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Volume 37(Suppl); December 2014

Case Reports
Spontaneous Renal Rupture Following Urinary Tract Infection and Its Recovery through Conservative Treatment
So-Hyeon Hong, Do-Youn Kim, Tae-Oh Kim, Ji-Yun Bae, Shina Lee
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S1-S4.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S1

Spontaneous renal rupture with subcapsular renal hematoma is a rare disease entity. Hereby, we report a 60-year-old female who presented with abrupt right flank pain and was diagnosed as spontaneous renal rupture with subcapsular hematoma related to urinary tract infection and review related literatures.

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Adrenocortical Insufficiency due to Spontaneous Bilateral Adrenal Hemorrhage Presented as Acute Abdominal Pain
A-Reum Cho, Ju-Young Hong, Dong-Ho Kim, Min-Ji Park, Mi-Hye Kwon, Keun-Young Park, Hee-Kwan Won, Dong-Mee Lim
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S10-S14.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S10

Adrenocortical insufficiency is the clinical manifestation of deficient production or action of glucocorticoids. It is a life-threatening disorder that can result from primary adrenal failure or secondary adrenal failure due to impairment of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Primary adrenocortical insufficiency can be caused by autoimmune adrenalitis, infection (especially, tuberculosis), metastatic cancer, lymphoma, adrenal hemorrhage, infarction or drugs. Among these, adrenal hemorrhage may be caused by anticoagulant drug or heparin therapy, thromboembolic disease, hypercoagulable states such as antiphospholipid syndrome, physical trauma, postoperative state, sepsis and severe stress from any cause. However, even fewer reports exist of adrenocortical insufficiency due to spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. We report a rare case of acute adrenocortical insufficiency due to spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage presenting as acute abdominal pain.


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  • A Case Report of Adrenal Insufficiency Treated with Korean Medicine
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    The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine.2017; 38(5): 583.     CrossRef
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Acute Septic Arthritis and Skin Abscess Caused by Neisseria cinerea
Hyo Moon Son, Ko Eun Lee, Soo Kyung Lim, Youn I Choi, Eun Kyo Jung, Miae Lee, Jae Kwang Kim, Hee Jung Choi
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S24-S27.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S24

Neisseria cinerea is bacteria known as non-pathogenic strain. However, in rare cases, it can cause opportunistic infections. Those diseases caused by N. cinerea include neonatal ophthalmia, proctitis, pneumonia, peritonitis in patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, endocarditis and meningitis. In this report, we describe a patient with septic arthritis and skin abscess of finger joints that was caused by N. cinerea. A 27-year-old man visited the hospital due to swelling, redness and pain of proximal interphalangeal joint of the left second finger. After blood culture test, ceftriaxone was administered on admission and debridement was performed the affected joints. N. cinerea was identified in the blood culture. The patient was improved with ceftriaxone.


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  • Infective Endocarditis Caused byNeisseria cinereain a 7-Year-Old Girl Who Had Undergone Surgical Pulmonary Valve Replacement
    Moon Sun Kim, Seong Ho Kim, So Ick Jang, Sang Yoon Lee
    The Ewha Medical Journal.2017; 40(4): 171.     CrossRef
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Actinomycosis Presented as Acute Appendicitis
Soo Kyung Lim, Hee Jung Choi, Hyo Moon Son, Yoon-Ii Choi, Min-Sun Cho
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S15-S18.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S15

Actinomycosis causes a chronic suppurative, granulomatous disease which is characterized by extensive abscess formation, and sulfur granule formation. Actinomycosis may present different clinical forms: cervicofacial, thoracic, abdominal and cerebral actinomycosis. The diagnosis can only be made after surgery. In general, patients with abdominal actinomycosis have undergone abdominal surgery. We report four cases of primary appendiceal actinomycosis presenting as acute appendicitis without history of abdomen surgery.

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Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Complicating with Asthma
Yong Moon Woo, Eun Jung Jung, Ji Seok Seong, Beom Jin Jeong, Young Jun Cho, Yeong Mo Kang, Eun Lee
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S19-S23.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S19

Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon disease that is defined as the presence of free air in the mediastinum in the absence of any obvious precipitating cause. This condition occurs as a rare complication of acute exacerbation of asthma. Classic symptoms include retrosternal chest pain, dyspnea and cough, but are not specific. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum complicated by asthma is usually self-limiting and well controlled with conservative management, but this condition can be potentially life threatening. We report a case of 18-year-old woman with asthma who presented with spontaneous pneumomediastinum. The patient was treated conservatively with oxygen and steroid therapy, and her clinical conditions were improved. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum disappeared.

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Anesthetic Management for Lung Adenocarcinoma Experienced Acute Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Cardiac Arrest
Jin Hye Han, Youn Jin Kim, Jong Hak Kim, Dong Yeon Kim, Guie Yong Lee, Chi Hyo Kim
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S28-S32.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S28

Vasovagal syncope is one of the most common causes of transient syncope during anesthesia for elective surgery in patients with a history of syncope and requires special attention and management of anesthetics. The causes and pathophysiological mechanism of this condition are poorly understood, but it has a benign clinical course and recovers spontaneously. However, in some cases, this condition may cause cardiovascular collapse resulting in major ischemic organ injury and be life threatening. Herein we report a case and review literature, regarding completing anesthesia safely during an elective surgery of a 59-year-old female patient with history of loss of consciousness due to suspected vasovagal syncope followed by cardiovascular collapse and cardiac arrest, which required cardiopulmonary resuscitation and insertion of a temporary pacemaker and intra-aortic balloon pump immediately after a fine-needle aspiration biopsy of a lung nodule located in the right middle lobe.

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma Arising from Non-Cirrhotic Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Min Roh, Tae Yeob Kim, Joo Hyun Sohn, Jae Keun Park, Seung Lee, Han Joon Kim, JuYeon Pyo, Young-Ha Oh
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S33-S36.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S33

The major risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma include hepatitis B or C virus infection and alcohol consumption in Korea which lead to liver cirrhosis development and progression. However, prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease related hepatocellular carcinoma is rising worldwide and hepatocellular carcinoma cases in patients with non-cirrhotic non-alcoholic steatohepatitis are increasing. A hypoechoic nodule was incidentally detected in a 52-year-old woman, with no evidence of liver cirrhosis or specific hepatocellular carcinoma findings on radiological examination. Non-cirrhotic non-alcoholic steatohepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed based on clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings of liver biopsy. To our knowledge, this is the first such case report in Korea.

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Amphetamine-Like Weight Reduction Drug Induced Acute Cardiomyopathy with Left Ventricular Thrombosis
Jeong Min Kim, Sung Kee Ryu, Jae Woong Choi, Dong Geum Shin, Yung Hee Lee, Hye Ran Kang, Won Young Chae, Ji Sang Park
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S37-S40.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S37

A 37-year-old female patient admitted due to dyspnea on exertion and peripheral edema. For one and a half years, the patient had been taking various drugs and supplements to reduce weight, including amphetamine-like drugs. The patient had no major cardiovascular risk factors except three pack-years of smoking. A chest computed tomography showed a 1.7 cm diameter, capsulated space-occupying lesion in the left ventricle (LV) and 2-dimensional echocardiography showed LV systolic dysfunction (Left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], 30%) with a mobile cystic mass (1.1×1.8 cm) that was attached to the LV apex, which was increased in size and number the next day, even with low dose low-molecular-weight heparin. With an increased dose of anticoagulation medication and heart failure management with diuretics and angiotensin receptor II blocker, LV dysfunction was recovered and the LV thrombus disappeared.


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Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone after Lung Transplantation
Young Su Joo, Chang-Yun Yoon, Seung Gyu Han, Eunyoung Lee, In Mee Han, Moon Sung Woo, Se Hee Park, Tae-Hyun Yoo
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S41-S43.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S41

A 54-year-old man was diagnosed as syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 7 days after lung transplantation, whereas the preoperative serum sodium level was normal. Hypertonic saline infusion with furosemide did not improve hyponatremia, however, tolvaptan corrected his serum sodium levels from 123 mEq/L to 131 mEq/L. Seven days after maintenance of tolvaptan, this drug was discontinued and hyponatremia did not occur. Herein, we report a case of SIADH after lung transplantation treated with tolvaptan.

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Chemotherapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer with End-Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis
Sang Il Choi, Sun Seob Park, Eun Jeong Ko, Si Won Lee, Mihong Choi, Kiwon Kim
Ewha Med J 2014;37(Suppl):S5-S9.   Published online December 24, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2014.37.S.S5

Small cell lung cancer is primarily treated with chemotherapy. For patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), systemic chemotherapy is often challenging since renal excretion of chemotherapeutic agents might be decreased due to impaired renal function, leading to increased toxicity. No consensus is made so far regarding appropriate dosage and combination of chemotherapeutic agents for patients on hemodialysis. We report two cases of chemotherapy without significant toxicity in small cell lung cancer patients who were on hemodialysis for ESRD.

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