of potential contralateral hernia was 17.5% of total eases.

4) The incidence of bilateral hernia in each age group was 20~30%. with 25.6% and 20.0% in male and female, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant(p<0.1). Right side hernia showed potential contralateral hernia in 17.7% of cases and left side hernia showed in 17.3%, which was not significantly different(p>0.l).

5) Incidence of prematurity was not significantly different between two groups.

According to this study, since the incidence of contralateral hernia is low and there is no significant parameter for high potentiality of contralateral hernia, it is undesirable to explore the contralateral groin in all unilateral hernia patients.

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A Clinical Study on Ligamentous Injuries of the Knee Joints
Kwon Jae Roh
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):361-368.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.361

It has been well known that the knee joint is burdened on motion and weight bearing and structurally, it is more frequently injured than other joints. And ligamentous injuries of the knee joint are frequent, because of the increasing traffics and popularity of sports.

In seems to be important to understand on the mechanism of injury, method of physical examination and treatment of the ligamentous injuries of the knee.

The purpose of this paper is to get accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Sixty-four cases of ligamentous injuries in patients who were admitted and treated at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Ewha Womans University Hospital from March 1989 to February 1992 have been reviewed.

The results of this study were as follows :

1) The ligamentous injuries of the knee were more prevalent in male 2.2 times than female. and frequently occured in second to third decades(65.6%).

2) Traffic accident was the most common causes, and the most frequent associated injuries were fractures.

3) The most frequently ruptured ligment was medial collateral ligament and its most common site of rupture was femolar attachment.

4) Frequently, lateral collateral ligament was detached from the femoral attachment, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments were ruptured through their substances.

5) There were twelve cases of isolated cruciate ligament injury, four cases were posterior and others were anterior.

6) Excellent or good result was obtained in most cases by both operative and nonoperative treatment.

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Clinical Study of Parotid Gland Tumors
Chin Ho Yoon, Han Joong Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):369-373.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.369

The proper management of parotid gland tumors demands through knowledge of the anatomy of the involved region, a good understanding of the histopathology of all types of parotid gland tumors. and a thorough. well-planned operative technique.

Author reviewed a total of 78 patients of parotid gland tumors who had been admitted and treated in Ewha Medical Center during the period from 1985 to 1990.

The following results were obtained.

1) Female was affected 1.52 times more than males, and the most frequent age group was 4th and 5th decades.

2) The most common tumor of the parotid gland was pleomorphic adenoma(begin mixed tumor) with the incidence of 87.2% of all parotid gland tumors.

3) The benign tumors had slightly longer than malignant tumors.

4) The most frequent type of surgery performed for all parotid gland tumors was superficial parotidectomy.

5) Postoperative complications included facial nerve palsy that was 33.3% of all parotid gland tumor surgery.

6) The recurrence rate was 2.6%.

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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of bovine serum albumin on in vitro growth and development of mouse(C57BL×CBA) one-cell stage embryos in simple and complex media.

One-cell stage mouse embryos were differentiated to two-cell stage at an identical rate regardless of the nature of the media. simple(m-KRB) or complex(Harn's F-10). When bovine serum albumin was added to the media, one-cell stage embryos were also differentiated to two-cell stage at an identical rate in both simple and complex media.

So. therefore, exogenous factors such as the ingredients of media and protein supplementation did not seem to affect the early in vitro growth and development of one-cell stage mouse embryos to two-cell stage.

But, the late in vitro growth and development of one-cell stage mouse embryos from two-cell stage through blastualtion in complex medium were superior to those in simple medium.

And the late in vitro growth and development in bovine serum albumin supplemented simple medium was better than in bovine serum albumin free simple medium, but the late in vitro growth and development in bovine serum albumin supplemented complex medium was identical to those in bovine serum albumin free complex medium.

However, there is no definite conclusion to be made for including or for omitting protein in the preparation of media for the culture of preimplantation embryos. Rather, there may be some specific needs that depend on the species of embryos and on their stage of development, and perhaps on the purity of other ingredients of the media.

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Clinical Analysis of the Neck Tumor
Sung Min Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):383-387.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.383

The neck mass is easily found by physical examination but diagnosis is so difficult that conclusive diagnosis can be reached only histopathologically.

Among the 65 cases of neck mass during last 2 years. 22 cases of neck tumor confirmed by histopathological examination was clinically analysed retrospetively.

The results were followings :

1) Of 65 cases, 11 cases( 16.9%) were benign tumor and 11 cases(16.9%) were malignancy.

2) The most frequent benign tumor was salivary gland tumor(45.5%) and malignant was metastatic(54.6%).

3) Male to female ratio was 1: 1.2 in benign tumor and 4.5:1 in malignant masses.

4) Benign tumor was frequent before fifth decades(72.7%), whereas malignancy was detected mostly after the patient of fifth decades(90.1%).

5) 90.1% of benign tumor was located at anterior triangle and 63.6% of malignancy was located at middle jugular lymph node group.

6) Primary sites of metastatic neck masses were larynx, nasopharynx. tongue, thyroid and salivary gland.

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Genitourinary Tuberculosis : Experiences Over a Period of 16 Years
Bong Suk Shim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):389-396.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.389

One hundred sixty tour patients with genitourinary tuberculosis who were seen in the department of Urology of Ewha Womans University Hospital over the 16-year period 1976~1991 were studied. The author analyzed patient's clinical. radiological and laboratory dates.

The following results were obtained :

1) The number of admissions under the impression of genitoruinary tuberculosis were 203 which was 4.2% of total number of admissions. In 1970th, it took more than 5%, but in late 1980th. it took less than 3%.

2) The age of patients varied from 11 to 67 and the mean age was 38.8. The patients at ages between 20 and 40 took 70.8% of total number. The overall sex ratio male to female was 1.15:1. In patients at the age of less than 40. male was predominant by the ratio of 1.41:1, but at the ace of over 40, female was predominant by 1:1.5.

3) The frequency of involvement of kidney was the highest by 82.3% (135 case). and then followed by epididymis 14.6% (24 cases), prostate 1.8% (3 cases). Among l35 cases of renal tuberculosis. 15 cases(11.5%) occured bilaterally, and 53 cases(39.3%) and 67 cases(49.6%) occured at right side, respectively.

4) Patients who had histories of tuberculosis other than genitourinary tract were 42 cases(25.6%) ; 39 patients had pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculous pleurisy.

5) Most of patients had more than two symptoms. The urinary frequency was the most frequent symptom, which occurred in 52 cases(31.7%) ; and hematuria. flank pain and dysuria were also commonly seen. In four cases, there were symptoms of fever andoliguria.

6) In urinalysis, 55 cases(31.7%) showed both pyuria and hematuria. and 25 cases(15.9%) showed only hematuria. Urine AFB were seen on the microscope in 58 cases.

7) We could find the mixed type of infection in 26 cases(l5.9%) on the urine culture, and E. coli was seen most frequently among these( 11 cases, 6.7%).

8) On the excretory urography, there were non-visualized kidney in 57 cases(34.8%). hydronephrosis in 59 cases(36.0%). caliectasis in 47 cases(28.7%). and associated calcification and stones in 13 cases(7.9%). and most of these were combined.

9) In 43 cases, the treatment that has been used on the patients was INH. EMB. and RFP combination therapy only ; and for 121 cases. anti-tuberculous therapy and surgery were delivered. The most commonly used method of the operation was simple nephrectomy in 71 cases(43.3%). 23 cases of tuberculous epididymitis. all have been treated with surgical method. For the ureteral stricuture caused by tuberculosis, the endourologic methods of treatment were stent indwelling in 9 cases(5.5%) and balloon dilation in 7 cases(4.3%). Each of the cystoplasty and simple cystectomy with ileal conduit for contracted bladder caused by tuberculosis was performed in each 1 case.


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  • Analysis of the Causes of Nephrectomy in 1980-2005
    Chung Ho Cho, Ki Kyung Kim
    Korean Journal of Urology.2007; 48(8): 775.     CrossRef
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MR Imaging of Lumbar Disk Herniation
Eun Chul Chung, Jeong Soo Suh
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):397-403.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.397

Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of 47 patients with surgically confirmed lumbar disk herniation at 62 levels was studied retrospectively to evaluate the significance of MRI in diagnosis of lumbar disk herniation.

Prolapsed type of lumbar disk herniation is 47 cases(76%). lumbar disk herniation at L4-L5 level is 33 cases(53 %) and posterolateral herniation is 54 cases(87%). 6 cases(10%) of lumbar disk herniation in MRI were not matched with operative findings, due to lumbar scoliosis(4 cases) and lumbarization of S1 (2 cases). Associated abnormalities are 4 cases of Schmorl's nodule and 2 cases of spondylolisthesis, MRI shows excellent sagittal image and can differentiate extruding type of lumbar disk herniation from prolapsed type.

The result of the study indicates the MRI is likely to become the initial procedure of choice for evaluating patients with suspected lumbar disk herniation. If clinically incompatible with MRI findings, it is desirable that CT and/or myelography are complementary to MRI study.

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Effect of Sodium Bicarbononate on Acid-Base Status in Apneic Rabbit
Chi-Hyo Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):405-412.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.405

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has been used in the treatment of metabolic acidosis for more than 50 years until about 1980. and has almost become a matter or routine. But in most patients with cardiac arrest, shock or sepsis, impaired tissue oxygen delivery is the primary cause of lactic acid accumulation and the administration of sodium bicarbonate dose not appear to affect the underlying tissue hypoxia and is generally not successful in improving either acidotic state or clinical status.

The purpose in the present study was to examine the effect of sodium bicarbonate on acid base start in case of resuscitation of cardiopulmonary arrest state due to apnea combined with respiratory and metabolic acidosis.

Of a total of 12 rabbits, the control group(n=6) was given normal saline 3ml. and the experimental group(n=6) was given 5% sodium bicarbonate 3ml immediately after the induction of apnea intravenously.

Arterial and venous blood gas analysis was done. and arterial hemoglobin. K+. uric acid. lactic acid and glucose levels were measured immediately before the induction of apnea. immediately after the induction of apnea. 10 min and 30 min after the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The data were statistically compared & analysed with following results

1) In the control group arterial and venous blood gas analysis showed decreased values of pH. P02, oxygen saturation and base excess and increased value of PCO2 immediately after the induction of apena(p<0.001) compared to contol values(preapnea values), and all measures except bicarbonate concentration and base excess returned to normal ranges after CPR. Arterial K+ levels increased, glucose levels decreased compared to contol values immediatelv after the induction of apnea(p<0.05).

2) In the experimental group, arterial and venous blood gas analysis showed similar changes in all parameters immediately after the induction of apnea. and at 10 mm after CPR, pH, PO2, oxygen saturation arid base excess decreased compared to control value, But PCO2 increased(p<0.001). At 30 min after CPR. pH remained decreased but PCO2 remained increased compared to the control values(p<0.001). Arterial K+ level increased immediately after the induction of apena and lactic acid level increased immediately after the induction of apnea. 10 and 30 min after CPR compared to control values(p<0.05).

3) In the experimental group. arterial and venous blood pH. P02 oxygen saturation were lower. but PCO2 was higher at 10 min after CPR compared to control group(p<0.05). At 30 min after CPR. venous blood pH was lower. and arterial and venous PCO2 were higher compared to control group(p<0.05). Arterial K+ level at 10 min after CPR and lactic acid level at 10 and 30 min after CPR were higher compared to control group(p<0.05).

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The Effect of Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurans on Hepatic Function in Acute Hypoxic Rats
Guie Yong Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1992;15(4):413-417.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1992.15.4.413

The effects of halothane, enflurane and isoflurane on hepatic function in 50 Sprague-Dawley rats in the presence of acute mild hypoxic(oxygen 14%) condition were compared. Anesthetics were administered in 1 MAC halothane (1%), enflurane(2.2%), isoflurane(1.4%) with 40% oxygen for 1 hour, 24 hours later serum alaninie aminotransferase(ALT) and asparate aminotransferase(AST) measured. There were no statistically significant differences of ALT among study groups. There were significant differences of AST between hypoxic group and halothane, enflurane and isoflurane groups.

This study shows that admintistration of 40% oxygen with 1 MAC halothane, enflurane and isoflurane in acute mild hypoxic condition was not harmful on hepatic function.

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